Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011 - The Quagmire Year for Wisconsin Politics

This has been a very sad year for Wisconsinites who believe in democracy and justice for all.  In fact, this has been a year so enmeshed in controversy, underhandedness and downright illegal maneuverings by the GOP here in Wisconsin, that the GOP seems to have lost all credibility with thinking types. 

1.  A supreme court justice who failed to recuse himself from cases in which he personally benefited, and therefore compromised his impartiality.

2.  Milwaukee County staff who have stolen from Milwaukee County taxpayers while doing campaign work for Scott Walker on the county dime.

3.  A supreme court justice who put another (dissenting) justice in a choke-hold, and is under investigation for that crime.  (Personally, I believe Prosser is senile and should be put out to pasture rather than prosecuted.  This is one autocrat we really need to send packing.)

4.  An assault on basic rights for public workers that came out of nowhere and quickly snowballed Scott Walker into the national limelight as the Governor with the super secret, big business, corporate agenda.

5.  A state justice department too afraid of Scott Walker for its own good.  No one benefits from a state justice department made up of wimps and wussies.

6.  The most restrictive voter's rights laws in the country.

7.  A concealed carry law that now makes it relatively legal to be shot by anyone, anywhere, anytime, as long as they have a permit and feel endangered. 

8.  Alberta Darling remaining in office.  What an insult to the working class.

9.  James Sensenbrenner opening his fat mouth yet again when he really just talks out of his a$$.

Let's face it, 2011 was not a good year for democracy in Wisconsin.  It was a good year for crooks, thugs, and a$$holes, though.  We've got one of the a$$holes sitting in the governor's mansion.  A few more on the supreme court.  And let's not forget the most important a$$holes, those of you who voted republican.  May 2012 be a slap in the face to all of you!

On the bright side:

2012 is shaping up to be the year we stood up and slapped down the totalitarian, oligarchy and downright f*cking stupid sonsabitches who tried to take this great state down. 

It's sad, but my last words for 2011 is F*CK YOU, F*CK THE HORSE YOU RODE IN ON AND F*CK ANYONE WHO  LOOKS LIKE (OR VOTES LIKE) YOU.  It's been a bad year, but a real eye opener.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Duplicate Signatures on Recall Walker Petitions

It is now up to a Waukesha County judge to determine whose responsibility it is to check recall petitions for invalid signatures.

Why does this need to happen?  The recall process is clearly spelled out in Wisconsin Statutes, it is the responsibility of the person being recalled.  Why go to court?

But, we're talking about Scott Walker, so anything he can do to delay, impede, or destroy the recall process will be done. 

Scott Walker is a totalitarian governor masquerading in a democracy.  He reminds me of Hitler.  He should grow a mustache.  

As for Waukesha County rendering an honest opinion on this matter.......not BLOODY likely.

And if I see the Walker's television ad one more time; pretending to serve up food to actors pretending to be homeless at a soup kitchen, I sincerely will start screaming. I think the food is even pretend, it doesn't look edible.  If the Walkers are really interested in moving Wisconsin forward, they will pack their bags and leave.  The Clampetts have taken over the governor's mansion.  Possum is on the Christmas menu.  Maybe that's what the Walker's are serving up.

Thursday, December 29, 2011


The Milwaukee Journal reported today that Scott Walker plans to lift a cap on long-term care.  Ha Ha Ha Ha.

Federal authorities told Scott Walker's administration that he HAD to take that step.

Walker "touted the $80 million plan with advocates for the elderly and disabled at a Capitol news conference, but he made no mention of a recent order from the federal Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services, of CMS, directing his administration to lift the cap in the Family Care program."

Walker can't seem to find a single thing to brag about as far as his policies go, so he's bragging about actions that are forced on him by the federal government in response to his unfair policies and practices.

What a horse's a$$.  The amazing transparent cartoon.


Time to get my camera going, I guess.  The signage issue is relatively minor in my opinion.  What I don't like is anyone who stinks as bad as Walker coming onto my property.  That much stupid near my front door is just more than I can tolerate.

Second Update:  I took the Stand with Walker sign and laid it out in my backyard, where my springer spaniel promptly peed on it.  I think once she completes her morning eliminations atop the offending message, I'll take it over to to a Wauwatosa neighborhood and plant it in a front yard there.  Some of these people are as stupid as Waukeshates.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Walker Family Wishes us a Happy Holiday

More propaganda, this time the whole Walker family gathered around in Christmas bliss, begging us to put our political views aside, and enjoy the peace of the holiday season.

Hmmmm.  The most contentious governor in United States history asking us to forget his assault on working class people of the State of Wisconsin, in the spirit of Christmas.  Well, I don't think it's likely that parents who couldn't put presents under the tree for their little ones because of Walker's policies are feeling peace or bliss at this time of year. 

But Walker's P.R. folks have it all planned out.  What they didn't plan on was how utterly hypocritical Walker's t.v. spots would actually appear to the working class.  This is serving us (those who wish to see Walker in a new line of work) well.  The citizenry of Wisconsin is neither stupid nor particularly forgiving where Scott Walker is concerned.  And those who stand with him are viewed as just as stupid and disgustingly underhanded. 

But, the season of have is very much alive in the republican party here in Wisconsin.  Let's hope the have nots get out and vote in the recall election.


Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas

To all, Merry Christmas. 

Here's hoping that 2012 ushers in a year of sanity to the United States, especially politically.  But politics aside, it is a season for hope and rebirth, and I wish all people a better tomorrow!

Saturday, December 24, 2011


Some moron stole my brand new Recall Walker sign out of my front yard today.  Christmas Eve.  What a miserable, and probably republican, Scrooge.

I'll get another, and I'll let my dog out next time one of these idiots comes around here.  She can always tell a fascist by their rotten odor.


In his latest propaganda campaign on what a good governor he is, Scott Walker and his family are shown serving up meals at a soup kitchen.  Truly, this is one job the governor can probably handle.

How utterly appropriate.

If it weren't for Oil Can Scotty's ridiculous policies and totalitarian approach to governing, all those people receiving free meals would probably have jobs and benefits.  It's only fitting that the governor do his part to feed them.

At any rate, I'm hopeful that Scott Walker's propaganda campaign continues on its dead on approach to showing Wisconsinites what kind of many we're really dealing with here.  We don't need volunteers at soup kitchens, we need a person who can permanently remove the need for soup kitchens.  Obviously, Mr. Walker is not up to that task.

As Mayor Tom Barrett said, we all hope Mr. Walker will find a new line of work.  And soon!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Scott Walker - The Bernie Madoff of Politics

Scott Walker is a$$ deep in political trouble.  Like Bernie Madoff and Rumplestiltskin, he tries to spin gold out of straw dung with the millions of dollars that pour into his coffers from rich white men. These rich white men have a lot at stake in keeping a political hack in their back pocket.

Walker's pyramid scheme is exposed, and the citizenry of Wisconsin see themselves in the place he's put them, crushed under the giant stones at the very bottom.  Of course, this is where the rich white men want us.  Then they can revert to being robbers barons (the correct term for those the GOP refers to as job creators) and take the country back to slavery, where the masses toil and the rich reap all the rewards.

When I see a pro-Scott Walker television ad, what I see is red.  I hate liars.  Scott Walker is a liar.  He ought to be ashamed of himself, considering he was an eagle scout and the son of a preacher.  If I believed in hell, I would believe Scott Walker would burn there.  But I believe we're already in hell, and Scott Walker put us there.

Thursday, December 22, 2011


James Sensenbrenner, you all remember him from his drunken, wrong way of the freeway driving arrest of several years ago, had the audacity to comment on Michelle Obama's posterior.  One more large a$$ with nothing to say.  Mr. Sensenbrenner ought to be ashamed of himself.  A personal attack and insult on the president's wife is simply symbolic of the GOP and their disgusting views and underhanded tactics.  The party of totalitarianism, and totally inept public speakers.  The party without a brain. 

Scott Walker is being sued by a woman denied an appointment in Marquette County, Wisconsin; said appointment going to an inexperienced person who happened to be a crony of the Walker campaign.  Here's a large a$$ who hands out jobs like they were candy canes, to people unqualified to perform the duties. that would surprise anyone.  The unqualified always support the unqualified.  This is how they hide behind their incompetence.

I can only hope that enough of these public exposures of the GOP's inability to address any problem with logic, reason and diplomacy will insure Barack Obama's reelection.  Seriously, if handing out insults was a trait for future leaders of our country, then hell, I should be elected president.  Yeah.  I'd be great.  I'd go right to congress and tell everyone of those bickering bastards that their service to the United States is over and they're all going to be deported to Syria immediately.  Then, like Scott Walker, I'd rewrite and pass the law to make it all happen.  Obviously, I'd make a terrible president.  So would anyone from the GOP.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Mike Gableman, The Personification of a Bottom Feeding Lawyer

I've never had a great deal of respect for lawyers.  From ambulance chasing to the United States Senate, they seem, as a group, devoid of all traits that would be coveted in a human being.

That being said, let's talk about the bottom of the bottom.  Mike Gableman.  Even his face looks as if he's sucking sludge off the bottom of a stagnant pond.  Not that that's a surprise for a lawyer.  But how this guy thought he could get it over on the Wisconsin citizenry by underhanded practices, accepting free legal services, and then making biased decisions as he sat on the Supreme Court is just beyond me. 

I truly believe that the GOP in Wisconsin, and possibly the United States, has sunk to new lows of moral depravity.  One thing is certain, a person like Mike Gableman sitting on the Supreme Court of Wisconsin is akin to Michele Bachman opening a family planning/abortion clinic.   A person like Mike Gableman sitting on the Supreme Court is an insult and a lie, and I'm sure his fellow justices hold their noses in his presence.  Mr. Gableman is morally reprehensible, and not fit to hold any public office, not in a democracy.  Maybe in the oligarchy we're heading to, but not in a democracy.

And let's not forget the sleaze bags at Michael Best & Friedrich.  This law firm is seriously entrenched in criminal behavior.  I hope someone loses their license to practice law over this debacle.  Hopefully, it will be Gableman.

Monday, December 19, 2011


I just can't help myself, when I see Scott Walker on television espousing on one thing or another, it just makes me laugh.

Today was no exception.

Here is Scott Walker, explaining why he filed a lawsuit in Waukesha (sucks so bad) County, demanding that the Government Accountability Board take responsibility for the integrity of the recall petition signatures.  He said he wants to preserve the integrity of the process.

Number One.  What the F*ck would Scott Walker know about integrity, and for that matter, what would Waukesha (sucks so bad) County know about adjudicating anything fairly.

Number Two.  Scott Walker is determined to continue with his underhanded, dirty politics and pull out every stop, legal or illegal, to dissuade the citizens of Wisconsin from kicking his sorry a$$ out of the governor's mansion.

Scott Walker is starting to sweat.  He looks like Paris Hilton in a scrabble tournament.  Woo Hoo, we're getting to this complete idiot, one signature at a time.

Saturday, December 17, 2011


One of my fellow bus riders sent me this very important expression, which I think we all should consider at this time of year.

Words to live by:


Thanks, Bus Rider!  You made my day!  Proof Positive that the best cure is sometimes right in front of us, and all we need to do is put it behind us.

Friday, December 16, 2011

GOP Out of Control

The GOP in the State of Wisconsin is completely out of control.

Mike Gableman received free legal services from Michael Best & Friedrich.  He is a state supreme court justice.  He is adjudicating several cases before the supreme court involving the law firm which gave him free services.

If the people in Wisconsin, or anywhere, think this behavior is acceptable, then we are truly in trouble. 

We are fast approaching the point where recalling these people is not acceptable nor practical.  We had better start thinking about what our options are where these gangsters are concerned.  One thing is  certain, these crooks belong behind bars, not behind the protection of the uber rich.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Nuttin' to Worry 'Bout

Scott Walker says he has nothing to worry about regarding the secret John Doe investigation into campaign irregularities (supposedly - no one is sure yet what this investigation is looking at or where it will ultimately go).  Mr. Walker states that he has nothing to fear because he lives by the highest standards, given to him by his mom and pop.

Sheesh!  Ma & Pa Walker also gave Scotty Boy his intellect, and there's certainly plenty to worry about there.  Let's not forget that bald spot, also inherited.  Lazy eye?  Greasy palms?  No clue into how stupid he actually looks and sounds?

At any rate, an inherited moral code?  If Scott Walker is going to say his high standards are reflective of the manner in which his parents raised him, well, call me skeptical, but Scott Walker wouldn't know a high standard if it smacked him in the face.   Hard to imagine Scott Walker's parents being as dense and morally depraved as he is, especially in view of their religiosity.  Oh well.  Warren Jeffs is religious too, there in his prison cell serving time for sexually abusing underage females.  Religiosity.  Not necessarily a call to honor.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Russ Feingold Not Going To Be The Next Governor

Russ Feingold does not intend to run against Scott Walker in the recall election.  Sad news.  The day Russ Feingold was replaced in Washington D.C. by that utter horse's a$$, Ron Johnson, was a dark day for Wisconsin and for America. 

In the interview that aired today, however, Russ Feingold made the comment that to leave Scott Walker in office is dangerous.  How true, and this from someone who really knows what he's talking about.  Walker is a menace.  So are the people who voted him in.  Well, maybe they're less menacing and just truly ignorant, but whatever they are, they pose a threat to common, decent people.  And these mental giants all seem to live in Waukesha or Ozaukee County.  Well, at least we know where to round them up if the threat they pose becomes so serious, common, decent people decide to take the law into their own hands.  Much the way these oligarchy types have done. 

We no longer have elections in the United States.  We sell our legislative seats to the ass with the most money.  As if making money equated with intelligence.  Money as a benchmark for success I can understand, even if I don't agree with it.  But as a benchmark for intelligence, no F*CKING way in hell.  I have known a slew of very rich and entirely stupid men.  It's been my unfortunate fate. 

At any rate, we are moving toward the recall of the dangerous criminal known as Scott Walker here in Wisconsin.  After a year of watching a governor demoralize and destroy this state, we are all tired of the fight, tired of the lie, and tired of the constant assault on our people, our environment, our educational institutions and our basic rights that we are all guaranteed under the Constitution of the United States.  I'm tired.  I'm sick and tired of toilet politics.  Mostly, I'm sick and tired of the people who take this country down to black, cold depths through their ignorance, their incompetence and their lack of insight.

Monday, December 12, 2011

What Does The U.S.A. Need in a Leader?

Watching the GOP presidential debate turned out to be less comical and more concerning than I thought it would be.  The slate of candidates who all covet the job as most powerful political person in the world leave so much to be desired, both as politicians and as a human beings.

There were a few good points made.  For example, Ron Paul actually addressed the fact that we need to stop going to war.  If we did that one simple thing, we would actually never be in a budget deficit again.  So he gets that.  But he doesn't get much else.  I found it refreshing to hear someone actually say - cut defense spending!!!!

Michele Bachman says that cutting out the EPA and Obama care is all we need to do for our economy.  Excuse me?  Clean air and clean water will always be fundamental in a list of needs Americans actually have.  Health care for everyone is not a dream - our neighbors in Canada do just fine with it.  It's the profiteering insurance and drug companies who don't want this, and the pandering to big business that makes Michele Bachman little more than a street walker.

Newt Gingrich is the Walmart of politicians.  Let's get rid of child labor laws so poor kids can go to work cleaning the schools where the education system is utterly failing them.  Walmart is the single largest consumer of child labor in the world.  Newt Gingrich is Walmart, personified.

Romney also said something that made sense - government doesn't create jobs.  No kidding.

Newt Gingrich had the audacity to wink during Ron Paul's diatribe on his hypocrisy.  I believe it is absolutely true, Mr. Gingrich is indeed the poster boy of crony capitalism. 

Here's a Romney gaff.  Let's leave health care up to the states.  Yeah.  Right.  Scott Walker has kicked so many people off health care benefits in the state of Wisconsin, and is still looking for reasons to kick more people off.  Obviously, if the state is run by a moron (and so many of them are), this is not a solution, unless you're thinking in terms of a final solution.

Frankly, the United States can't afford the hairspray for Michele Bachman.

None of these candidates impressed me as having the sense to run a 5th grades civics class, much less the largest free nation in the world.  But it all bodes well for Barack, who should remain in office and who should start planning to kick some old rich white man a$$ come 2013.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

The Republican Presidential Debate.....OR......How to Find Comic Material for a Blog

I intend to watch the GOP slate of presidential candidates debate tonight on television; not because I'm interested in anything these, uh, less than stellar thinkers have to say about the state of our nation, but because, from a comic standpoint (think of me as Banya) THIS IS GOLD, JERRY, THIS IS GOLD.  If you don't understand that last comment, please get into watching reruns of Seinfeld.  Anyone of the characters on that sitcom would be a better presidential candidate than Newt, Rick, Michele, Mitt, etc.

I'll have to post tomorrow all my comments after viewing the debate, and trust me, I'll be taking notes.  This is better than comedy central.

But since its today, let's talk about my least favorite place in Wisconsin, Waukesha County, home of the seriously uninspired and insipid.

Apparently the Waukeshates don't like Scott Walker recall petitioners in their neighborhood, and have been getting in the faces of election workers out gathering signatures.  Brute force is always the political fallback method of the seriously intellectually challenged.  Look at the Nazis.  Scott Walker has proven himself to have behaved little better than Hitler and boy, have the Nazi followers gathered in Waukesha County.  I promise to sing Deutschland, Deutschland, Deutschland next time I ride through Waukesha on my way to somewhere else.  That is, afterall, the only reason to venture into Waukesha.  Waukesha, the new Aryan Nation.

Anyhow, all this thuggery from the GOP and their backers makes me sort of wish anarchy would hurry up and get here.  I'd like nothing better than to kick some Waukesha a$$ around a subdivision.  How fun would THAT be?  Bullies are always wimps, and I'm pretty sure, even with my injured right hand, I could slap the crap out of any Waukeshate, anytime. 


Friday, December 9, 2011

New Assaults on Planet Earth, Courtesy the Republican Party of Wisconsin

Assembly Republicans in the State of Wisconsin have unveiled legislation to ease water protections, lighten restrictions on waste rock disposal, and demand the state Department of Natural Resources speed up its review processes.  Also included on this environmentally devastating bill, the elimination of the ability of citizens to challenge a DNR decision through a hearing process as a first step before a possible lawsuit in state court.

All of this is brought to you by the Republicans who are trying to push through Gogebic Taconite of Hurley, Wisconsin's plans to construct a $1.5 billion mine in portions of Iron and Ashland counties that would employ 700 workers.

The bill quickly came under attack from environmental groups.  Amber Meyer Smith, Director of Government Relations for Clean Wisconsin said, "I don't know how anyone could say with a straight face that this bill doesn't contain huge rollbacks to environmental laws and gut the public input process". 

Amber didn't realize she was dealing with Scott Walker, Jeff Fitzgerald, etc. (the usual yokels) who aren't capable of straight faces because they are as crooked as seven dollar bills.  They further aren't able to consider the negative effects of anything that smells like money.  Again, Republicans revere the almighty dollar at the expense of anything, and anyone else.  I wish I had a big pile of $100 bills I could burn on the capitol steps in Madison.  I would do it willingly, happily, and, I'm happy to admit, not quite virginally, because I've burned $100 bills before, to prove a point.  I think I have to be caught in the act to get arrested for that.  It is a crime; one I'd gladly commit over and over again, just to PI$$ off the rich.

These guys talk about the big boost for the economy of northern Wisconsin.  What they fail to mention is that this is some of the most pristine real estate in the State of Wisconsin.  The waters here are clean.  The air is pine scented and perfect.  The national forests are here, home to so many species you can't swing a cat up there without hitting, well, a cougar. 

I hope my sisters and brothers on the reservations and in the casinos up there will stand with me against this huge mining debacle that will only hurt the State of Wisconsin and its northwoods residents.  Thank the spirit in the sky that the native Americans will have plenty of voice and plenty of clout in this fight.  It doesn't make a bit of sense to sacrifice clean water, clean air, the destruction of wetlands and any natural resource for a few hundred jobs.  It's this kind of backward thinking that has us at the edge of destruction with global warning.  Do we have to jump on every bandwagon of misguided thought that rolls through the party of the rich without remorse?

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Corporate Greed

I work in retail.  Not for much longer, but right now, I work in retail.  It is a very annoying job.  I'm supposed to promote the opening of credit cards, which carry a ridiculously high interest rate, to people who can ill afford that kind of credit card debt.  Even if you can afford it, why would you?  The corporation I work for could care less about that.  There job is to sell things on credit so that the items, no matter how deeply discounted, will end up costing the average purchaser twice the sticker price.  This is good corporate business.  This is a good example of corporate greed.  This is also called the Great American Game of Shafting the Consumer!

I have many friends at the large retailer where I work.  They make diddly squat for wages and have, for the most part, few benefits.  In order to get a raise at this retailer, one must attain certain sales goals, which are manipulated by the retailer so that they are almost impossible to attain.  Therefore, you will make the same money when you leave employment as when you started.  This saves the retailer a lot of money.  Minimum wage is corporate greed.  Never mind that you came to work on time, every scheduled day, and sold plenty of shoddy pieces of merchandise at inflated prices to an unsuspecting public.  You didn't make your sales goal and you will not get a raise.  Corporate greed at work.

In the worst economy since the great depression, sales associates are forced to listen to "rallying" speeches wherein we are told how to sell more, how to make sales goals and how we're all falling down on our duties because the major retailer did not make the store sales goal the day before.  We are chastised and threatened to do better, whined at by the store manager, despite the fact that if we do sell more, it won't make a damn bit of difference to our personal bottom line or sense of job satisfaction.  The retailer will reap all the benefits.  You might get a free cookie out of the deal at an employee appreciation event.  I'm so honored.  Flour and fat.  The new corporate benefit.

At any rate, this seems to be the way of America today.  This major retailer is probably reflective of every American business operating today.  And people wonder why there are so many Toyota's (mine included) on the road.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Teachers for Scott Walker

Trust me when I say it, there are no teachers living in the State of Wisconsin who would stand with Scott Walker.

Scott Walker's current television ad campaign keeps presenting (actors acting as) teachers, standing with him.  It is this artful manipulation of reality that speaks to the mentality of Scott Walker backers.  People who stand with Scott Walker apparently love to be lied to and enjoy their delusions.    They won't check a fact, and believe everything Scott Walker says on television is the gospel truth.  They don't get that their acid trip has started to go bad. 

I'd really like to know the moment when saving a tax dollar began to equate with idolatry?  More importantly, when did saving a tax dollar while dismissing the needs of the most vulnerable members of our society equate with good politics?  And when did the republicans lose all characteristics of being human beings and become the hideous monsters they truly are today?

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

What Will Scott Walker Do Next?

Pending his recall and being run out of Madison on a spiked rail, what do you think Scott Walker should do next? 

Send me your suggestions!

I think he could:

Do a commercial for Popeil Spray On Head Fuzz.

Operate a steam roller for all the road projects he green-lighted.

Run for Mayor of Wauwatosa. 

Sell inner-city real estate.

Give away bibles, like the Mormons give away their books.

Let me know what you think!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Sports Weekend

Let's just take a moment's break from Wisconsin's dirty toilet of bad politics and sing some praises about our sports teams!

In two real nail biters, Wisconsin's football teams took over the limelight this weekend.  The Badgers won the inaugural Big Ten Championship, defeating Michigan State to advance to the Rose Bowl in Pasadena on New Year's Day.  It wasn't exactly a drumming, but it certainly was a good ending to a championship season.  My husband is a UW alumni, so the fever pitch coming from our den during the game was enough to send me upstairs to watch "It's A Wonderful Life" for the thousandth time.  I get a little nervous when games are that hard fought and difficult to call.

The Packers advance to 12 and 0.  The game against the Giants was enormously stressful, a real on the edge of your seat nail biter.  The Giants played hard and fast, but it just wasn't enough, in the end. 

So our sports teams take a little of the negative light off our state, and make us look enthusiastic, determined and focused on winning.

Let's hope the recall elections do the same for all of us.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

How To Win The Recall of Scott Walker

All of the people engaged in the Wisconsin movement for recalling Scott Walker need to do is expose the lies in every one of his "moving Wisconsin forward" b.s. television ads, and tell the viewing public who these groups are paying for the ads,, i.e., The Koch Brothers, and other right wing agenda "foundations"(?).

The Koch brothers are heavily involved, providing great sums of money to fight the recall so they can have Walker's administration ignore or change Environmental Protection Laws, thereby insuring more profit in their pockets. These groups, operating under various names, are little more than common criminals.  Scott Walker sold his soul to these people.  Let's show them what we already know; Scott Walker's soul is worthless.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Could Scott Walker Have a More Repugnant T.V. Ad?

I just watched, for the umpteenth time, Scott Walker's t.v. commercial wherein a "teacher" by the name of Kristi, says that she stands behind Walker 100% for doing exactly what he said he'd do.

I have a few problems with this.  First of all, Scott Walker did exactly what he DIDN'T say he was going to do, i.e., destroy the unions and about 500,000 lives.

Second, and by far more importantly, this "teacher" says she stands behind Scott Walker 100% and that a recall election is just "sour grapes".  Listen, Sweetie Darling,  You just ate those sour grapes.  You're not a teacher, you're a paid actor.  And, after all, since you'll do anything for money, you're just a whore, bought and paid for by the Koch brothers.

Third, and of this I am certain, if you were actually a Wisconsin teacher, you'd get your a$$ kicked royally by real teachers.  For that, I'd gladly pay the price of admission.  In fact, I'd stand in line to kick your a$$ through blinding snow, sleet, tornados, and the Santa Ana winds, which is probably exactly what you're enduring there in Southern Cal, where you can't get a real acting job.  Note:  To act, one must be authentic.

Scott Walker is a little mouse caught in a big trap --- his lying mouth.  Scott Walker's days as governor are numbered.  No matter how much money the Koch whores ante up.

Herman Cain Says Goodbye

Herman Cain has suspended his presidential campaign. 

Oh well.

Note to future presidential candidates:

If you have had an extramarital affair, have sexually harassed someone, financially supported a woman not you wife, and/or paid out money to silence someone about your misdeeds, you are going to have to deal with the mistrust the American public will ultimately feel for you.  Newt, are you listening?

At any rate, we have one contender down in a field that is looking more and more like a Ringling Brothers Clown School roster than a presidential slate.  Good. 

I've been a little disappointed in President Obama --- I believe he's very intelligent and has excellent ideas, but he could have benefited from a little street tough charisma.  The republican party, the party fully engaged in trying to destroy democracy, has run roughshod over President Obama, and he has not defended himself or the values he holds dear.  He is, however, a diplomat and has tried, honestly, to work with republicans.  That is sort of like trying to work with the lion you have been fed to. 

In the overall scheme of things, though, Obama is still our best bet, still democracy's best bet, still America's best bet.  Maybe he will come out swinging once he is elected to his second term.  All Americans who have watched his first term and the tremendous number of difficulties handed him by George Dubya, feel very strongly that it's time for the kid gloves to come off.  I believe Obama has a great sucker punch in him, and I can't wait for the day he delivers it to the GOP, the uber-rich, and the 1%.  Never has a group of people most sincerely had it coming! 

Ssshhhhhh! John Doe in Progress

Today, The Milwaukee Journal/Sentinel reports that another person has been called in to testify before a grand jury investigating, well, no one is exactly sure what, but I'm guessing campaign irregularities in Scott Walker's gubernatorial race.

This person wants his identity kept secret, in these secret proceedings, but that is not going to be allowed.  We're all anxious to find out who this latest witness is.

I am really hoping that indictments are handed down exactly one month before the recall election of Scott Walker.  This will give the democrats plenty of time to mount an ad campaign to insure a victory.  I don't think all the money in the Koch brothers coffers could help Scott Walker, if that scenario were to play out.  A true example of "cash ain't nothin' but trash". 

Has there ever been a political arena as fraught with dangerous and despicable behaviors as republican politics in Wisconsin is right now?  Scott Walker appears to be the state version of Richard M. Nixon.  I'm doubtful that any politician has caused as much dissent or disillusion as Scott Walker has caused.  But I'm also hopeful that this state where I live will indeed show itself to be honorable and fully enmeshed in democracy.  We are Wisconsin and we are determined to fix this mess brought to us by the GOP, the uber-rich and the ultra-ignorant.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Don't Protest Me

Here is backward thinking.  Instead of governing in a way which would garner respect from the masses, Scott Walker has decided to change the way Americans are allowed to protest in Wisconsin.  He is a reactive governor, he reacts to negative press and really hates the fact that people can gather to tarnish his image.  Doesn't even begin to understand his image is his own creation, and it is downright decayed.   One would think Scott Walker would be quite accustomed to negative press by now.  Protesters must now apply for a permit to gather on the capitol grounds in protest of anything.  Scott Walker, obviously, has never read the United States Constitution.  Mores the pity; we have so many uneducated talking heads in the political arena.

I think the democrats in Wisconsin are doing an excellent job of countering the billionaire funded ads touting Scott Walker.  Just real people, with real problems and no real jobs or benefits.  This is a powerful statement, much more realistic than the professionally made up actors and actresses hired to pay lip service to Scott Walker.  You can put lipstick on a pig, but it is still recognizable as a pig. 

The latest buzz is Scott Walker's imposition of a ban on collecting signatures for his recall in state buildings.  Again, Mr. Walker does not understand the constitution.   Mr. Walker, in his defense, does not understand how to change a toilet paper roll, so this should come as no surprise.  However, Mr. Walker just looks worse and worse everyday, and this is absolutely playing into the hands of true democracy supporters who want Mr. Walker to walk east until his hat floats.

Power to the people and a great big UP YOURS to Scott Walker and all of his lamely misbegotten followers!