Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Time to Impeach

It is time to impeach Donald Trump.

He is a cowardly, inept man who can accomplish nothing. 

He did not legally win the election.

He cannot work with others in his own country much less foreign interests.

He has no diplomacy skills.

He has surrounded himself with toadies and corrupt contemporaries, many of whom are as guilty as he is of various treasonous and financial crimes.

He is indebted to Putin and Russia for billions of dollars (all in the Mueller report and tax returns, friends, which he refuses to reveal). 

He has destroyed his credibility with constant attacks on this nation's institutions, such as the FBI, CIA and the Judicial system.

It is time for this subhuman, sickening pile of stinking human excrement to be removed from office. 


Let him have yet another bullet point to add to his long list of a dubious and dishonorable legacy.

And while we're  at it ---- get rid of that blob of a piece of stinking $hit Sarah Sanders.  She's on the payroll?  She's too big of a fat, ugly, chicken to take a press conference.  Why are taxpayers paying her salary?  She is worthless. 

The whole lot of stinking, ridiculous, inept, ignorant and incompetent a$$holes must be gotten rid of, post haste.

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