Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Silver Linings Playbook

I just saw the movie "Silver Linings Playbook".  I'm hard pressed to find a way to describe the movie; I'll just say if you're sick to death of hollywood formulas, this is the movie for you. 

I loved this movie and I think Bradley Cooper was absolutely astounding in the role of a less than mentally sound individual, trying to cope.  But the movie is so much more than a peek into bipolar disorder; it is truly an astounding film and will probably be in the running for best picture of the year. 

My husband, being a shrink, thought the movie would be too much like work, so I went with my girlfriend.  We walked out thinking, how do we begin to describe the movie to anyone?  We can't, we only recommend that people get out and see it.  It's an incredible movie with a stellar cast.


Paul Kirby said...

I'm always wary of Hollywood when it comes to issues such as mental health. Haven't seen this movie, seems to have slipped under the radar over here, mainly because as you say, not a Hollywood blockbuster. Its had positive reviews here too so I may catch it on DVD later.

I'm a big cinema fan although I don't get to go as often as I used to but I made an effort to see Life of Pi over the holidays. This is a feast for the eyes with a great story to go with it. This is cinema made for the cinema, don't wait to see it on the small screen if you can. Me and my daughter (she's 11) grabbed some cheap early bird tickets and were the only ones there on a Saturday morning. We ignored the cheap seats we bought and grabbed the comfy premium seats. We felt like Elvis or Howard Hughes with our own private auditorium, shoving candy floss, fruit jellies and popcorn in our faces. Grab a little cinema magic this year.

Citizen X said...

Oh my goodness, I'm so jealous. Since I've started my new healthy eating regime, I didn't buy any treats at the movie. Fortunately, my bff is from Poland and she never travels anywhere without a purse full of chocolate. Is there anything better than creamy fruit filled European chocolate bars? Difficult just to have a nibble!

Paul Kirby said...

Don't mention food and diets. When I told my wife I was going to see that movie she said it ought to be called 'Life of Pie'. Bahahahhaahah! I hate her.

Citizen X said...

Tell me about it. I made mini-apple pies and ate about 14 of them on New Years Eve to console myself over gambling losses.