Monday, March 28, 2022

Republican Whinerism

 Without question, every single time I turn on one of the major news sources (and I certainly don't mean Fox), I am confronted with Republican lawmakers whining about Joe Biden or the democrats.  A recent review of current events exposes this whining as to be the only thing republicans are accomplishing in Washington.  They want control of the House, Senate and Oval office, yet if that (shudder) were to ever happen, these whiners would sit around and whine about what a mess they inherited and never pass a single law, except those laws designed to infringe upon citizens' rights.  This, alone, is what they are adept at.  That is, singularly, the biggest argument for voting blue.

When republicans aren't busy whining about how bad the democrats are, they are busy concocting backroom deals keeping the top 1% from paying taxes, defunding the very few remaining social safety networks we have for truly vulnerable citizens, and finding new and atrocious ways to get rich at any cost during their tenure in Washington.  That cost is usually measured in moral bankruptcy and outright thievery.

Republican Whinerism speaks with forked tongue, but they all whine the same way.  This is their platform for winning the mid-terms and next presidential election.  Whine about Democats.  It's sleight of hand to detract from how bumbling and inept the republican party actually is.  They'll just keep harping and whining about democrats.  Honestly, listening to republicans these days is far worse than fingernails on a chalkboard, and just about as senseless.

Whine Whine Whine.  It's all they do.  So if you like listening to a bunch of people whine about things that they, themselves, have created, please, vote again for them.  I know the red states love being poor, their people adore shooting at their feet, and damnit, they don't want any increase in the federal minimum wage because that's communism.  Republicans work diligently to feed ignorant and false information to citizens who already are too ignorant to know they're ignorant.  This is so evident in the red states.  It's appalling that after decades of getting poorer, getting sicker and getting kicked in the butt by politicians with a smile on their face while both hands are in their pockets, these rubes still vote red.

You can't fix stupid.  But I can whine about it.  

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