Thursday, July 12, 2012


I love the show TREME all about New Orleans and it's struggles after Katrina.  I love the reality of the show, I love the characters who really do seem like New Orleans natives and not actors, and I love the music, as well as the portrayal of New Orleans as culinary nirvana.  In short, if you haven't watched Treme, you're missing something important.

John Goodman portrays a character on Treme, a Tulane professor, who grows increasingly despondent after the storm over what didn't happen in the city to help the residents, especially the poor, black people.

At any rate, his character takes to ranting on the Internet about the injustice of all that happened in New Orleans, post Katrina.  At one point, he spews "F*CK YOU YOU F*CKING F*CKS", over his frustration with all things government.

Oddly, I feel exactly as John Goodman's character does these days.  I look at America and I just scream at the top of my lungs, "F*ck You You F*cking F*cks". 

That's as good as its going to get today.  Maybe ever.

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