Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Schizophrenic Wisconsin

Last week Wednesday, I was driving home in an ice pellet storm and the temp was about 34 degrees.  Today, my magnolia bloomed in full, my garden is already full of flowers (and weeds) and I'm writing this post stripped down to underpinnings because it's hot in my bedroom.

Well, at least we're finally in the five months of Wisconsin weather than I can actually tolerate.

Of course, the next few days will be in the forties and rainy.  As much as I might lament the ever changing weather here, rain and cool will preserve the magnolia blossoms and toughen up the delicate plants that are just starting to poke their heads thought the soil.

I'm going to go get all my hair cut off as I can't stand myself right now almost as much as I can't stand living in Wisconsin.  Maybe, with a new hair style, I'll feel inspired.  Then again, maybe I'll hate it and shave my head, starting from scratch, once again.  Frankly, I can't even imagine what my hair actually looks like without all the manipulation from my stylist.  Maybe it's time to find out.  I'd do it, too, but I think my head might be misshapen.  All that banging it against the wall, you know? I am in schizophrenic Wisconsin where the Governor's new agency for the creation of jobs has fallen under scrutiny for absolute malfeasance.  What else can we expect from this yokel and his band of misfits. 

Ah Wisconsin!  Bring on the mosquitoes, the never ending roar of Harleys and the OWI's.  It's almost summer!


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