Tuesday, January 22, 2019

America --- Losing Everywhere!

Holding a gun to someone's head has always been an American way to get what we want.  It's not a nice way to govern, but it has a certain effectiveness.

Watching Donald Trump destroy the country using the same tactic is kind of interesting.

Now don't get me wrong - I have about as much respect for Donald Trump as I do for Hitler, Stalin and Pol Pot.  Even less for Trump supporters.

But I do think we need to reevaluate what America has become and what America should strive to be, i.e., a return to constitutional edicts.  Perhaps a country engaged in its citizens well-being first. 

What it has been for a long while now is not something I feel particularly good about.  And I do believe greed, Wall Street and the 1% is largely responsible for the deep pile of $hit we're all in now.

How do we solve any of this?  Let's start throwing monkey wrenches.  Let's all go tax exempt and stop filing income tax returns.  (Nobody home to review them anyhow.)  A country divided against itself cannot survive ---- but a country starved of its cash flow will, indeed, have to reevaluate how things are going to get done, what things are going to get done, and when things are going to get done.  And they will be forced to listen to those of us withholding the money.

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