Sunday, November 6, 2022

Pollsters and Pundits

 I truly find the news media outlets to be supremely annoying in election years.  If they're not spelling doom for the democrats, they're spelling doom for the republicans.  It varies day to day, and it's all based on sample polling, which has an awful lot of room for error.

The media in this country needs to stop being so full of themselves that every irrelevant opinion they form makes its way to national coverage.  If its comfusing to me, it is really confusing to people with less experience than me in understanding that some news has become entertainment driven.

This election is important.  And unless you have an IQ of less than 65 points, I think all of us understand how important it is.  The right wants to push their religious based autocratic agenda.  The left is thinking about what's best for everyone here, and not worrying about tax increases. 

Speaking of tax increases, why do millionaires and billionaires want to hang on to all that money?  They can't possibly spend it in a lifetime.  I wish they'd shut up and just pay their fare share instead of buying media outlets and politicans to help them avoid taxes.  If only they'd spend a little of all that money they spend on buying a nation unfit for anyone but themselves to live in, on humanitarian issues. What a utopian society we would have.  But they're all for dystopia.

There is a thing called too much information.  It's sort of like being on a first date and explaining you want six children to make up for the abortions you've had in the past.  Some things are just better left unsaid, unless asked.  I feel this way about CNN, MSNBC, FOX, ABC, CBS, NBC, VICE and numerous other outlets all pushing for media ratings, not truth.  Shut up.  Present the facts and let the people decide.  Leave your countless opinions out of it.  (Disclaimer - everyone knows Fox is incapable of presenting anything more than right wing propaganda that never comes close to factual truth).

So I've turned off the news.  I've voted early and blue.  I am going out on Tuesday night, having several cocktails and not paying attention to the exit poll interviews, the predictions or the doomsday sayers.  What will be is something I will have to find out Wednesday morning. (Not withstanding the bull$hit that's happened in other elections).

As long as I'm on my soapbox, can we all agree that Arizona is one of the most disgustingly insane  places on Earth?

Hoping for a Blue Tsunami!

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Trump's Game Plan

 The only reason the orange doufass hasn't announched his 2024 run for the presidency is the simple truth that he gets to keep all the money idiots keep sending him, to do with what he wants.  Once he announces his candidacy, all that money goes into a campaign fund, complete with campaign finance rules.  So if you are one of the people sending him money, what a sap/rube you are!  Just another example of a fool and his/her money quickly parting ways.

I have watched this mental cripple dance around laws and decency for many years.  I have always found him repulsive and stupid.  I don't know how he managed to get elected to a first term as president, but I certainly will do everything in my power to prevent him from ever getting near that office again.  It's not merely that I detest the man and the hatred he always brings to whatever he does, it's that this democracy simply cannot survive another round of Trump.

But in a way, I hope he does run.  It will bring out every apathetic voter in the land, people who are now well aware of the fact that not voting gets them into dangerous waters.  I don't think he could win the nomination from the GOP, much less the presidency, but sadly I was totally wrong about that in 2016.  Now I am a bit more educated about how many uneducated voters there actually are in America.

Been watching NetFlix's "The Handmaid's Tale" for several seasons now.  I think Margaret Atwood got some things very right.  We can't survive in a capitalist/consumer driven model.  We must change.  In Margaret Atwood's nightmare, the religious right takes over and it's chaos for people like me, who don't believe in religion.  In my dream, we need to have socialized medicine, especially for people with mental illness.  We ALL have to pay our FAIR share of taxes and stop complaining about it.  We have to have a global perspective rather than an isolated superpower view.  And we have to find a different way to do government, because the way it is done now just shines its dysfunction everywhere.  I propose term limits.  I propose campaign finance reform.  I propose no business interfering with governing bodies on any level.  

But mostly I propose that we stop giving Donald Trump any credibility as a human being of any value.  He simply is a disgusting has-been and an avaricious wanna-be.