Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Will The Real Whistle Blower Please Stand Up

Obviously, the intelligence community whistle blower is going to testify to Donald Trump's extortion attempts on the new leader of Ukraine, asking him to come up with dirt on Joe Biden.  This information was sought to help Trump's own campaign.

Side Note:  Trump's campaign is already lost.  He screwed the farmers.  He screwed the middle class.  And, ultimately, he screwed himself.  Apparently, he likes all these alternative screwing methods because he is unable to attract a female anymore.  The man has too much narcissism to understand leadership, much less partake in it. 

But, the next few days should be VERY INTERESTING.  Another whistle blower is on the horizon - this one armed with Deutsche Bank financial records.

I'm going to surmise that these financial records will show Donald J. Trump, the self-proclaimed genius businessman and billionaire, is deeply indebted to Russia and Saudi Arabia,  two nations who have graciously (?) stepped in to cover Donald's broke a$$.  In exchange for what?

This is why Donald J. Trump is hiding his tax returns and proclaiming "foul" whenever his financial records are demanded. 

Donald Trump is being unmasked.  Once that mask comes off, there's no putting it back on.

Only a lunatic would think there is anything to hold onto here.  We all know he's over.  But because he's been riding this money train for almost three years now, he's dug in.  I do believe the military will have to physically remove him from office.

We can only hope they do so before he nukes another country in a fit of pique ---- which is the only thing that does fit on this monstrosity of a man.

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