Thursday, December 1, 2022

Best Christmas Gift Ever

 Donald Trump needs to be arrested, indicted, tried and jailed.  They will probably arrest, indict, try and imprison on seditious conspiracy charges - - but the real truth is that Donald J. Trump is a traitor and has committed treason.  The records recovered at Mar-a-Lago prove this.  The records we are not yet aware of  that are missing are also evidence of treason.

How did a messed up, idiot of a man like Donald Trump ever get elected in the first place?

This is America.  Uneducated.  Violent.  Stupid.  Rubes just waiting for a con. 

Sunday, November 6, 2022

Pollsters and Pundits

 I truly find the news media outlets to be supremely annoying in election years.  If they're not spelling doom for the democrats, they're spelling doom for the republicans.  It varies day to day, and it's all based on sample polling, which has an awful lot of room for error.

The media in this country needs to stop being so full of themselves that every irrelevant opinion they form makes its way to national coverage.  If its comfusing to me, it is really confusing to people with less experience than me in understanding that some news has become entertainment driven.

This election is important.  And unless you have an IQ of less than 65 points, I think all of us understand how important it is.  The right wants to push their religious based autocratic agenda.  The left is thinking about what's best for everyone here, and not worrying about tax increases. 

Speaking of tax increases, why do millionaires and billionaires want to hang on to all that money?  They can't possibly spend it in a lifetime.  I wish they'd shut up and just pay their fare share instead of buying media outlets and politicans to help them avoid taxes.  If only they'd spend a little of all that money they spend on buying a nation unfit for anyone but themselves to live in, on humanitarian issues. What a utopian society we would have.  But they're all for dystopia.

There is a thing called too much information.  It's sort of like being on a first date and explaining you want six children to make up for the abortions you've had in the past.  Some things are just better left unsaid, unless asked.  I feel this way about CNN, MSNBC, FOX, ABC, CBS, NBC, VICE and numerous other outlets all pushing for media ratings, not truth.  Shut up.  Present the facts and let the people decide.  Leave your countless opinions out of it.  (Disclaimer - everyone knows Fox is incapable of presenting anything more than right wing propaganda that never comes close to factual truth).

So I've turned off the news.  I've voted early and blue.  I am going out on Tuesday night, having several cocktails and not paying attention to the exit poll interviews, the predictions or the doomsday sayers.  What will be is something I will have to find out Wednesday morning. (Not withstanding the bull$hit that's happened in other elections).

As long as I'm on my soapbox, can we all agree that Arizona is one of the most disgustingly insane  places on Earth?

Hoping for a Blue Tsunami!

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Trump's Game Plan

 The only reason the orange doufass hasn't announched his 2024 run for the presidency is the simple truth that he gets to keep all the money idiots keep sending him, to do with what he wants.  Once he announces his candidacy, all that money goes into a campaign fund, complete with campaign finance rules.  So if you are one of the people sending him money, what a sap/rube you are!  Just another example of a fool and his/her money quickly parting ways.

I have watched this mental cripple dance around laws and decency for many years.  I have always found him repulsive and stupid.  I don't know how he managed to get elected to a first term as president, but I certainly will do everything in my power to prevent him from ever getting near that office again.  It's not merely that I detest the man and the hatred he always brings to whatever he does, it's that this democracy simply cannot survive another round of Trump.

But in a way, I hope he does run.  It will bring out every apathetic voter in the land, people who are now well aware of the fact that not voting gets them into dangerous waters.  I don't think he could win the nomination from the GOP, much less the presidency, but sadly I was totally wrong about that in 2016.  Now I am a bit more educated about how many uneducated voters there actually are in America.

Been watching NetFlix's "The Handmaid's Tale" for several seasons now.  I think Margaret Atwood got some things very right.  We can't survive in a capitalist/consumer driven model.  We must change.  In Margaret Atwood's nightmare, the religious right takes over and it's chaos for people like me, who don't believe in religion.  In my dream, we need to have socialized medicine, especially for people with mental illness.  We ALL have to pay our FAIR share of taxes and stop complaining about it.  We have to have a global perspective rather than an isolated superpower view.  And we have to find a different way to do government, because the way it is done now just shines its dysfunction everywhere.  I propose term limits.  I propose campaign finance reform.  I propose no business interfering with governing bodies on any level.  

But mostly I propose that we stop giving Donald Trump any credibility as a human being of any value.  He simply is a disgusting has-been and an avaricious wanna-be.

Sunday, October 30, 2022

Mid Terms Will Determine Everything

 I am filled with trepidation when I think of what's at stake in the mid-term elections.  Perhaps never before has our democracy been so on the line.  

I belong to no political party.  My agenda has always been on the liberal side of things.  I believe in the simple truth that you can only judge how successful a country is by how it takes care of its most vulnerable members.  Based on that, this democracy is failing.  Our children are poorly educated and it's a fight to get them fed, clothed and medically sound if they are in the lower income brackets.  Our mentally ill people do not get treatment, they get arrested.  I could write an entire manifesto on how public health has always failed this class of people.  And lastly, we warehouse our elderly people in disgustingly inappropriate care facilities where they are abused, robbed and sometimes killed.  America's report card is not so great.

But I am also optimistic that if we all come out of this ridiculous malaise we've been in for decades, not holding our elected officials accountable, things might get better.

The mid-terms will define where we go as a nation.  I am hoping that women, ALL women, will realize that overturning Roe vs. Wade means we are once more relegated to second class citizenry.  I hope my sisters will come out and vote.  If we lose body autonomy, we lose everything.  I do not believe abortion is a good method of birth control.  I do believe preventing pregnancy is a relatively simple thing.  Still, my body - hands off.  

Everything is riding on the mid term elections.  I am cautiously optimistic that the females in this country will not let me down, that we will realize what a powerful voice we have with our vote.  Then I hope future generations of young women are encouraged to go into politics, to grab a seat at the table.  It's not just enough that we vote the rich old white bastards out of office, we need to replace them with smart, savvy women of every color.  

I am sick to death of politicians being elected to Washington, tying on the feedbag and gorging themselves at the public trough.  Everytime I watch someone elected to the house or senate, I will see a picture of them 3 years into their term and they will have gained 30 pounds.  Term limits, campaign finance reform and equal representation (do you hear me Wyoming and Montana) would go a long way in convincing me this country has a chance..

Meanwhile, I'll be looking at Belize, Costa Rica, France and Canada as my potential next home should things fall apart (even further) here.  

Thursday, September 22, 2022


 We've all been around for the lies Donald Trump throws around like paper towels after a hurricane.  Most of the lies are absurd, and thank you, Universe, for giving me enough of a brain to know when I'm being lied to.  Most of the people I know also know that if Donald Trump's little anus-like puckery lips are moving, the lies are forthcoming.  It would be laughable, except he poses such a danger to this nation and democracy.  

You have to wonder about the intelligence of someone who decides to run for president after decades of shady business practices.  Did he not know how much scrutiny he'd be under as a presidential candidate, and even more so, as a president?  No, alas, he did not.  Because Trump doesn't know much of anything and he guesses at the rest.

But this morning's lie --- "all I have to do is think documents unclassified," is about as childish and surly as the Trump idiot who wakes each morning.  

The 11th Circuit Court of Appeals finds absurdity in every piece of Trump's defense.  As the saying goes, you can put an incompetent judge on the bench who will side with you every time, but the real test is what kind of character most judges possess when they take the oath of office.  Bottom line, no judge wants to be characterized as talentless, incompetent and devoid of legal acumen.  Except the little slut in Florida who gave Trump a Special Master.  God rest your soul, sweetheart.  Let's see what happens to you next.  We'll all enjoy it.

I digress.  

You can't think documents unclassified.  Donald Trump thought he was presidential  material and it turned out he could get elected, but he'd never be presidential.  That's where his "thinking" stems from.  The deep trench Trump has dug for himself is his familial grave.  His businesses are collapsing, his children will be indicted and the Trump name, now and forever after, will be synonymous with the stinking pile of fecal devastation he has left in his wake.  Sadly, there isn't enough gold leaf in the world to cover up the $hit that this man and his morally bankrupt children have brought to all of us.

Lipstick on a Pig Sty of the Trump family.  They may all live in palaces, but the thing that they actually CAN take with them, their characters, are beyond worthless.

Sunday, September 11, 2022


I certainly hope that every eligible woman in this country votes in the mid-term elections.  The mid-terms will determine our autonomy over our bodies.  I believe most intelligent women voters in this country understand this.  I believe we will turn out en masse to defeat the old white men who would dictate our futures.  I believe we will be an overwhelmingly large blue wave.  We will tell our society that we will not stand for any man dictating to us what we can or cannot do with our own bodies.  As I was thinking about this earlier today, I realized the sad sad state of our country, because this kind of fascist control would have been unheard of in the past fifty years.  And I also was thinking that, despite our willingness to turn out the vote and turn this nightmare around, women are truly sick to death of coming in to clean up the mess the men of the world have made of things.

I hope that every woman who votes against the religious right dinosaurs realizes her power.  If we can shut these rich old white men down (as well as their sycophant hair sprayed counterparts), think of what else we can do.  Let's talk about it and let's do it.  Women can think progressively.  Forward thinking change makes the status quo of this country very very nervous.  Let's give them a reason to run for the Xanax.  Let's take this country not back, but over.  Because I, for one, am very over this utter bullshit.

Sunday, September 4, 2022

Trump's Playbook is As Worn Out as His Face

 There we have Donald Trump in Pennsylvania, spouting his usual victimization rhetoric and calling Joe Biden an Enemy of the State.

Come on Donald.  Get a clue.  The only people buying into your sad and unenlightened statements are the radical right bearded (both sexes) hillbillies.  

Donald Trump is the Enemy of the United States of America.  The FBI had enough evidence to gain a search warrant.  And where, or where, are the missing classified documents?  My guess they are with Putin, or at least, in a briefcase waiting for Putin.  Donald does, afterall, owe a huge favor to Putin, having helped him win the election in 2016.  Trump was supposed to stay in power for four more years to satisfy Putin's intent to destroy the United States.  Sadly, the orange clown quickly proved his incompetence to the majority of American voters.  He lost the election.  Putin is mad.  Probably a good thing Mar-a-LOCO doesn't have an eighteenth floor.  Or is it?

Donald Trump is a Liar.  He projects all that he is onto his enemies.  Any first year psychology student understands Trump's behavior, something he never will because of his complete lack of insight.

Anyhow, good to see there's no new tricks up the Donald's sleeves.  It's the same crap he campaigned on the first time around and frankly, it wins him no new voters.  In fact, he's losing so badly in every arena, it is highly doubtful the GOP will want to nominate him.  If they do, it will be just one more pathetic attempt by a bunch of old white men afraid to die without leaving a stain on history.

Friday, September 2, 2022

Are We Asking the Right Questions?

 After watching Joe Biden take on the Trumpian sector of America last night, I couldn't help but ask myself if the government is asking the right questions.

For example, why would supposedly well-educated and thoughtful people who have managed to rise to the level of serving in the United States Congress so blindly follow a bully like Donald Trump?

There can be only one answer to this question.  Donald Trump has blackmail goods on these people.  It is my belief that the evidence of that was located in the safe at Mar-a-LOCO, and is now in the possession of the FBI.  So Trump has quite a bee in his bonnet.  A hive for that matter.

The right questions are not being asked.  Why?  Why would intelligent people follow Donald Trump over the cliff of vicious insanity and moral bankruptcy.  The answer surely must lie in whatever they found in his safe.  

No wonder his behavior is so self-righteous and vicious.  Now the FBI has the goods on him.

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Is Facebook Dangerous?

 I have a long rap sheet with Facebook wherein I'm suspended, restricted or otherwise harrassed by them because of things I say.  Please note, I do not say anything except the truth.  But Facebook doesn't like the truth, especially about Republicans or Donald Trump.

I'm just wondering to what length Facebook can go in depriving me of my first amendment rights or invading my privacy.

Is it a coincidence that shortly after Facebook banned me, I started getting e-mail from the Donalds Trump?  The first was from the Great Grifter himself, asking me if I believed he was being targeted by democrats.  The second was from Don, Jr., which I took to be another another stab at democracy centering on the FBI raid of Mar-a-LOCO.    The problem I have with receiving these e-mails is that I had already marked the senders as spam.  The e-mail even warned me that the source was from a banned contact in my e-mail.

What is Facebook really up to?  I'm going to have to close my account.  I do not trust Zuckerberg, nor do I believe the algorithms used to suspend people are necessarily automatic keyed to specific phrases.  I am on Facebook's fecal roster.  I understand that.  But just how far are these people going to harass me?  I merely stated that treason is punishable by execution.  I did not call for the  execution of Donald Trump.  

Zuckerberg and Facebook are absolutely out of control.  The only thing we can do is close our accounts and go to Tribel.

Friday, August 26, 2022

Zuckerberg and All the Other Fascists are Out of Control

 It will come as no surprise to many of my readers that I am, again, banned from Facebook for 29 days.  This is due to a comment I made on another post wherein I stated the punishment for treason is execution.  (Don't take my word for it.  Ask the Rosenbergs.)  I neither said Donald Trump should be executed (but oh what a lovely end to this nightmare that would be), nor did I even intimate that this was an acceptable solution to the problem a fascist like Trump poses.  But a fascist like Zuckerberg is watching his tax haven status crumble around him, so he thinks by banning someone like me, other people won't be "infected" by my "radical left" philosophies.  Zuckerberg thinks he's now Big Brother.  So here's some "Newspeak" for you, Mark.

We won't be deterred by being banned from any platform.  I am now closing my Facebook account because I do not want to support a fascist platform.  I will not be back on Facebook.  Ever.  I've opened up an account on Tribel.  Find me there.  Join me there.   

The millionaires and billionaires are spending their millions and billions to control appointments to the Supreme Court.  They spend this money to insure fascist public office candidates get the best shot at winning an election, simply because they have big money behind. them.  They do this all in the name of the hopeless greed infection they suffer.  There is never enough for these people.  If they don't have us working class heroes to look down on, then they really have no validation for their behavior.  We're supposed to admire their estates, their country houses, their mansions, their penthouses.  Maybe some of us do, but we wouldn't trade our integrity nor our sense of justice for all to be you.

Their everlasting free ride, they can see it fading fast,

so they grab a piece of something that they think is going to last.

(Apologies to Steely Dan)

That is what's happening here.  The United States is not faltering.  The oligarchs are.  And their desperation fills the air with the incredible stink they created to become uber-rich. Karma is not a bitch.  It's a cup of IRS tea.

We're taking our country back.   And here's the ultimate insult.  You bastards are going to have to pay your fair share of taxes for programs and policies you don't believe in.  Don't like it?  

Move.  I hear Russia loves its Oligarchs.

Monday, August 8, 2022

How to Become a Cash Whore

 People who love money above all else, and yes there are billions of them, are really the poorest creatures on Earth.

Look at the Repulican Party.  They come to Washington, tie on the feedbag and sell themselves to the highest corporate bidders.  They don't come to Washington to represent anyone.  They don't come to Washington to legislate.  They have gotten absolutely nothing done for decades, as a political party.  They are famished whores who can never stuff enough money down in their pockets. 

If you find yourself in the unfortunate circumstance of being a cash whore, there are simple solutions.  Give some of the money you're hoarding to people who actually need it.  Stop voting Republican, which is just like saying, stop shooting yourself in the foot (unless you're ultra wealthy).  

I find it so laughable to see how fat most members of the Republican Party have become.  They're obese due to all the expensive dinners lobbyists treat them to.  Imagine anyone wanting to sit across the table from Ted Cruz and actually eat something.  The sight of him alone would quell the most voracious appetite.  But lobbyists aren't there to eat.  Well, they are, but that's a whole other metaphor.

Let's demand fitness in Politics.  Anyone more than 50 lbs. over their ideal weight, based on BMI, must be expelled from Congress at once.  Obviously, they are piggies at the dinner table, and they're not paying for the food.  But they ARE taking food out of your mouths and making bigger piggies of anyone willing to pay them.  

Pig farming is a dirty business.  It should never be conducted within city limits.

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

My Bottom Line --- and Really, Yours Too

 The mid-term elections this year are probably the most important elections we'll ever vote in.

I intend to do everything in my power (and yes, it's realtively limited) to make sure women vote in this election.  I will drive anyone to the polls whom does not have transportation.  I will make calls, send out notices, in short, stop at nothing to make sure all eligible voters do indeed get out the VOTE.

Frankly, the dystopian, anti-woman future the Republicans have planned for our sex must be stopped at the Mid-Terms.  I implore every single voter, but especially my sisters in progressive thinking, to get out and vote.  Let no one stop you.  I don't care whom you vote for as long as you vote for yourself, which means don't vote republican.

Sunday, July 17, 2022

The Pyramid Toe Dance

 It really feels like I'm balancing on one toe on top of a pyramid.

Watching this country in all its dysfunction, unsure of which way it will fall has caused enormous stress for women.  I'm pretty damned sure what I'll do if it falls too far into dystopian fascism.  I'll leave.  Not everyone has that opportunity.  I wish everyone did.  A mass exodus out of this third world country would be a wake up call to our government.

With the loss of Roe v. Wade, surely all other protections that right wing evangelicals don't like will start to come under fire, as well.

I am holding on to the mid-terms.  I think that will be predictive of which direction this country will go.  

I am also holding on to a very elusive idea that the Supreme Court Justices who lied in their confirmation hearings will be impeached and removed, as will Clarence Thomas for failing to recuse himself in cases where he and his wife had very deep involvement.  I'm eternally optimistic on things that are, for all intents and purposes, completely dismal. 

I implore all my sisters to get out and vote in November.  This is not a vote about whom you are for, or which candidate appeals to you.  This is a vote against the loss of your rights.  This is a vote to stop the  reinforcement of your second class status.  This is a vote to free your bodies and your minds from people who have no interest in your voice and view you as little more than livestock.  Do not let a bunch of rich old white men and their sycophant servitude women direct your life.  Vote against facism.   Let's turn this around. 

And if we can't turn it around, well, then America truly is over.  At least for me.

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Farewell, America

                                 Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone,

Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone,
Silence the pianos and with muffled drum
Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come.
Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead
Scribbling on the sky the message He Is Dead,
Put crepe bows round the white necks of the public doves,
Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves.
He was my North, my South, my East and West,
My working week and my Sunday rest,
My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song;
I thought that love would last forever: I was wrong.
The stars are not wanted now: put out every one;
Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun;
Pour away the ocean and sweep up the wood;
For nothing now can ever come to any good.

By W.H. Auden

The Day America Died

May 24, 2022

11:30 a.m.

Monday, April 25, 2022

Plasticene People Eating Marshmallow Pies

 I have to take my news in small doses to prevent going off the deep end in depression and anxiety.  But some trend that caught my eye on the internet was "book styling".  

Apparently, there is someone in Hollywood who actually puts books in celebrities' arms for photo ops.  These books are intended to make said celebrities look smart, hip, on track, timely, sophisticated, interesting or intelligent.  Never mind that the plasticene celebrity probably never actually reads the book.

I confess to being a literary snob.  I read classics and literature and biographies and memoirs.  I read articles and magazines that offer some cerebral stimulation.  I do not read Danielle Steele novels or anything with a picture of a fainting woman in some dashing man's arms on the cover.  (I confess I love Stephen King and always will, along with Christopher Moore, Tom Robbins and Kurt Vonnegut).  But I also love Dostoevsky, Steinbeck, Wharton, Sarte, Dickens, Twain ..... you get the picture. (Or not)  

So the thought of these plasticene people with their fake boobs, fake asses, fake faces and fake lives believing they can buy themselves legitimacy and intelligence by posing with a book annoys me beyond measure.

Plasticene people, please live your plasticene lives in your plasticene mansions with your plasticene material goods.  But don't try to fool us into thinking you are in any way, shape or form intelligent because you had a good book in your hand during a photo op.  So many of you are so stinking pathetic,  It's a shame to pay such huge sums of money to such (maybe) average intelligence kinds of folks.  But it's America.  It's Hollywood, and image is all that matters.

Unless you're me.  In which case, you're appalled.  And disgusted.  And just generally over "stylists" of any kind.  Can't figure out what dress to wear with what shoes, or what book to be seen with?   Please just go drown yourself in the ocean.  Make the world better one plasticene death at a time.

Monday, March 28, 2022

Republican Whinerism

 Without question, every single time I turn on one of the major news sources (and I certainly don't mean Fox), I am confronted with Republican lawmakers whining about Joe Biden or the democrats.  A recent review of current events exposes this whining as to be the only thing republicans are accomplishing in Washington.  They want control of the House, Senate and Oval office, yet if that (shudder) were to ever happen, these whiners would sit around and whine about what a mess they inherited and never pass a single law, except those laws designed to infringe upon citizens' rights.  This, alone, is what they are adept at.  That is, singularly, the biggest argument for voting blue.

When republicans aren't busy whining about how bad the democrats are, they are busy concocting backroom deals keeping the top 1% from paying taxes, defunding the very few remaining social safety networks we have for truly vulnerable citizens, and finding new and atrocious ways to get rich at any cost during their tenure in Washington.  That cost is usually measured in moral bankruptcy and outright thievery.

Republican Whinerism speaks with forked tongue, but they all whine the same way.  This is their platform for winning the mid-terms and next presidential election.  Whine about Democats.  It's sleight of hand to detract from how bumbling and inept the republican party actually is.  They'll just keep harping and whining about democrats.  Honestly, listening to republicans these days is far worse than fingernails on a chalkboard, and just about as senseless.

Whine Whine Whine.  It's all they do.  So if you like listening to a bunch of people whine about things that they, themselves, have created, please, vote again for them.  I know the red states love being poor, their people adore shooting at their feet, and damnit, they don't want any increase in the federal minimum wage because that's communism.  Republicans work diligently to feed ignorant and false information to citizens who already are too ignorant to know they're ignorant.  This is so evident in the red states.  It's appalling that after decades of getting poorer, getting sicker and getting kicked in the butt by politicians with a smile on their face while both hands are in their pockets, these rubes still vote red.

You can't fix stupid.  But I can whine about it.  

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Profound Sadness for the Ukrainian People

 I think all Americans, watching the disastrous Russian invasion of Ukraine are deeply saddened by the suffering Putin is imposing.

For the first time in history, we get a front row seat to the savagery of war.  We get an up close up look at the faces of all the people being tortured by an autocratic dictator.  Vietnam was a difficult war, but it was a ten minute blurb on the nightly news.  Modern technology brings us right to the front lines of this war, with devastating portrayals of the many faces of war.  And no matter where we are, we are confronted with the truth of this.

I lost many friends in Vietnam.  I spent the year after high school graduation going to funerals for boys who had just been to prom a few months earlier.  Vietnam hit me full force in the gut, but this war is challenging my peace of mind every second of every day.  

Therefore, I beg the question.  Why hasn't Putin been arrested, or better yet, assassinated?  Obviously, he is a war criminal.  He not only assaults the people of Ukraine, but he assaults his own people, as well.  How hard can it be to get to this man?   This is an "in your face" reminder of what happened under Adolph Hitler.  No one stopped him.  By taking no action against him, we abetted him in all of his genocidal insanity.   I know we have to be ultra-concerned about a mad man in a seat of power who has access to nuclear missiles.  Not that long ago, we all held our breath when Trump lost the election and spun even further into his own dark mental illness.  And I don't doubt, for a moment, that Putin would use nuclear weapons as a last act of defiance against the west.

But we can land a man on the moon, we can read a license plate from a space satellite we can do all kinds of incredible things.  So tell me, why can't we get to Putin and put a stop to this insanity?  The whole world would welcome that news.

Thursday, March 10, 2022

Shut Up and Pay

The whining coming out of United States citizens over gasoline prices is enough to send me screaming to my death.  Really?  Shut up.  

The rest of the world pays $6+ per liter of gas.  As Americans, we are so entitled that we think we should pay less.  We should pay less for gas because we are so short-sighted we never developed any good framework of mass transit except for the automobile and the interstate system?  Suck it up.  

We have come to believe that every family member 16 years of age must have their very own vehicle, adding to the problem of greenhouse gasses.  My own (deeply entitled and supremely ignorant) sister had 6 cars parked in her driveway at one time.  Get the hell out of my town.  I am so very SICK of these entitled, whiners bemoaning the price of gasoline.  

I just have to laugh when I see these giant trucks all the redneck white boys drive around in the State of Louisiana.  Usually they are speeding, usually they are reckless, and usually they are the cause of fatal accidents, (combined with alcohol consumption).  And also, quite usually, they don't need these trucks for any viable reason, it's just some sort of penis envy thing.

When I moved to a metropolitan area (and granted, had retired from the workforce), I gave up my car.  I took the bus or streetcar.  I also was financially able to ride an Uber now and then.  I am not saying people should give up their cars, I know that's not feasible in this society.  But the mindset has to change a bit here.  We need smaller cars.  We need hybrid cars.  We need to say, "gee, I can get their on public transportation" once in awhile.   We need to go through the withdrawals of our oil addiction because we are not only killing ourselves, we are killing future generations with our careless consumption of fossil fuels.  Meanwhile, the Oligarchs here and abroad get rich.  Doesn't that make you just a little angry?

I am not alone with wanting to be free of tyrannical regimes like the Saudis or the United Arab Emirates.  I am not alone when watching a dictator like Putin destroy people's lives because his powerful ego trip is off the rails.  At the same time, I am not convinced we are any better than them in many, many ways.

But, I digress.  Please stop whining about gas prices.  I've been advocating for $6 per gallon since my first trip to Europe.  I saw how most families had one car and managed quite nicely.  I saw how mass transit was well planned, efficient, affordable and lovely to use.  I saw smaller cars and better, safer roads.  

SO SHUT UP AND PAY.  Don't be another entitled UGLY AMERICAN.  Stop electing officials who give the oil industry carte blanche to get away with killing the planet.  Get rid of the John Kennedys, the Ted Cruz's, the Steve Scalises.  Put an end to congress being in bed with the mega rich.  But for now, just shut up and pay.  

Don't forget to vote in the midterms.

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Anti-Mask Are You?

 Putting on a mask to keep yourself and others safe seems like the simplest thing in the world.  If this were an Ebola pandemic, everyone would be masking up because no one wants blood on their bodies, especially not their own blood.

But because we are talking about an airborne disease rather than a bloodborne one, we've got the lunatics complaining about mask mandates.  The lunatics just like to complain.  They "don't want no dang government interference" in their pathetic lives, and their lives are, indeed, pathetic if this mask thing happens to be their biggest issue.  I would gladly point out their bigger issues, and I might win an argument with an intelligent person, but never with a stupid one.

I happen to live in a city where mask mandates are in place, and I am glad about it.  What's not to be glad about?   I'm staying healthy.  I'm helping my neighbors stay healthy.  I haven't contracted COVID in a state that's rampant with it.  I live in the South, where intelligent decisions are rarely made by the populace.  Fortunately for me, I live in a city filled with intelligent people, and leaders.

As we enter year three of a nasty virus pandemic, a lot of the anti-vaxxers, anti-maskers are dropping dead.  I'd never wish death on anyone, but let's just say I'm a HUGE PROPONENT of natural selection.

I wish I knew what the real reason behind the anti-mask, anti-vax issues were.  Any thoughtful person would trust the science.  I can only surmise that these anti-mask, anti-vax people have terrible breath and that this is the reason for their reluctance to wear a mask.  Perhaps providing sample sized bottles of Listerine or Scope along with every mask would help.  Or a free roll of Lifesavers.  And if they don't get a vaccine, I imagine that they are deeply afraid of needles, not the vaccine itself.  These people are such ignorant babies.  Takes less than 5 seconds to get that vaccine, but they're willing to jeopardize everyone by not rolling up their sleeves because they don't like shots.  And let's, for a moment, talk about the esthetic value of wearing a mask.  Most people are not beautiful.  Covering up half their faces is a definite improvement, especially their teeth.

Well, my rant is done.  I'm going to go back to being a responsible citizen and giving the death stare to the maskless, unvaxxed every chance I get.

Friday, January 7, 2022

Republican Assholishness

So no GOP members, except Liz Cheney and her father, former V.P. Dick Cheney,  showed up in chambers to honor the Capitol Police and Metro Police officers who managed to successfully stave off an insurrection.  What Idiots these republicans be. Stupid.  Arrogant.  Insular and Full of Crap, these GOP morons think they are making a valid point by not participating in January 6th remembrances.  Oh, but they are. 

The people of the United States (including many republicans) are seeing these traitorous bastards for what they are.....power hungry, money hungry and not at all interested in representing anyone but their own selfish interests.  Estimated loss of votes:  2,500,000.

Claims to be the party of law and order but failed to recognize the heroism and incredible contributions, against all odds,  made by the very people sworn to protect them.    Estimated loss of votes:  750,000.

Failure to recognize that everything they do, including their obstructionism and cowardice in not speaking out against the big election lie, is working to disgust all decent and intelligent human beings.  Estimated loss of votes:  1,250,000.

I believe we will have another Democratic landslide victory come November.  Brought to you by the stinking filth known as the Republican Party.  

Whatever Donald the Blob is holding over these lawmakers heads must be really disgusting.  Here's hoping it finds it's way into the mainstream media.