Friday, June 14, 2019

Goodbye Sarah Huckabee Sanders - You REALLY SUCKED

So the press secretary (who hasn't given a press conference in months) is leaving the White House to go back to her home state of Arkansas.  Arkansas.  Another state mired in its disgusting antebellum history and backwards thinking.

It cannot be an easy task to stand up and lie to people, especially when the people you are lying to are educated journalists whom have done their homework and know you're lying.

Sarah was no good at this, yet everyday, she put on one ugly dress after another and stared down the media with her mean little piggy eyes.  Lie after lie came out of her mouth.  Her reputation was so tarnished, she was even refused service at a Virginia restaurant.

Sarah, you're just another whore bought and used up by Donald J. Trump.  You're no one special - just another woman to be tossed out on her ass as soon as she's no longer effective in promoting the notion Donald Trump is sane.

I'm not sorry for you.  I'm not sorry for any stupid bitch who works for Donald J. Trump.  You lay down with rats, you get up with bubonic plague.  That's your career course.

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