If Scott Walker's proposed budget wasn't such a travesty, it would almost be comical, not unlike the Governor himself.
First of all, the budget goes after all of the most vulnerable citizens of this state. First and foremost, children. Cutting the education budget by nearly $900 million dollars means every school district in the state will be expected to do more with less. The math of that will not work out, especially since Mr. Walker tied municipalities hands with his "no property tax increase" mandate. Our kids are being trampled and we are standing here, unable to stop it.
Cutting health care to Wisconsin's poorest segment is just plain bullying. Every person, in supposedly a healthy and wealthy nation, has the right to expect excellent health care. How many people will die needlessly under Mr. Walker's health care cuts?
Cities will lose $60 million dollars in state aid. I guess Mr. Walker figures by repealing the recycling mandate, cities can save some money. Of course, this comes as a major blow to our environment.
Mr. Walker intends to make all convicted felons serve their sentences, fully, while cutting the Department of Corrections budget. Boy, that old bread and water idea of feeding prisoners is actually going to come to pass. Maybe I should open a bakery.
On the bright side, major tax cuts to corporations will be handed out by Mr. Walker as bribery payoffs for large contributions to his campaign. Let's not forget that millionaires and billionaires will be given a free ride with no capital gains taxes imposed on them.
Oh, and the Wisconsin Road Builders Associations must be dancing the concrete jig with all the road projects money Mr. Walker has just handed them. They, too, were major contributors.
And let's not forget, Mr. Walker is still going after public workers and the unions who represent them as if, somehow, they were the enemy.
Mr. Walker stands in a cesspool of republican rhetoric and insane and unreasonable financial solutions. He stinks. He has been in office less than three months, and he is quickly becoming the most watched, and most disrespected, governor in the history of the state. The man is not a leader. He is unable to grasp the intricacies of statesmanship. Mr. Walker is a pawn. Wisconsin has been sold out by a cheap hack masquerading as a politician.
I look forward to watching him flush himself down the toilet of his rhetoric. Meanwhile, I can't stand the stinking cloud that this moron has farted over the entire state. That I have to breathe the air he has fouled makes me angrier than I have ever been. Where is there justice? Certainly, not in Wisconsin.
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