Monday, April 25, 2022

Plasticene People Eating Marshmallow Pies

 I have to take my news in small doses to prevent going off the deep end in depression and anxiety.  But some trend that caught my eye on the internet was "book styling".  

Apparently, there is someone in Hollywood who actually puts books in celebrities' arms for photo ops.  These books are intended to make said celebrities look smart, hip, on track, timely, sophisticated, interesting or intelligent.  Never mind that the plasticene celebrity probably never actually reads the book.

I confess to being a literary snob.  I read classics and literature and biographies and memoirs.  I read articles and magazines that offer some cerebral stimulation.  I do not read Danielle Steele novels or anything with a picture of a fainting woman in some dashing man's arms on the cover.  (I confess I love Stephen King and always will, along with Christopher Moore, Tom Robbins and Kurt Vonnegut).  But I also love Dostoevsky, Steinbeck, Wharton, Sarte, Dickens, Twain ..... you get the picture. (Or not)  

So the thought of these plasticene people with their fake boobs, fake asses, fake faces and fake lives believing they can buy themselves legitimacy and intelligence by posing with a book annoys me beyond measure.

Plasticene people, please live your plasticene lives in your plasticene mansions with your plasticene material goods.  But don't try to fool us into thinking you are in any way, shape or form intelligent because you had a good book in your hand during a photo op.  So many of you are so stinking pathetic,  It's a shame to pay such huge sums of money to such (maybe) average intelligence kinds of folks.  But it's America.  It's Hollywood, and image is all that matters.

Unless you're me.  In which case, you're appalled.  And disgusted.  And just generally over "stylists" of any kind.  Can't figure out what dress to wear with what shoes, or what book to be seen with?   Please just go drown yourself in the ocean.  Make the world better one plasticene death at a time.