Saturday, August 15, 2020

The Appalling Stupidity of Fox News Republicans

 I have to take issue with the fact that a relative of mine recently posted on my granddaughter's Facebook page that wearing a mask is useless and protects us from nothing during COVID19.

CDC guidelines aside - let me just address this horrendous misinformation she is spreading right here.

Wearing a mask is the only thing we have right now to slow the spread of the virus.  Wearing a mask protects you and your community from the disease, and greatly reduces the likelihood of contagion from one person to another.

Wearing a mask is a statement that says, I care about my fellow citizens and my own family.

Said relative owns a funeral home and is generally disgustingly greedy, so there is a method behind her madness.  What's good for her business is all that matters to her.  More dead people might mean a bigger boat next year.  

These republican fools who buy into conspiracy theories and watch Fox Fantasy Network News should be rounded up and hidden from view.  They are an embarrassment to every living person who tries to educate themselves and care about their community.  They are also traitors to democracy and should be treated as such.

If she shows up again on any of my relatives Facebook pages spouting her wretched ignorance about masks, I'm going to have to actually talk to her for the first time in over fifteen years and let her know just where she can put her asinine comments.

I don't want to do that.  I've kept her at bay this long, and I really don't want to be in close proximity to  her particular brand of venomous greed and ignorance.

But I'll go there.  


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