Thursday, April 16, 2020

The Quiet Revolution

If ya'll live in this world (and I assume most everyone reading this does), then you know what a giant mess we're in with this pandemic.

If you're fortunate enough to be experiencing this Disaster outside of the United States, I envy you.  You, at least, have leadership and sense guiding you.

Here in America, Donald J. Trump can't wait to get everyone back to what he considers "NORMAL".  NOTE:  Anything Donald J. Trump would consider "normal" is very f*cked up to begin with.

Our leader is telling us to go back to work, even though one in eight pregnant women showing up in NYC hospitals to deliver their babies are testing positive for corona virus .......without showing any symptoms.  Now apply that same ratio to the general public, and you come to the conclusion that unless and until every American citizen can be tested, it is UNSAFE to reopen America.  (How f*cking safe America ever was to begin with is a whole other can of shit spinach.)

And so we here in the United States must unite and tell our increasingly insane (and everyday less capable of hiding it) leader that we will not go back to work.


This is a quiet revolution.  We won't be taking to the streets as some idiots just did in Michigan.  We won't be holding demonstrations.

We will, from the comfort, newness, boredom and delight of our isolation, be telling you that until everyone is tested, we will not be going back to work.  Your economy can collapse around your ears, but we are not expendable and we are not going to listen to you.

So NO.  Just say NO.  Just say NO to the mess our leader has gotten us into, And let's talk about the new world that is being born from this.

A world that is long overdue.

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