Wednesday, December 2, 2020

As The Dust Settles

 2020 is quickly coming to its long awaited end.

It's been a year of maddeningly horrific occurrences, from the outrageous lies spewed by almost every member of the Republican Party regarding the 2020 election to the inability of many American citizens to smarten up and put on a mask.

We are all happy to see this absolute bitch of a year close in on itself.

We will have a new president on January 20, 2021.  Well let me rephrase that.  We will have A president on January 20, 2021.  The power drunk orange blob inhabiting the oval office now is NO president.  In fact, I'm quite unsure whether or not he's even human.  From my perspective, he is an animated piece of untreated sewerage excrement and I look forward to celebrating on the day that he dies, much as I did on the day he lost the election.

There are two promising vaccines on the horizon, and let me be blunt here, if Donald Trump had actually won reelection, vaccinating this nation would have turned into the worse clusterf*ck Americans have ever faced.  Thankfully, we don't have to worry about it because Joe Biden has a brain and is able to work within the structure of government.  We may start to get some relief from COVID19 by the middle of next year.

What astounds me as this year comes to a close is that at least half the people I share this country with are disgusting Trump supporters, fascists, racists and downright idiots.  This is not a political viewpoint.  This is the observation I've come away with after watching these motherf*ckers try to destroy democracy for the past four years.  Of course, it's easy to destroy what you never understood in the first place.  That is why these people are morons.  They share a complete failure to understand what democracy means.  I now understand how Germans gassed and burned six million people.  It was their own failure to develop a meaningful moral code and live by it.  These Trump supporting Americans think they have a moral code because they oppose abortion.  But not one of them raised an objection when we destroyed families at the border and now have 545 parents we cannot locate to reunite them with their children.  Morality is not a single issue voter preference.  It's much deeper than that.  But Trump supporters are not deep.  

I believe Donald Trump will be dead soon.  Much like Hitler swallowing his poison capsule in the bunker as Berlin burned, Donald Trump will be unable to convince anyone (important) that he is anything more than a cheap grifter in a made-in-China suit who almost stole the goddamn country right out from under their ignorant noses.  Donald Trump can't stand to be the butt ass of his own joke, but that, my friends, is the unenviable position he finds himself.

So stick your head between your legs and kiss your a$$ goodbye, Donald.  May hell hold a special delight for you.

And note to others ---- If you have the kind of legacy Donald Trump brought to the table and still have the audacity to think you can be president.....think again.  America may be ripe for change, but we will never be so stupid as to let this debacle ever happen again.

After all is said and done, there was never another Hitler in Germany, was there?

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Let's All Take a Knee ---- and Tip Our Hats to Colin Kaepernick

When Colin Kaepernick first took a knee at a San Francisco Giants game, I was astounded by the absolute beauty and bravery of that  simple act.  When other players started taking a knee at games, I was convinced that this non-violent act of social awareness was going to actually lead to positive changes.  Then the owners started grumbling and threatening (which didn't stop the true believers in trying to affect the change that needed to happen).  Billionaires don't like politics mixing with their profits, unless, of course, it's to their advantage.  Then came the fan base......die hard Packer fans, to name one group.  These folks would sit through a game at twenty-two degrees below zero, but couldn't tolerate the discomfort of the fact Colin Kaepernick was calling attention to the institutional racism that exists throughout this nation.  Colin Kaepernick was let go by the San Francisco 49'ers.  

But here we are, Black Lives Matter, and all that social injustice awareness that comes with it, and we can all thank Colin Kaepernick.  His kneel seen 'round the world was the same year that some big brute linebacker decided to stomp Aaron Rodgers collar bone and take him out for the season.  Smilingly, I said, shame about Aaron, but now the Packers can hire Colin Kaepernick and possibly salvage the season.  (They didn't).  Gees, what a hopeless moron I am for not recognizing the cold-hearted nature of the NFL.  Colin Kaepernick, and all of his talented potential, was tossed aside by the power elite.  The Packers had a bad year.  So did Colin, I imagine.

Fast forward to today.  We all owe Colin Kaepernick a huge apology and the absolute recognition that automatically is bestowed upon men of honor......because he is an honorable man.  In the remarkable order of the universe, Colin Kaepernick might have been an exemplary, incredible quarterback.  But what he did will shine brightly and forever in the universe and is much much more worthy than a Super Bowl ring.

Kudos to you, Colin Kaepernick.  Your life matters more than you'll ever know.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Lie To Me

 The RNC, with its message of divisiveness, fear and anger, is sad to watch.

From Don, Jr.'s and girlfriend Kimberly's obviously coked up, vehement performances, to the racist, gun pointing couple from Ohio, laughably commenting on Biden's nepotism while slated to speak in between Trump family members, this convention portrays the circus atmosphere that has always been a Trump Trademark.  All it needed was some clown shoes.  The noses were already there.

And let us not forget Melania's memorable speech, memorable only in that she got paid a BIGLY amount of money to stand there and tout her husband's (imaginary) accomplishments.  I suppose if you've prostituted yourself your entire life, it's hard to quit, if the price is right.

Let's talk about the audience in the damaged and devastated rose garden; social distancing not observed, masks not worn.  Nice message to America as the death toll from COVID19 approaches 200,000.  Perhaps the most blatant observation one could take away from the RNC is that these people don't give one damn f*ck about you.  

But America will speak, and the message will be loud and clear.  We don't give one damn f*ck about Donald J. Trump and his money-grubbing spawn, either.  Oh wait, check that.  We do care about them all serving the prison terms they so richly deserve.  

Right now, it would be very foolhardy for Donald J. Trump and his minions to break any more laws.  The Southern District of New York, and Congress is scrutinizing them closely.  But because the Donald J. Trump Crime Family is incapable of NOT breaking any laws......stay tuned.  The Circus of the Crooks continues.

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Why I Will Always Keep Trumpists Out of My Life

 If, after all the madness of the past four years, someone is still supporting Donald J. Trump, that person will be kept on the peripheral of my life.  

I don't want people in my life who agree with separating babies and toddlers from their families and locking them in cages.  Don't give me your fecal diatribe about not coming here legally.  None of us are here legally.  The blood on our hands for what we did (and still do) to Native Americans is thick with hatred and injustice.  So keep your rationalization out of my life.

I don't want people in my life who willingly support a known sexual predator.  Donald J. Trump has been ordered by the courts to give a DNA sample in a criminal case of rape brought by a victim who was thirteen years old when Trump allegedly raped her, at Jeffrey Epstein's apartment.  This is not a conspiracy theory.  This is a fact, easily proven by researching the court case.  

I would rather not know anyone who supports a liar and a grifter.  That, to me, means that you believe lying and stealing are acceptable behaviors and you probably engage in them, yourself.  Thank you, but no thank you to your presence.  I've already lost far too much to you.

I will not accept racists nor fascists in my life.  The appalling way Donald Trump and his associates, (many being convicted felons) have trampled democracy and shat over the United States Constitution is the last straw in my tolerance of you.  

In short, people who support Donald Trump are not welcome in my life.  I try, and have always tried, to stand on the side of fairness and justice ---- for EVERYONE, not for the select few.  I may be civil to your face, but understand that beneath my civility lies a contempt for you you'll never be able to fathom, because you are a soulless Trump supporter.  And that is your karma.

Saturday, August 15, 2020

The Appalling Stupidity of Fox News Republicans

 I have to take issue with the fact that a relative of mine recently posted on my granddaughter's Facebook page that wearing a mask is useless and protects us from nothing during COVID19.

CDC guidelines aside - let me just address this horrendous misinformation she is spreading right here.

Wearing a mask is the only thing we have right now to slow the spread of the virus.  Wearing a mask protects you and your community from the disease, and greatly reduces the likelihood of contagion from one person to another.

Wearing a mask is a statement that says, I care about my fellow citizens and my own family.

Said relative owns a funeral home and is generally disgustingly greedy, so there is a method behind her madness.  What's good for her business is all that matters to her.  More dead people might mean a bigger boat next year.  

These republican fools who buy into conspiracy theories and watch Fox Fantasy Network News should be rounded up and hidden from view.  They are an embarrassment to every living person who tries to educate themselves and care about their community.  They are also traitors to democracy and should be treated as such.

If she shows up again on any of my relatives Facebook pages spouting her wretched ignorance about masks, I'm going to have to actually talk to her for the first time in over fifteen years and let her know just where she can put her asinine comments.

I don't want to do that.  I've kept her at bay this long, and I really don't want to be in close proximity to  her particular brand of venomous greed and ignorance.

But I'll go there.  


Friday, August 7, 2020

The Absolute Idiocy of Fox News

 I watched a few excerpts from Fox News programming today.

Jesus Mary and Joseph.  People who watch this drivel must be sitting in front of their television sets masturbating.  They are totally blind to the audacious lies this network spreads.  It is true.  You will go blind if you do it too much.  That is, watching Fox news, not masturbating.

I heard, in a lousy 3 minute experience, Fox newscasters say children are immune to COVID19 and sending them to school is absolutely safe.  In my opinion, (which I share with a majority of health professionals)  there is no evidence that supports the claim that your child won't get sick and die if sent to school.  So if you want to play dice with your children's health and well-being, then do it.  But understand that most of us consider your judgment to be non-existent.  


Next lie --- hydroxychloroquine is a cure.  This has been proven wrong numerous times, but apparently, if the president and his disgusting brood of simpering grifters hold shares in the drug company that manufactures hydroxychloroquine, then it is going to be touted as a cure.  Never mind that many patients have died after taking this drug and every legitimate doctor treating patients during this pandemic has warned against it's use.  

The truth is, Donald Trump is over as a president.  His next gig will be as a defendant in multiple criminal and civil cases being brought against him.  God willing, he'll f*ck that gig up so badly he will spend the rest of his disgusting life in a cell block.  Because that what Donald J. Trump does.  He f*cks everything up beyond reasonable recognition and then blames someone else.  Meanwhile, his kids are shoveling taxpayer money out the back door.

The country is broke.  The population is dying really quite preventable deaths.  And there the idiots sit, in front of Fox News, masturbating their minds into some bizarre mental ejaculation because they just cannot admit what a mistake they made.  There they sit, because they just want to believe in their orange messiah with the bad hair plugs.  And Fox News give them the legitimacy to do so.

The rest of the world does not.  We hold you responsible and we will make you pay.

Monday, August 3, 2020


Today, after my bike ride through Audubon Park, a load of laundry, a front porch sweeping and a bathroom cleaning, I sat down to eat my lunch and, as I usually do, turned on CNN to catch the latest headlines.

I am trying to lose weight, so already I'm ahead of the game, because there, in all his unappetizing, nauseating lack of glory stands Donald J. Trump spewing word salad from his anus shaped, puckered mouth. 

We already know hydrochloroquine is ineffective against COVID19, but he's spouting it's "wonderful treatment" usage.  We already know the pandemic is out of control in the country, but there he is dissing his own pandemic team leader, Dr. Birks, and saying she is wrong and he is right.  America is healthy and well!  The virus is firmly in control in his mind.....and his mind alone.  The cheese stands alone, the cheese stands alone, hi-ho the dairy-o, the BIG STUPID STINKING cheese stands alone.

The great orange pumpkin of Ozlandia speaking in nonsensical, incomplete sentences and talking about what "we have coming is going to be so great".  (He has never delivered on anything he's promised that was "coming", so we already KNOW (A) Nothing is going to happen or (B) Whatever does happen will be yet another Trumpian-sized disaster.

This knucklehead still has believers......still has followers......still will get a percentage of votes in the next election.

And that astounds me.

Donald Trump is a joke.  So is his family.  From dumb Eric, to plastic Ivanka, they provide a source of comedy that is endless and rampant.  Don, Jr., might want to legally change his name after this fiasco of an administration gets flushed down the annals of history.

So, I propose, when Joe Biden walks away easily with the next election in his pocket, we send out engraved invitations to the Knucklehead Bawl.......where rubbery chicken and humble pie will no doubt be served at the only property still solvent in the Trump portfolio .... Mar-A-Laughable.  (It will only be solvent because of Russian contributions.)  It will be the event to end all events - all the class of a WWE  wrestling bout, and a send-off for those knuckleheads still believing in their Clueless Messiah....who was pinned under the weight of his own ego.

The road to hell is paved with lousy politicians, thieves, rapists, murderers and con-men.  And hell is awaiting these fools --- making special arrangements so that every single thing is just so.......hellaciously DIVINE for each and every one of them.

I swallowed my sandwich, with dignity,  remembering, ever so fondly, that the attorneys of the Southern District Of New York are working hard today.  Harder than this piece of human excrement sitting in the Oval Office ever worked.

Thursday, July 30, 2020

You Goddamn Better Believe We Are Mad as Hell and We're not Going to Take It!

The COVID19  pandemic and the U.S.'s  bungled response to it has affected the mental health of everyone living in this country.  Perhaps it was never truer than this morning, when I read my sister's FaceBook post about masking up.

My older sister is mild-mannered and somewhat timid.  She does stand up for herself, but you have to really push her hard to get under her skin.  She does not like conflict and basically shies away from uncomfortable confrontations.  She's a nice person who has been treated badly by a few people in our family.  I don't understand how we ended up as sisters, because we are so very opposite.  Be that as it may, my sister is a sweet  person and not that many people would say that about me.......but those same people would pick me to be on their side in a fight.

So, this morning, after reading her "fed up" FaceBook post about people not wearing masks, and people politicizing a pandemic, I realized that most Americans are furious over the state of our country, the economy, the horrible president and the disastrous disarray of this country's pandemic response.  We're also mad about the fact that this country continues its decline daily and we are all losing something every single day.


My sister has the unfortunate conundrum of having good friends whom are Trump supporters.  She, unlike me, would never dismiss those people with little more than a flip of a middle finger.  I have stated it many times, if you're a Trump supporter, I want you as far out of my life as I can get you.  I feel you are diseased, both mentally and with an STD.  That's right - I look at you as having a huge syphilis chancre on your face.  Whom, in this day and age, would let their syphilis go untreated?  Only Trump.  And his supporters.

I read one of her friend's FaceBook posts that welcomed people into her yard, not wearing masks and bringing all their weapons.  To this I say, God Help You.  May you not be one of the unfortunate people who will bury a child or a grandchild because of your cavalier, Trumpian philosophy and your disregard for science.  I know you were raised catholic, so you'd better get on your knees until they bleed and beg for forgiveness for threatening the health of all of your friends and family.  You are as bad as the pedophile priests you so worship.  And as for your weapons - well, shove one up there, sweetie, and pull the trigger.   Your stupid ass is unnecessary on this planet.

Another one of her friends complained that there was "no news - same shit, different day." Yes, Bitch - it is the same shit every day because of block heads like you, who refused to acknowledge the pandemic, confused wearing a mask with a constitutional right, and is so close to full-blown idiocy, I hope my sister never stands too close to your particular brand of crazy.    Please go back to Florida real soon.  It's your of Disney Characters ---- almost all of them Goofy.

We're f*cking mad. We're not taking it anymore.  And the first thing the next administration is going to do is make you Trumpists pay, and pay dearly, through your taxes, for not having the sense God gave a gnat.  That's the only thing that REALLY hurts your Selfish Subset Mini-Culture of American Life.  So we are going to have a F*cking blast sticking it to you where it REALLY hurts.

In short, shut your cake holes, put a mask on, get off the Trump wagon of lunacy and do your part.  And THEN....... we're still coming after your money.

Monday, July 13, 2020

Can We Really Disagree - and Still Be Friends?

I, as most people do, tend to have friends with similar values and perspectives.  It's not that I can't be friends with radically different people - I am, and have learned much from their experiences - but not so much with my close friendships......the people I invite into my house for dinner.

The political signs saying "We can Disagree and Still be Friends" moves me to despair.  And here is why.

If you support Donald Trump at this stage of the game, you are okay with children being torn from their parents and caged at the border.

If you still support Donald Trump, you are okay with criminals getting pardoned for crimes against America.

If you still support Donald Trump, you are okay with incompetence, ineptitude and ignorance sitting in the oval office.

If you still support Donald Trump, you are okay with treasonous interference in our elections.

If you still support Donald Trump, you are okay with thousands of people dying because he failed to act during a worldwide pandemic.

If you still support Donald Trump, you are okay with sending your children back to school where they are most certainly going to be infected with COVID19.

If you still support Donald Trump at this stage of the game, you are saying to me that corruption, thievery and racism is perfectly acceptable in your world, and you actually admire it.

If you still support Donald Trump, environmental devastation does not bother you.

So, if you voted for Donald Trump in 2016, well, you just were too lazy and too ignorant to do your homework about him, and I can get over it and move on.

But if you are still supporting Donald Trump, I don't want you in my life.  I just can't stomach the kind of person you are, and I can't reconcile who you are with who I thought you were.

So if you still support Donald Trump, after all the catastrophic disaster created by one incompetent blunderer, I won't be inviting you over for dinner.  Ever.  I probably will miss you.  But I don't think I love you anymore.

Friday, July 10, 2020

America --- Come here for the Freedom - Die of COVID19

I really must take issue with all the Americans out there too stupid to look up the word "pandemic".

I really must tell you how despised you are by those of us who DO understand the word.

I really find the entire county to be devoid of sentient human beings.  If you have above average intelligence, living anywhere in America right now is a nightmare of being surrounded by people whom display disgusting stupidity, and they do it in the name of freedom.

Yes, here in America, you are FREE to be as STUPID as you want.

But you make everyone sick.

And that's who you are.  People who make other people sick. 

At least we know who you are now.  We can see your noses.

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

To Mask Or Not to Mask ---- That is the Difference Between Intelligence and Stupidity

Now that Donald Trump was almost successful in bringing down the destruction of the United States, let's take a look on how we'll fix it.

I, like many Americans, have been in my home since March ---- self-imposed isolation being important to my health and the health of my neighbors.

When I have had to venture anyplace, I've worn a mask (which is mandated by the City of New Orleans), but usually, I just stay home.  I am not so without imagination that I cannot enjoy the down time, even though I'm retired and most of my time is down time.  I have projects, I have reading and I am catching up on NetFlix movies.  My garden has never looked more lovely, my house has never been so clean, my meals have never been so creative.  In short, I am not upset that I can't go to a mall or a manicurist (things I rarely did anyhow).

But the whole "rights" thing associated with the masking of America has brought me to the edge of sanity.

We are mandated to wear seat belts.
We are mandated to stop at red lights.
We are mandated to not kill.
We are mandated to not steal.
We are mandated not to beat our children.
We are mandated to get vaccinated before going to public school.
We are mandated to wear clothes in public.
The list goes on ad infinitum.

Yet suddenly, we have a group of anti-maskers screaming about their rights - how they can't breathe - how this is fascist dictatorship.

I guess, if nothing else, this group of people might now start to understand how the mandates against abortion are ridiculously overstepping government's rights.

Here is what I have to say to this group of incredibly unintelligent, arrogant, narcissistic people:

1.  Get Over YOURSELVES.  Put a mask on.
2.  People are dying, over 130,000 of your fellow Americans, already.  Put a mask on.
3.  Don't want to be the planet's epicenter for the Covid 19 any longer. Put a mask on.
4.  Would not like to watch anyone die. (Actually, they must die alone).  Put a mask on.
5.  Care about your fellow citizens?  Put a mask on.
6.  Support Donald Trump in all his full-blown ignorance?  Put a mask on.

In short, people, put a MASK ON.

This Covid-19 virus is declaring open season on the unmasked.  So if you really want to get back to some semblance of normalcy, put a mask on and shut your ignorant mouths.  If you can't breathe - then die.  Alone.  Good Riddance.

Monday, June 29, 2020

F*ckerberg Kicks Me Off Facebook again - for stating the obvious

Have you actually looked at the people at a Trump Rally ---- or read the message on their clothing.

Let me give you an example:

Some beauty queen wore a shirt that said "Donald Trump can grab my pussy anytime".  And when I say beauty queen, I'm saying she could have won for Poppy Princess.  (That's a South Milwaukee insider joke.  Ask me about it.)

Regardless --- the people who attend Trump rallies are, for the most part, die-hard, swallowed the Kool-Aid, no political intelligence, pawns of a much larger and more well-organized scheme to turn this country into a Russian-like Oligarchy.  But we don't see the rich people behind the scenes.  We only see the, oh, what shall we call them?  Dumb F*cking Crackers?  Dentist-phobes?  Fat a$$ freaks?

So I said core Trump supporters are White Trash Assholes on Facebook, and I stand by that.  And the rich backers of this movement to destroy American Democracy are White Trash Assholes, too.

So Mr. Zuckerberg, you are a white trash asshole.  You are just like Donald Trump, and probably just as hated by almost as many people.

Kick me off Facebook.  It can't change who you are.  Cracker.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Required Reading

Today, The New York Times published the names of the first thousand people in American whom had died of Corona Virus.

I decided to read every name.  There are sixteen full page columns in a very small font.  I read the first column.  It took me five minutes.  Each name is accompanied by a brief statement of that person's life.   It will take me 80 minutes to read all of the names.  But I'm going to do it  I'm going to read all the names because these people weren't statistics, they were people, with lives, loves, fears, hopes and dreams.  They all had people whom loved them and whom they loved.

Perhaps the worst thing I've felt since the whole pandemic struck us down with a brutality few of us have ever known, is reducing deaths to a statistical number, and calling ourselves lucky that 100,000 lives lost is a good number.  It is not.

My heart breaks for the country.  For the ignorance that is sweeping the country in a mask-off chasm of  those being serious about not spreading the disease, and those whose freedom is marked by not  wearing a mask and carrying an assault weapon.

My heart breaks because America, our country, is so full of ignorant, self-absorbed, unconcerned people who would rather grasp at conspiracy theories being fed them by illegitimate news sources than don a mask, or stay at home.

My heart breaks because this once admirable country is nothing more than a greed feeding frenzy of billionaires while they rile many of us up into believing we're all having such a difficult time because we don't have enough Mexican children locked in cages, crying for their parents.  It is a great crime against humanity and one that will not go unnoticed by the historians.

The Corona Virus Pandemic has caused the end of America.  Most people don't see that yet, but I do.  And if this is what America is today, these horrible things I'm seeing on my news feed, then its good that its over.  We are nothing more than an evil empire whose time has come and gone.  We should be held accountable for our crimes against our fellow man.

I don't know what will rise from the ashes of America.  I'm slightly glad I'm getting older and closer to death so I won't be forced to watch the transformation.  Transformations of any kind are full of pain.

But I do worry for all the people left, especially the youngest members of my family.  We all deserve better than America.  And I'm so ashamed of this country for making me say that.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

In Dreams

So here I am, Day 75 of the Corona Virus Lockdown.

I am somewhat bored, although I've taken to riding my bike through the now deserted streets of New Orleans with a whole lot less fear my bike will get painted white and I'll be dead.  I haven't ridden my bike since moving here.  So, let's call that a big win.  I forgot how much I like to ride my bike.  It's just pretty dangerous here in the land of stupid texting drivers.  It's been a real challenge to find a way from my house to Audubon Park and the bike trail, that isn't filled with man-eating potholes, but I have had fun mapping a zig-zag route.  There is a coffin sized hole in the street on Fern and Cohn.  I think a car actually went in it a few weeks ago, and people were badly hurt.  New Orleans has, as per usual, put an orange cone near it.  I digress, but honestly, my safety, and any bicyclists well-being, is not of utmost importance to any city council member.  In fact, it's not of any importance.

Where was I?

Oh yes.  In Dreams.

Dreams are funny things.  Mine are vivid, wild, remarkable (most of the time - some are very secret), memorable and I always feel like I got a free night at the movies and I liked the movie.  But lately, with this Corona Virus shutting down my normal avenues of fun, enjoyment and drinking venues, some of us are experiencing more sinister nocturnal visions than we're used to.  I have had a few bad nights with bad husband yelling at me, my husband telling me he was leaving me for husband dying (that was the worst one - complete with me following an ambulance to Bay 3 of a Brick Morgue where they loaded him on a conveyor belt and sent him God knows where).  I'm not sure if that dream followed the one where he said he was leaving me, and I might have killed him.....just don't remember the sequence.  Kind of sounds like my initial reaction.  But dreams do not make sense mostly.  They reflect our subconscious thoughts and fears, wants and desires.

At least, that's what my husband, the psychologist, says.  I don't tell him all my dreams.  He's less interested in dreams than in what's going on when we're awake anyhow.  Psychiatrists and Psychotherapists are more interested in dreams.  But they're always poking their noses into your most private places.  They are the crotch-sniffing dogs of mental hygiene.

So my dream that was pretty awesome this week I just feel I have to share.  I had a date with Bob Dylan.

Bob Dylan!  Wow.  And he was the young, restless, revolutionary Bob Dylan and I was my young self too.  God, I love it when I dream I'm young again.  How we fail to appreciate all that beauty, zest and intensity when we're actually living it.

Bob came to pick me up and we went back to his rather nice basement apartment where he showed me a book of physics he was reading.  Somehow, Bob Dylan reading physics doesn't quite mesh, but he may well have an interest in physics, or else this was a metaphysical moment I was experiencing and Bob Dylan and I were actually talking. I told him about the great literature I enjoyed reading and then we were in a New Orleans club, dancing to some jazzy blues.

A very tall musician who was playing the jazzy blues asked me to dance and I danced with him, but I remember looking around to see if this was making Bob Dylan upset and feeling like a 15 year old girl, unfamiliar with the ways of dancing and boys in general.  This was the best dream I've had since the Corona Virus creeped into town and stole everyone's carefree.

I think it's worth noting that I remember the tall musician's body and arms around me more than I remember Bob Dylan's.

But I was young, and my hormones were raging.

Friday, April 24, 2020

Land of the Quarantined

So this damned Corona Virus hit America and the world, like a great big meaty hand slapping a delicate little face.

We're all sick of being confined to our houses.  But going anywhere is out of the question because everybody's potentially contagious and nothing at all is open. (I assume there are some restaurants and bars open in South Dakota.......where else are all those feverish meat packers going to go and complain that their out of a job?  But damn their governor is great for keeping Harry's House of Hicks open.

We are all sick of it.  And we're sick of this insane horse's ass Donald Trump coming into our living rooms every night just as we're getting ready to cook our tasteless food and drink our cheap wine.  We're sick of him coming into our living rooms and telling us to inject Clorox or shine some light up our anuses to kill the virus.  That's right folks.  That's what he said.

So I give a crap if I'm confined --- have been for two months already ----- and I give another crap if I'm eating mine or my husband's cooking because frankly, we're both pretty damned good cooks.  But I do mind having a f*cking idiot for a president.  I mind a lot.  I mind so much that given half an opportunity, I'd pin this son of a bitch to the ground and inject him with Clorox myself.   I'd tie a bandanna  around his shit spewing mouth so tight, his beady eyes would pop out.  I'd kick his stupid ass until the last of his brains fell out on my shoes, and then I'd tap dance across his bloated ass dead body with broken glass slippers.  And then just for the fun of it, I'd smoke a hole pack of cigarettes sitting on top of his blubber and I'd put every one of those damned cigarettes out on his face.

Can you believe this motherf*cker let this happen here?  And he's got the f*cking audacity to come on television every night and tell us what a great job he's doing.

I got a great job for you, f*ckwad.......Resign and go sit on your gold plated toilet for the rest of your godforsaken life.  We're all just ready for you to be dead.  DEAD.  BE DEAD.  BE DEAD SOON.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Georgia, Florida, South Carolina and Texas AIN'T WE GOT FUN!!!!

The four states in the title are home to some of the most ignorant politicians on the face of the Earth.

I could give you names and any number of examples, but let's just pick one particularly stupid and offensive thing that was said today.

The Lieutenant Governor of Texas told his people (this regarding opening businesses in his state during a pandemic) that people dying don't really matter if the economy rebounds.

Well Texas always likes to brag about how big it is, how great it is, how proud it is.  Soon they will be able to boast how many dead people gave their lives trying to save their economy.  Frankly, no one's economy can be saved at this point, and we are never going to go back to what used to pass as normal.  (It wasn't.)  This is a scary thing but it is not necessarily a bad thing.  Navigating uncharted waters is treacherous.  Especially with a status quo government that has allowed this nightmare we find ourselves in to happen.  We need a new governing body.  Of that we're all in agreement.

The oil industry basically collapsed in the world yesterday.......and there's a lot of unhappy oil millionaires in Texas.  There's some pretty upset Saudi royal family members too.  The oil industry dying yesterday was a monumental thing ---- bad for the billionaires, pretty f*cking great for the environment.  No one sees that silver lining, because the politicians and the billionaires want you to see the worst, so you can get the f*ck back to the business of making money for them.  If a few thousand of you die along the way, so be it.

These four states are Trumplandia - reddest blood in America, steeped in a tradition of racism unparalleled outside of America's deep south.  And these four states are about to bring you, in dying color, the end of the United States.

So take off your MAGA hat and salute these people.......

I intend to look on the bright side.  Out of the ashes of the fire these four states ignite today with their stupidity, what will rise?  Something more in keeping with our forefather's vision when they wrote the Constitution? 

Whatever it is, it will certainly be an improvement on the "what was" for most of us.

Either way, expect some pretty massive crematoriums to be built.  The dead are piling up already, and these four states just put Covid-19 on steroids.

F*cking politicians. 

Thursday, April 16, 2020

The Quiet Revolution

If ya'll live in this world (and I assume most everyone reading this does), then you know what a giant mess we're in with this pandemic.

If you're fortunate enough to be experiencing this Disaster outside of the United States, I envy you.  You, at least, have leadership and sense guiding you.

Here in America, Donald J. Trump can't wait to get everyone back to what he considers "NORMAL".  NOTE:  Anything Donald J. Trump would consider "normal" is very f*cked up to begin with.

Our leader is telling us to go back to work, even though one in eight pregnant women showing up in NYC hospitals to deliver their babies are testing positive for corona virus .......without showing any symptoms.  Now apply that same ratio to the general public, and you come to the conclusion that unless and until every American citizen can be tested, it is UNSAFE to reopen America.  (How f*cking safe America ever was to begin with is a whole other can of shit spinach.)

And so we here in the United States must unite and tell our increasingly insane (and everyday less capable of hiding it) leader that we will not go back to work.


This is a quiet revolution.  We won't be taking to the streets as some idiots just did in Michigan.  We won't be holding demonstrations.

We will, from the comfort, newness, boredom and delight of our isolation, be telling you that until everyone is tested, we will not be going back to work.  Your economy can collapse around your ears, but we are not expendable and we are not going to listen to you.

So NO.  Just say NO.  Just say NO to the mess our leader has gotten us into, And let's talk about the new world that is being born from this.

A world that is long overdue.

Friday, March 20, 2020

Welcome to the Petri Dish

It's a real disaster here in America.

We have a president who:

1.  Told citizens Covid19 was a democratic hoax.

2.  Kept the numbers of virus infections a secret from citizens because the numbers would make him "look bad".

3.  Continually lies about medicinal cures and equipment availability, while patting himself on his back and saying he's a real war-time president.

4.  Sent a couple of naval hospital ships to help in Washington State and New York.  Ships - but no medical staff.

5.  Shirks any responsibility for causing this debacle and wouldn't know how to fix this debacle because all the king's horses and all the king's men are basically total flunked out sycophants.

6.  When he does get someone decent to address the crisis, he barely lets him speak, because this one, solitary, loan doctor will tell the truth.

7.  The New York and Los Angeles mayors are taking extreme action, which should be taken nation-wide, to help curb the spread of Covid19.

8.  Trump "doesn't think" we need to be extreme.  Well, Trump doesn't think.  That's what we all know.

Frankly, all Trump can do is lie.  That's all he's ever been able to do.  He is no negotiator, he is no diplomat, he is no statesman.  He's a total fool in a big fat body with a teeny tiny, barely functioning brain.  He not only didn't drain the swamp, he IS the swamp.

And he's going to kill us.

Why are we letting him stay in office?

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Excuse Me, Mark Zuckerberg, But Your Vagina is Showing

Today I got kicked off Facebook for the third or fourth time - I lose track.  I made a remark that ended something like, STFU Lindsay Graham Cracker.

Well then.

Apparently Cracker is hate speech, but behind Graham?   Does anyone order crackers with their soup in Mobile, Alabama at the white only diner?  Fucking hate speech if you do!  They might serve crackers but you better not ask for them.

So up rises the mighty FACEBOOK brown shirts to tell me that I am banned for seven days for saying cracker in the same sentence as I said Lindsay Graham.

You know what, Zuckerberg - you cheap whore in an expensive suit with a fucking ugly haircut......your vagina is showing.  The hypocrisy oozing from your wretched attempt at a legitimate existence soils the world in excrement.

Let's look at Zuckerberg.

A Class A Criminal with a pedigreed education.  While at college, he stole the idea of social media from two other students......and that education kept him from going to prison and earned him billions of dollars.

Of course, Mark Zuckerberg is now one of the nation's leading greedy whores and must embrace republican theocracy.  To put that in terms the average reader can understand --- Republican theocracy means you must love money above all else, hate to pay taxes, pretend you're religious, pose as a decent human being and basically exchange Democracy for Oligarchy, while killing off anything undesirable, i.e., anyone not having billions of dollars.

And Mark Zuckerberg is worried about me calling Lindsay Graham Cracker a cracker?

Mark Zuckerberg, if I am not mistaken, allowed Donald Trump to rise to a position of power while accepting money in exchange for the posting of lies, disinformation, and flat out repulsively blatant foreign interference from a hostile government, namely Russia.  Mark Zuckerberg, just like Donald Trump, has no qualms about accepting money from our enemies if it makes him richer.  He wants to be a head Oligarch when our democracy is toppled, and he's right on track to be just that.  Gilead, anyone?  It's where we're headed.

But Mark Zuckerberg is punishing me for referring to Lindsay Graham as a cracker. 

Mark Zuckerberg is as full of crap as they come.  His true colors are evident in just about everything he has done and will do in the future.  He lies.  He steals.  He cheats. He should go buy himself a real short skirt and show everyone his vagina.  He shows it off in every other conceivable way.

Like Trump, Zuckerberg is a fucking coward hiding behind his money.  His penis has been pimped out to the highest bidder and he's left with a vagina, which doesn't make him any smarter, but does expose him for the dickless piece of human excrement he actually is.

But as Zuckerberg has done from the beginning.......he'll get the little guy to pay the price that should be extracted from him.  Fucking parasites.   They're the worst.

Thursday, January 2, 2020


Leave it to that utter moron in the oval office to plunge the United States into another disastrous conflict in the middle east.

Distractions at the expense of global security.  Trump doesn't care.  He'll do anything at this point to look like a leader, when in reality ---- this assassination in Iraq has made us all very vulnerable to every conceivable kind of mayhem.

All you idiots who voted for this bullshit artist better prepare your sons and daughters for years of war, violence, and apocalyptic living conditions, because the President Without a Brain has plunged the entire world into darkness.  What a perfect way to distract you from the Articles of Impeachment.

You stupid, stupid people. 

At this point, it is hard for me to say whom I detest more ---- Trump or you.