Friday, March 20, 2020

Welcome to the Petri Dish

It's a real disaster here in America.

We have a president who:

1.  Told citizens Covid19 was a democratic hoax.

2.  Kept the numbers of virus infections a secret from citizens because the numbers would make him "look bad".

3.  Continually lies about medicinal cures and equipment availability, while patting himself on his back and saying he's a real war-time president.

4.  Sent a couple of naval hospital ships to help in Washington State and New York.  Ships - but no medical staff.

5.  Shirks any responsibility for causing this debacle and wouldn't know how to fix this debacle because all the king's horses and all the king's men are basically total flunked out sycophants.

6.  When he does get someone decent to address the crisis, he barely lets him speak, because this one, solitary, loan doctor will tell the truth.

7.  The New York and Los Angeles mayors are taking extreme action, which should be taken nation-wide, to help curb the spread of Covid19.

8.  Trump "doesn't think" we need to be extreme.  Well, Trump doesn't think.  That's what we all know.

Frankly, all Trump can do is lie.  That's all he's ever been able to do.  He is no negotiator, he is no diplomat, he is no statesman.  He's a total fool in a big fat body with a teeny tiny, barely functioning brain.  He not only didn't drain the swamp, he IS the swamp.

And he's going to kill us.

Why are we letting him stay in office?