Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Lie To Me

 The RNC, with its message of divisiveness, fear and anger, is sad to watch.

From Don, Jr.'s and girlfriend Kimberly's obviously coked up, vehement performances, to the racist, gun pointing couple from Ohio, laughably commenting on Biden's nepotism while slated to speak in between Trump family members, this convention portrays the circus atmosphere that has always been a Trump Trademark.  All it needed was some clown shoes.  The noses were already there.

And let us not forget Melania's memorable speech, memorable only in that she got paid a BIGLY amount of money to stand there and tout her husband's (imaginary) accomplishments.  I suppose if you've prostituted yourself your entire life, it's hard to quit, if the price is right.

Let's talk about the audience in the damaged and devastated rose garden; social distancing not observed, masks not worn.  Nice message to America as the death toll from COVID19 approaches 200,000.  Perhaps the most blatant observation one could take away from the RNC is that these people don't give one damn f*ck about you.  

But America will speak, and the message will be loud and clear.  We don't give one damn f*ck about Donald J. Trump and his money-grubbing spawn, either.  Oh wait, check that.  We do care about them all serving the prison terms they so richly deserve.  

Right now, it would be very foolhardy for Donald J. Trump and his minions to break any more laws.  The Southern District of New York, and Congress is scrutinizing them closely.  But because the Donald J. Trump Crime Family is incapable of NOT breaking any laws......stay tuned.  The Circus of the Crooks continues.

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