Wednesday, December 2, 2020

As The Dust Settles

 2020 is quickly coming to its long awaited end.

It's been a year of maddeningly horrific occurrences, from the outrageous lies spewed by almost every member of the Republican Party regarding the 2020 election to the inability of many American citizens to smarten up and put on a mask.

We are all happy to see this absolute bitch of a year close in on itself.

We will have a new president on January 20, 2021.  Well let me rephrase that.  We will have A president on January 20, 2021.  The power drunk orange blob inhabiting the oval office now is NO president.  In fact, I'm quite unsure whether or not he's even human.  From my perspective, he is an animated piece of untreated sewerage excrement and I look forward to celebrating on the day that he dies, much as I did on the day he lost the election.

There are two promising vaccines on the horizon, and let me be blunt here, if Donald Trump had actually won reelection, vaccinating this nation would have turned into the worse clusterf*ck Americans have ever faced.  Thankfully, we don't have to worry about it because Joe Biden has a brain and is able to work within the structure of government.  We may start to get some relief from COVID19 by the middle of next year.

What astounds me as this year comes to a close is that at least half the people I share this country with are disgusting Trump supporters, fascists, racists and downright idiots.  This is not a political viewpoint.  This is the observation I've come away with after watching these motherf*ckers try to destroy democracy for the past four years.  Of course, it's easy to destroy what you never understood in the first place.  That is why these people are morons.  They share a complete failure to understand what democracy means.  I now understand how Germans gassed and burned six million people.  It was their own failure to develop a meaningful moral code and live by it.  These Trump supporting Americans think they have a moral code because they oppose abortion.  But not one of them raised an objection when we destroyed families at the border and now have 545 parents we cannot locate to reunite them with their children.  Morality is not a single issue voter preference.  It's much deeper than that.  But Trump supporters are not deep.  

I believe Donald Trump will be dead soon.  Much like Hitler swallowing his poison capsule in the bunker as Berlin burned, Donald Trump will be unable to convince anyone (important) that he is anything more than a cheap grifter in a made-in-China suit who almost stole the goddamn country right out from under their ignorant noses.  Donald Trump can't stand to be the butt ass of his own joke, but that, my friends, is the unenviable position he finds himself.

So stick your head between your legs and kiss your a$$ goodbye, Donald.  May hell hold a special delight for you.

And note to others ---- If you have the kind of legacy Donald Trump brought to the table and still have the audacity to think you can be president.....think again.  America may be ripe for change, but we will never be so stupid as to let this debacle ever happen again.

After all is said and done, there was never another Hitler in Germany, was there?

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