Friday, March 31, 2023

Post Indictment

 I don't want to add to the mountains of opinions out there about Donald Trump's indictment and what it means to our democracy.  I tend to believe it means our democracy is (at last) working.

I think this because of the rabid verbal diarrhrea expelled by Lindsday Graham today saying what a disgrace Trump's indictment is.  Seems to me Widdle Windsay is scared crapless about what probably will come out about him.  Same goes for Kevin McCarthy, Jim Jordan, Marjorie Taylor-Green, Louis Gohmert, John Kennedy, Steve Scalise ad infinitum, ad nauseum.  This band of fascists is truly running scared.  This is my belief.  They could care less about the human pile of excrement that Donald Trump has proven himself to be.  They're worried about their own ugly a$$es and potentially having their feed bags removed from the public trough.

Here's my honest opinion.  If Trump were to keel over right now of a massive heart attack/stroke/erupted bloody hemmorrhoid, it would be far better for this country than watching our legal system give him a fair trial.  Due process, yes, I get it, but what due process did Trump or his inept administration ever provide anyone or anything?  We have millions dead because of his failure to act in an intelligent way about COVID.  Just one example.  I don't want to list all of his failings, I'll leave that to the historians.  

But it is my honest opinion that Trump just passing away in his sleep is a far better end to this country's many problems than trying him in a court of law.  Trying him in a court of law is expensive and sure to be frustrating because if there is ONE SINGLE THING Trump is good at, it's making a mockery of the law of this land.

I'm an athesist.  But I still would pray that this country could be saved from even more years of the Donald Trump Lying Piece of $hit Show.

Friday, March 24, 2023

Death and Destruction

 This is what Donald Trump has called for if he (and it's really when he) is indicted.

What kind of an idiot would think this man has any integrity, class, honesty or ability to be president of the United States.

Are you that idiot?

If so, well, what can I say?  There is something intrinsically wrong with a person who, when given facts and evidence, continues to believe in nonsensical bullshit.  

As one conservative writer put it ...... If you still are following Donald Trump, you bascially are devoid of morals and are a bad citizen.

Amen to that.