Tuesday, August 20, 2013


I'm watching another day of awful, violent news stories here in Milwaukee.  People shot to death overnight.  Armed robberies.  A dead infant, killed by his father.   A Dean of Students arrested for drunk driving and driving the wrong way on the freeway.   But what story dominates the news?  Ryan Braun's use of prohibited performance enhancing substances and his lack of making a public apology.

Frankly, I could care less about Ryan Braun or his apology.  His actions are neither important to me or of any particular interest.  The elevation of sports figures to some God-like status has always annoyed me, and I'm certain it also annoys the sports figures.  No one needs that kind of idolatry, persecution or scrutiny ---- unless they're feeding off the public trough of taxpayer monies.  So if Ryan Braun makes a public apology matters very little to me.  The news stories already have exposed him as a liar and a cheat.  What does one say after that?  I'm sorry?  Just doesn't really matter, does it?

Is anyone outraged over the street violence here in the city?  Hardly seems like it.  On Sunday, I'll pack up my car and head south.  I'll avoid the apathy that is as thick in this city as beer is abundant.  I'll leave all of this town's problems behind me and hope that my family members who remain here are able to stay safe in an increasingly dangerous and violent city.

Waiting for a statement from Ryan Braun?  Get a life.  Get a clue.  Get involved in making Milwaukee a better place, because frankly, it's an awful place and I'm glad I'm escaping.  Intelligent life is sadly lacking here.


AlexisAR said...

How much stock does anyone with any common sense put in public apologies, anyway? How sincere do people really believe public apologies are? And how newsworthy is a pubkic apology or lack of one?

It's one thing if it's a REALLY slow news day, but otherwise, what's the point.

AlexisAR said...

How much stock does anyone with any common sense put in public apologies, anyway? How sincere do people really believe public apologies are? And how newsworthy is a pubkic apology or lack of one?

It's one thing if it's a REALLY slow news day, but otherwise, what's the point.

Citizen X said...

You're right. Public apologies aren't worth the hot air they're carried on.