Saturday, February 23, 2019

Mueller's Got A Squeezebox, Trump is Never Going To Sleep

It's true. 

Robert Mueller might be the sanest, savviest, smartest person on the face of the planet to trap and ensnare a horrific, society-killing predator like Donald J. Trump. 

This was no mean feat.  Trump had enough money to pay lawyers to give him the air of legitimacy.  But Trump is an illegitimate con man who now finds himself in a room with the wall's closing in.  The air around him has a tainted, foul order.  What a great little torture chamber Robert Mueller has made for him - and his family.

I find it interesting how all of the news is unfolding.

Epstein in Florida given a sweetheart deal after raping underage girls at alcohol and drug fueled Manhattan sex parties.  (Guess who was a guest)!  Sweetheart deal is going away.  Acosta, the prosecutor in this case and a Trump "friend", is in deep judicial trouble over the plea arrangement and the country club prison sentence given to Epstein.  And though it is rumored that Trump threatened and intimidated an underage girl and her family into submission - there are other victims out there and they're knocking at the door.

Walls move in a foot in a 9x9' room. 

All of the investigations happening now, at the state level, are surely what will do Trump in - so kudos for absolute strategic genius on Mueller's part.  His report may well get buried by the clown Attorney General, but all of this information will come out, and come out very shortly.

Mueller, and most of Thinking America, knows that Donald J. Trump is a traitor and poses a huge security threat to this Country. 

I can't wait to uncork that premier bottle of Napa Valley Red and drink a toast to the man who saved America, Robert Mueller.

And as my religion always and only has been Poetic Justice --- I wait, not with joy or exaltation for Trump's demise, but with a deep sense of Justice Being Served.

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