Sunday, December 15, 2019

Joy to the World

It's that time of year when everyone seems to get a little part of the Christmas spirit.....whether they're true believers or cynics, Jews or Buddhists, Muslims or Scientologists.  Even the most atheist among us have a soft spot in their heart for Christmas music, ice skates, snow, mittens, cocoa, cookies, and peace on Earth.

One day of the year, one can almost physically feel the peace on Earth.  It doesn't matter if it's just a  perception and that we go back to being just awful to each other the next day.  The Christmas spirit exists in all of us for a brief 24 hour period every year.

I guess that's better than nothing - one single day of the year where we shut down the negativity and we all pretend that there is hope for a more joyous new year.  In fact, a lot of us aren't pretending - we're really hopeful that this peace on Earth feeling actually does last longer than dinner at Grandma's house. 


I'm far away from my family, and Christmas will be a small affair.  There won't be a ton of presents to unwrap (darn), or little toddlers tearing into their gifts and being more delighted with the boxes they came in.  There won't be a flurry of anxious activity while dinner for sixteen gets served up, or a mountain of dishes to scrape and clean.  There won't be anyone a few martinis over the line, or any petty squabbles between siblings.  There will just be people who honestly care about each other spending a quiet evening at home.  Like most of our evenings.  I guess everyday in my house is like Christmas (without the presents). 

I'd like to give a gift to everyone --- an idea that every day can feel like Christmas if every day we pretend its Christmas.  We try to be more charitable, we care more about our fellow beings, we are more generous with our money and our time.  We actually help someone who needs our help, not because they've asked for our help, but because we are actually seeing them and the situations they are in.  That is Christmas and that is what I wish we would always feel.  It should not be limited to 24 hours once a year.  It loses all sincerity if that is all it is.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Steve Scalise Syndrome Invades GOP

As I watched the GOP hand picked whiner society complain about process and policy ---- never once defending or denying the treasonous misdeeds of the horse's ass known as Donald J. Trump, it occurred to me that they must certainly have a more heinous agenda than even Trump was able to incorporate.

The New Order they seem to be proposing will leave most Americans seriously hurt and the democracy mostly dead.

These are evil men.

We don't know exactly what evil they are building to, but we do understand the magnificent obsession they have with tearing down our democracy.

They are hopelessly cheer leading a douche bag who will be impeached (at least) if not actually removed. 

These cowards are all suffering the same fate Steve Scalise suffered with his love affair of the NRA --- no balls syndrome.  That, in a (empty) nutshell, is the gist of it.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

As American Heads Spin

Days of Our Lives.

Permanently on Hiatus.

So along comes the latest daytime drama ---- the Impeachment Inquiries.

Most Americans are dismayed to see the level of corruption on display by the Republican Party and Donald J. Trump.  I'm speaking strictly of those Americans perfectly capable of separating fact from fiction.  (A little more than half of our total population.)

Here's what I am seeing:  a country in disarray and lacking credibility anywhere in the world.  And I'm seeing this because a bunch of hopelessly misinformed people voted Donald J. Trump into existence as our President.

Perhaps most interesting (to me, anyhow) is how a man (and I use the term strictly based on gender) who shows no loyalty to anyone, acts as if he's King Henry VIII, and makes up his own reality, is having his karmic output come back to him a thousandfold.  This is providence to me.....and providence to me is poetic justice, nothing more.  No bearded old guy watching over sparrows......just poetic justice. 

There's always been a little bit of a wobble as this planet spins.......and since that horribly fateful day when Donald Trump took office, we have been millimeters close to an all-out catastrophic event.  Except for one thing.  Donald J. Trump is so inept, so incompetent, that mysterious forces have conspired to take him down.

Maybe its not so mysterious.  I live in New Orleans.  I suspect there are an awful lot of dolls with pins inside our Parish lines. 

Whatever has caused this sudden shift into light from the nightmare most Americans are living under, we need to be very grateful this Thanksgiving, that this very dangerous, genuinely disturbed man pretending to run this country is definitely going down in a giant fireball.

I watched the impeachment inquiries today.  My take away is that no one is going to take a fall for Dandy Don.  No one is going to take Devin Nunes seriously as he spouts out the same, ridiculous rhetoric that  the Republican Party always seems to spout these days.  Trouble one's in the market for snake oil, and Nunes comes off as looking like a priggish little whiner who goes out to dinner far too often.  On your dime.  At Trump hotels. 

Liars always project their lies onto truthful people.  They honestly don't get that everyone isn't as big a liar as they are. 

Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive. 

This is a phrase which today's Republicans will never understand.  And that, alone, will save our country.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Ugly Times are Here Again

 While everyone is focused on the impeachment inquiry hearings....

The fact that the Republican Party is staging a coup to hold onto their power and replace our democracy with some distorted, archaic process of authoritarianism is going largely unnoticed.

But the sad fact is - these conservatives have had a taste of power, (which for them is like the taste of blood to a vampire bat) and they're simply not going away easily. 

The truth - we're in the midst of a coup which, if successful, will set back our country at least 100 years.

If you don't believe me, just look at the crimes being committed by the United States at our borders.

Look at our environmental devastation, and the climate change that is denied, denied, denied.

Every mass shooting that has happened during Donald Trump's reign of terror is fueled by the hate speech emanating from both him and his minions.  (Please note - no steps have been taken to reform our superbly lax and certifiably insane gun laws.)

Separating children from their parents, and being unable to reunite them because of the monumental incompetence that defines the Trump administration is a page right out of Hitler's Berlin.

We have religious leaders proclaiming God has sanctioned Donald J. Trump.   There is no separation of church and state.

Women's rights are under attack as the conservative men in this coup attempt to return us to 1950, when women knew their place and kept their mouths shut.

Gays are losing rights every single second this president is in power.  But it's not just him.  There's a game plan by the conservatives, and we'd better wake up and beat them at it real soon.

The very thing that made America such a special place is being replaced with an authoritarian nightmare.  Many of us feel powerless to stand against this because we simply do not believe it.

We'd better start believing it.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Louisiana ---- Can it Survive Itself

Four years ago, Louisianians elected a Democratic governor.  In a land where people consistently shoot themselves in the foot with their votes for pro-business, anti-human Republicans, this was no small victory.

John Bel Edwards inherited a real financial disaster from Bobbie Jindal (and Eddie Rispone by default) and managed to turn a huge deficit into a surplus in just four years.

He's not my favorite candidate.  He oppresses women's reproductive rights.  He fails to keep church and state separated and he hasn't, thus far, forced the many oil company interests that thrive here to pay their fair share of taxes.  The infrastructure is failing here, but it has not been addressed in any significant way.

Still, someone like Eddie Rispone, who swears that he'll turn this state back 150 years the minute his hand comes off the Bible, is a poor choice by comparison.

I don't know why John Bel Edwards won four years ago.  I would like to believe that at least some percentage of Louisianians actually did some research and figured out he was the best candidate.  He was.  He still is.

But this is a state mired in lack of education and incompetence ---- and it starts at the top with politicians neck deep in a rhetoric that is neither progressive or beneficial.  John Bel Edwards was a breath of fresh air in a state that stinks of political ignorance.

I will vote for him again.  I hope the rest of the state does too.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Seriously ---- Donald J. Trump is the President of the United States.

I've been around for awhile.

I remember Nixon and the Watergate Scandal that led to his impeachment and removal from office.  I remember his head shaking, and his "I'm not a crook" speech. 

During the Nixon impeachment, I was a busy mom with two under two.  I didn't pay as close attention to the process as I'm able to now.

This impeachment is stunning in its audacity that the President of the United State would engage in the corrupt, criminal behavior, consort with our enemies while snubbing our allies, and then stand before the American Public and complain that the Democrats were "lynching" him.

Here's the thing about Donald Trump.

He's a lying thief.

He's not at all a smart thief.

He surrounds himself with thieves just like him.

His rallies (what president EVER held rallies during their terms?) are full of ignorant people..  Presidents are generally too busy paying attention to matters of state to hold a pep rally.  Pep Rallies are for high school football games.  Donald J. Trump is operating, at best, at a high school level.  A freshman level, at that.

What I'm enjoying about this bastard, big A$$ed, boring Blowhard is watching him unravel under the scrutiny of the House of Representatives and the American Media.

The lies are so easily exposed at this point, but he keeps repeating them because he doesn't have the intelligence not to.

His arrogance is so very transparent's sole purpose to cover up an empty vessel of a man.....and even "man" is too good a term for this frothing, filthy parasite in the White House.

Yes, watching this goddamned atrocity of a human being go down in history as the Biggest Fool Who Ever Set Foot in Washington  is gratifying indeed.  If he wasn't so f*cking disgusting and tragic, I'd go out and celebrate his demise.  But the day I raise a glass to Donald Trump will NEVER happen.

I am on the threshold of watching democracy take back our country and remove this menace. 

Donald J. Trump and his morally bankrupt children are OVER.  May they all receive lengthy prison sentences.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Donald J. Trump's Karma

Despite his teeny, tiny, hands, Donald Trump's are covered in blood.

I cannot believe this person is in power.  He's not a loose cannon, he's a mis-launched nuclear warhead.

I certainly hope our generals have a procedure for taking him down when he decides, as King of the World, to blow something up.

This man is a menace to all societies, to all humankind.

The kindest thing would be to have him committed to a psychiatric hospital, and family members could easily do this.

Please, Melania, make your worthless turn as First Lady count for something.  Be best and commit this very dangerous person.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Oh Donny Boy ---- The Jig is Up

Donald Trump needs to understand that his legacy, his presidency, his tomfoolery and his buffoonery  is at an end.

This is the trouble with narcissists.  They never get how over they are for years and years after their demises.  The delusional world they live in never intrudes on reality, and reality never intrudes on their delusion.

I guess I'll be happy to see the FBI drag him out of the White House in handcuffs.  But he'll even spin that and make himself a martyr.  These are the things Donald J. Trump  can be counted on.  His complete mockery of the presidential seal.  His complete disdain and intolerance for the branches of government that would keep him in check.  His cozy relations with dictators and despots.  His utter betrayal and treason of the United States of America.  And his very fat a$$ along with his worse than ugly, piss-colored hair. 

Donald's head has been in the toilet, at full flush, for awhile now.  Put the man at rest in his 5th Avenue apartment for a few months.  Then, just when he's got comfortable with the disgusting pile of Shit he turned America into and got away with, just when he thinks he can get a book deal and make millions,  just when his King Feces touch can find nothing else to ruin,

lock his stupid a$$ in a prison cell.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Moving Past Incompetence into Utter Insanity

Trump just handed Syria to the Russians.

Just how far up Trump's a$$ does Putin's hand need to be before the clueless republican base that elected this f*cking moron gets the fact that Donald J. (for Jack-off) Trump is incompetent, inconsistent and insane.

For F*ck's sake, even Hitler's generals (blood thisty as they were) knew when the f*cking jig was up.

Monday, October 7, 2019

The Sad State of Republican Voters

I'm amazed at how dug in Republican voters can be when it comes to their Messiah, Donald Trump.

Trump was right --- with certain groups, he could shoot someone in the middle of 5th Avenue and get away with it.

But not all groups.

It is not my job to change republican minds.  In my opinion, their minds simply aren't worth the effort.

There is a dug in, solidly entrenched group of people in this country who want to revert to the America of 1850. 

They want people of color to know their place.

They want women to understand their subservient role.

They want to regulate a woman's uterus, but not the concepts that would guarantee clean air, water and soil.

They want gun rights and FUCK YOU if you think you have the right to live in a society where you won't get shot.  Your rights don't matter over my right to bear arms.

This is the trouble with republicans, but it will also be their lasting and complete downfall.

We all have rights.  We need to figure out the priority of those rights.

Republicans fail to see that, and they fail to enact that. 

I am not at all sad to see the Republican Party lose. This backwoods, typically Southern way of thinking has been around since the Confederacy lost the Civil War.  And there is no place for it in today's complicated world.

Republicans are simpletons.  That will be their demise.

Friday, October 4, 2019

Chopper Talk

Trump's White House is so cowardly.

No press conferences are held. 
Speeches by his royal a$$ness are given rarely, and they are so befuddled, no one can figure out the content.

The Trump in the Dump seems oddly (and only) comfortable with the whir of helicopter rotors spinning in the background.

Perhaps that noise will mask his lies (in his mind)?
Perhaps he can use that noise to say we misunderstood him, or he didn't properly hear the question.

Or perhaps those chopper blades make him feel so grand --- he's the president, getting on his chopper to take a trip to the VA Hospital to hand out purple hearts.  He's important --- can't you hear the chopper?  Watch him salute the chopper Marine ---- as if he's practiced in front of the mirror for hours getting that right.  (Since he gets so little else right, I suppose we must give credit where credit is due.)

It's a cowardly act, only talking in front of a whirring rotor.  It's designed to make you think he's important, and you are not.  WATCH ME SALUTE!!!!   I AM THE COMMANDER IN CHIEF!!!!

Donald Trump is the worst president the United States has ever witnessed.  And it is an absolute JOY witnessing his ultimate and thorough comeuppance. 

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Will The Real Whistle Blower Please Stand Up

Obviously, the intelligence community whistle blower is going to testify to Donald Trump's extortion attempts on the new leader of Ukraine, asking him to come up with dirt on Joe Biden.  This information was sought to help Trump's own campaign.

Side Note:  Trump's campaign is already lost.  He screwed the farmers.  He screwed the middle class.  And, ultimately, he screwed himself.  Apparently, he likes all these alternative screwing methods because he is unable to attract a female anymore.  The man has too much narcissism to understand leadership, much less partake in it. 

But, the next few days should be VERY INTERESTING.  Another whistle blower is on the horizon - this one armed with Deutsche Bank financial records.

I'm going to surmise that these financial records will show Donald J. Trump, the self-proclaimed genius businessman and billionaire, is deeply indebted to Russia and Saudi Arabia,  two nations who have graciously (?) stepped in to cover Donald's broke a$$.  In exchange for what?

This is why Donald J. Trump is hiding his tax returns and proclaiming "foul" whenever his financial records are demanded. 

Donald Trump is being unmasked.  Once that mask comes off, there's no putting it back on.

Only a lunatic would think there is anything to hold onto here.  We all know he's over.  But because he's been riding this money train for almost three years now, he's dug in.  I do believe the military will have to physically remove him from office.

We can only hope they do so before he nukes another country in a fit of pique ---- which is the only thing that does fit on this monstrosity of a man.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Staying Sane in the Insanity that has become America

These are most interesting and demoralizing times.

The highest office in our land is steeped in criminal behavior and cover-ups.

The President is screaming "witch hunt" yet again.

Here is what I'm going to do.

I'm only going to read one credible newspaper.  My suggestion would be The New York Times or The Washington Post.  These are prize-winning newspapers with integrity and great journalistic standards.

I'm going to limit my television viewing to two hours per day from a credible network.  My suggestion is watch the nightly news from ABC, NBC, or CBS, or better yet, Public Television.
Stay away from Fox (Faux) News.  Stay away from lunatic spin.  Get the facts.  I believe it is incumbent on all of us to understand the facts.  You cannot get facts from Fox News.  What you can get is lunatic spin, so if you're a lunatic........go for it.  I won't attempt to reason with lunatics.

I will listen to National Public Radio. 

I will be deaf to the pundits.  I might value your opinion, but I will base my own on facts and I will make sure my sources are valid.

This is not partisan in-fighting; this is not right versus left, republican versus democrat.  This is trying to recover the shredded democracy we once called America.

Do your part.  Or live with the consequences. 

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Donny's Disastrous Day

When you put people into positions of power because they're lapdog lackeys, and not at all qualified to fill said positions, you end up with today's hearing in front of the House Intelligence Committee.

What a joke.

Can we just fast forward to taking this orange abomination, kicking his fat a$$ out of the White House, (along with his dumb a$$ children) and try to recover what's left of our nation and our (alleged) democracy?

Trump is over.  He may well be the only man in America who doesn't get that, but Trump is over.  Eventually, it will sink into his extraordinarily porous skull.

We will go through all the legitimate hearings
We will collect all the evidence (I'm guessing there are several other people who will be "over" based on that evidence).

We will impeach this hopelessly unqualified (and by that I mean he's not qualified to even claim the status of human being) world-class idiot masquerading as a leader.

We will finally be rid of this national embarrassment, and in view of the fact that it took him only two and a half years to hopelessly f*ck everything up in this country, this end cannot come soon enough.

His Holy Ignoramus Pence is implicated in this latest scandal, as is Attorney General William Barr.  The National Alzheimer's Association is patiently waiting for Rudy Giuliani's brain.

My question is ---- why does the intelligence community work with this moron, and help him cover his blunders?  Trump has never manifested any respect for the intelligence community.  Perhaps this is why the whistle blower came forward.  Regardless, the intelligence community should understand they are working for America, not for the orangutan who managed to get himself elected to the presidency (by fraud and foreign influence).  They should know it.  Their Acting Director should know it.  Big surprise he didn't, since he is a lapdog lackey.

The real people doing the real work, i.e., whistle blowers who know their role under the United States Constitution, are the only hope this country has.

So let's invite all the people who want to return America to it's unadulterated, pre-rape, pre-Trump self to come forward.  Sing it from the rooftops. 

Ding Dong.  The King is Dead!  Don't be afraid of the flying monkeys.  We will stand with you, as surely as we will stand down this disgusting pile of human excrement who wants to call himself the president.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Good Day In America

Donald J. Trump has just incriminated himself in a telephone conversation with the newly elected President of the Ukraine.

I am not going to go over the details.

Suffice it to say: 

When you give a moron enough rope.........he will hang himself.




Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Can't Get a Loan?

Tonight, MSNBC was forced to redact their reporting on Trump's loans with Deutsche Bank.  This doesn't mean that MSNBC lied.  This just means Trump's lawyers are waging war with Deutsche Bank over privacy issues.  I believe all of this will prove to be true after the lawyers have collected their fees. 

Okay, so Donald Trump exhausted his ability to borrow money after declaring bankruptcy numerous times and defaulting on loans.

American banks had his number, (BIG ZERO) and the money pool dried up for him in the United States.

Enter Deutsche Bank, a German institution long suspected of various banking irregularities, such as laundering.  Donald Trump went to them for money for yet another (soon to be disastrous) Trump development.  Deutsche, not wanting to outright loan Trump money based on his dismal record of repayment of any loans, said, "Okay - but bring me some legitimate co-signers".  Donald Trump brought them Russian oligarchs with close ties to criminality and Putin, which probably are interchangeable words and exactly the same.

(Side Note) ---- A former wife of Vlad Putin, Lyudmila Putina, was photographed wearing a trinket reportedly stolen during one of two jewelry heists (in excess of millions of dollars) perpetuated on the Harry Winston store in Paris.  Said trinket was given to her by Vlad, himself.

MSNBC reported the news of Trump's loan co-signers yesterday and, from what I'm gathering, Trump is going into full mental meltdown mode (what's new?).

My point is this.

The United States and Russia are being led around by their door knocker nose rings by a couple of exceedingly skilled criminals, namely Putin and Trump.  Putin is cunning.  Trump is just a blowhard that stumbles into every conceivable con he can create out of thin air.  This is effective because never in history have we had to deal with such an utter chaotic mess rolled into one gigantic liar of a  person.  Because of this, our response is generally tied up in courts and legal proceedings......when there is nothing in the law books that tells us what to do when an insane imposter gets elected to the presidency.  Putin has a trained chimpanzee in Trump, and doesn't he know it.

Apparently, divide and conquer is Putin's game for destroying the United States, and he has, thus far, been succeeding.  Trump, being a malignant narcissist, can only see personal enrichment ---- and never you mind the cost, goddamnit, he's Trump, the Chosen One, God Almighty King of the Jews.  (This is malignant narcissism, if you didn't know.)

At any rate........

my country is on its last legs with this President and a large part of the world is being run by criminals.  Its so discouraging I don't even feel like writing about it, but then, I don't feel like rolling over and dying either.  What to do?

Screw Impeachment.  This president should be tried and hung for treason.  If that happens, I'll feel better.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019


That Donald Trump is complete unhinged is not really news to any of us whom understood that well before the 2016 election.

That anyone still supports this pile of hair-sprayed, ignorant crap means they, too, are unhinged.

If you support Donald Trump's inability to act in any manner except the self-aggrandizement and personal enrichment he constantly engages in, you are even more stupid than he is.  You are even more narcissistic than he is, because you cannot, for the f*cking LIFE OF YOU, admit you are wrong about this megalomaniac.

Donald Trump is unhinged.

He is snorting way too much Adderall, and the only way this country can possibly be saved is if he just shorts out his brains with one crushed tablet over the line. 

Trump is delusional.  He called himself a stable genius.  Nothing can be further from the truth.  He is a very sick man, with a verifiable mental illness.  He flaunts his insanity in front of the world on a daily basis.  The whole world knows Donald Trump is insane.  Except his base.  Which can mean only one thing. 

You, alas, are also insane.

Putin is getting his way because of certain blackmail material he holds over Trump.
Prince MBS (my bone saw?) murders a U.S. citizen and Trump does nothing.
The glaciers are melting.
The Amazon jungle is burning.
The air isn't fit to breathe.
The water isn't fit to drink.
Corporations pay no taxes.
America is falling into a hole from which it cannot ever pull itself out of.

And you agree with all of this.  You are quite possibly a worse example of a piece of crap calling themselves a human being than Donald Trump is.

And because of your stupidity, the entire world has to pay a substantial price for hundreds of years. 

We won't forget, and we won't forgive you for this stinking pile of human excrement you have built.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The Angry Man Strategy of the GOP

The strategic game plan for the GOP seems to be emphasizing shock, outrage and anger whenever Donald Trump is linked to criminal activity.

What fools.  If they are so outraged and if the testimony of Robert Mueller invoked such passionate displays of shocking anger, why are they not equally appalled by the state of this union?  Why are they not raving mad over the fact that the president lies, commits crimes, associates openly with known dictators and is generally considered a very accomplished con artist whom is robbing our country blind?

This is the GOP's end game.  They have nothing to offer except their fake and transparent outrage that decent Americans want to know the truth about their president.  Not that most decent Americans haven't already figured it out.  We have.  They legitimately are angry because most of us have figured out their game plan, and we are going to beat them at it.  Unfortunately, we have to do it legally, through congress and the Justice Department.  Those wheels move at a glacial pace, but they do move toward a poetic justice that will expose all of these criminals and land them in the prisons they so richly deserve.

So I don't buy into their outrage, their anger, or their passionate defense of the sitting president (and it appears that's all this president is capable of - sitting and growing into an even larger bully). 

They are all going to lose their jobs and the flow of money that has been funneled into their pockets by the criminal activity this president engages in.  That would spark legitimate outrage by the GOP thieves and liars.  They will go to extreme lengths to hide their own criminal behavior, and they do so pretending this president has any honor and is a victim himself.  To them I say ---- polish up your resumes - the American people will speak with their vote and they will not be able to represent decent and hardworking citizens any longer.  (As if they ever did).

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Calling All Trump Supporters

For all of you Trump fans who think this president is anything more than a useless pile of shite......

Please pay careful attention to the Jeffrey Epstein predatory pedophile rape case.

Monday, July 8, 2019

Child Predators

There is no more vile a human being than one who would recruit a child for sexual activity.

That being said,

Thank you, Universe, that Jeffrey Epstein is behind bars awaiting trial for sex trafficking.

Thank you, Universe, that the search warrant executed at Jeffrey Epstein's New York City mansion will probably reveal other well-known rich men who enjoy raping children.

Thank you, Universe, for exposing these disgusting animals masquerading as brilliant business men for the rapists and child molesters they are. 

Thank you, Universe, for exposing Acosta and the sweetheart deal he gave Epstein in Florida for raping children.  We learn yet another appalling truth about Donald Trump and the people he surrounds himself with.  Acosta will claim innocence, but he let this serial child rapist out of a cell every single day.  Gave him work-release privileges.  Acosta will go down right along with Epstein.

Thank you, Universe, for going after these despicable men and their despicable acts.  Everyone of them should have their fucking testicles cut off.  No anesthesia, please.

Thursday, June 20, 2019

The Devil Goes Down to Florida

Opening a presidential campaign rally with a pseudo-Christian pastor calling the opposing political party "demonic" is probably not a good idea.

They really should look at their base.  If this is the kind of intelligence you're playing to, you're playing to lose.


End of Story.

Monday, June 17, 2019

2020 Election

I tend to believe the Republican Party is pretty much over in the United States.

After Donald Trump, Mitch McConnell, and all the other yokels who have obstructed not only justice but the task of running this country, most moderately educated people (8th grade or more) understand that these clowns are seriously impaired and incapable of running anything.

So it made me laugh to see Donald Trump threatening a stock market crash if he fails to win in 2020.

Most economists believe we are on a crash course to a major recession right now.  The debt train this country is riding on is traveling at  maximum velocity on rickety rails.  My question is, will Donald Trump own the financial disaster that's looming on the horizon?  How will he blame this money nightmare on Obama or Clinton?

Wagging the dog to start a war with Iran (which is nothing more than a deflective tactic King Trump will employ to take the focus off his incompetence) is another concern.  His toadies are going along with this ---- Bolton the Hawk and Pompeo the arse kisser.  Sure, let's have a war.  War is always good for the economy, right?  And it is the solution of choice most Republican presidents have preferred in the past when things are not going so well with their administrations.

Although I fully understand Nancy Pelosi's care in considering impeachment for the utter moron in the White House, I think the time to impeach is now.  Besmirch King Trump's name and legacy.  This is the one way to surely get under his thinly orange skin.  Get his disgusting family out of Washington D.C. and lock the door behind them.  These Trump people are perfect examples of everything that is wrong in America.  Let's hold them up for the world to ridicule.  (As if that's not already happening!)

Friday, June 14, 2019

Goodbye Sarah Huckabee Sanders - You REALLY SUCKED

So the press secretary (who hasn't given a press conference in months) is leaving the White House to go back to her home state of Arkansas.  Arkansas.  Another state mired in its disgusting antebellum history and backwards thinking.

It cannot be an easy task to stand up and lie to people, especially when the people you are lying to are educated journalists whom have done their homework and know you're lying.

Sarah was no good at this, yet everyday, she put on one ugly dress after another and stared down the media with her mean little piggy eyes.  Lie after lie came out of her mouth.  Her reputation was so tarnished, she was even refused service at a Virginia restaurant.

Sarah, you're just another whore bought and used up by Donald J. Trump.  You're no one special - just another woman to be tossed out on her ass as soon as she's no longer effective in promoting the notion Donald Trump is sane.

I'm not sorry for you.  I'm not sorry for any stupid bitch who works for Donald J. Trump.  You lay down with rats, you get up with bubonic plague.  That's your career course.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Time to Impeach

It is time to impeach Donald Trump.

He is a cowardly, inept man who can accomplish nothing. 

He did not legally win the election.

He cannot work with others in his own country much less foreign interests.

He has no diplomacy skills.

He has surrounded himself with toadies and corrupt contemporaries, many of whom are as guilty as he is of various treasonous and financial crimes.

He is indebted to Putin and Russia for billions of dollars (all in the Mueller report and tax returns, friends, which he refuses to reveal). 

He has destroyed his credibility with constant attacks on this nation's institutions, such as the FBI, CIA and the Judicial system.

It is time for this subhuman, sickening pile of stinking human excrement to be removed from office. 


Let him have yet another bullet point to add to his long list of a dubious and dishonorable legacy.

And while we're  at it ---- get rid of that blob of a piece of stinking $hit Sarah Sanders.  She's on the payroll?  She's too big of a fat, ugly, chicken to take a press conference.  Why are taxpayers paying her salary?  She is worthless. 

The whole lot of stinking, ridiculous, inept, ignorant and incompetent a$$holes must be gotten rid of, post haste.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Out of My Uterus, A$$hole

All of the extreme abortion laws being passed by state legislatures is simply a ploy to force litigation which will end up in the Supreme Court as an attempt to overturn Roe v. Wade. As usual, the South is drumming the beat. They couldn't beat the Yankees, but goddamnit, they're going to beat their women. Southern men. Please. Ain't no such thing.

This is the last hurrah for the Republican party - a party comprised mainly of cowardly rich white men (and their obedient wives) who want to hang on to a way of life that has been basically dead for over a century. These are not men at all. Not sure what they are - but they're not men. And their wives CERTAINLY aren't women, because real women build each other up and demand equality.

Vote them out. Do not let these sexually repressed, vaginally incoherent hypocrites rule your body. It is your body. They cannot force you to give blood ---- they cannot stop you from making your own health care decisions and reproductive choices. Vote them out.

Roe v. Wade is law that has been on the books for fifty years.

Women unite - we can knock these fucking assholes into the next century if we must.

And I think we must.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Inside Donald Trump's Spectacular, Very Very Big Brain

There is nothing.

The man is a cheat, a fraud, a con, and such a goddamn fool he couldn't make money owning a casino.

Listen, folks, the reason The Orange Buffoon won't let you see the Mueller report, or his tax returns is solely based on the fact he had to go to Russia to borrow money --- no bank in America would touch him because unsavory and not-so-savvy do not begin to describe his business acumen, although unscrupulous, unsanitary, unkind, unintelligent  - those words, give you a better picture.  Putin's got Trump's tiny little balls right where he wants them.  And Putin is no bitch, not like the Donald.  He'll squeeze when its most inopportune for the Donald.  Putin has all of us right where he wants us.  You are some kind of fool not to understand the global political game being played here - Putin plays chess and Trump plays Candyland with his Adderall.  The more he snorts, the more cocksure he is.  I use the pun intentionally.  He seems to be thinking with the little brain these days.

Deutsche Bank has long been suspected of laundering Russian oligarch money.

What a bunch of hapless halfwits  you Trump supporters are - and now all of us, including and especially your children - will have to suffer for your idiotic vote.

Know why I didn't vote for Donald Trump?


Here is the Real Art of the Deal:

Donald Trump is going down.  His nasty family, ignorant wife and all his little grandchildren (God, these barely literate people breed like rabbits, don't they) are going down with him.

So he can play the court game, but it's coming to an end for this blowhard and his ass kissing team of Repulsive Republicans.   The GOP is over.  Everyone cheer!

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Little Guy Wins

Recently a millage tax was proposed to help fund the parks.

The redistribution of the millage tax was to assist City Park, along with Audubon Park - which received all of the funding previously.  The tax was not new, just a redistribution between the two parks.

OMG.  I've never seen such a frenzy of people voting NO.  If you've ever walked through Audubon Park, you know you're on somewhat hallowed ground (i.e., old money), but those living near City Park breathe less rarefied air.

Needless to say, the millage tax redistribution passed, which is no surprise, because there are more peasants in the city than there are land barons.

Happy for City Park.  It's a lovely place, as is Audubon, it just is more centrally located for most people who go to the park to enjoy what it has to offer (which is much more than Audubon Park has to offer).  Audubon Park has an outdoor pool and a golf course.  Speaking from personal experience, most of the houses surrounding Audubon Park have their own pools, and the golf course is a huge waste of valuable green space.  I swim at Audubon Park and walk through it regularly, along with the nannies and thousand dollar strollers.

I also go to City Park to enjoy the sculpture garden (free), the botanical gardens (reasonable), and to rent a canoe once in awhile and just make my way through the canals that run through it  (still afraid of a big alligator popping up).  I used to love Morning Cup, but now it's going to be Cafe du Monde, if they EVER finish construction.  As is typical here in New Orleans, nothing gets done quickly, including their reconstruction of the pavilion.

My point here is that the people (not the land barons) really made their vote count - and since it's your only voice in any city, state or federal matter, please exercise your right to vote, at every opportunity.

Friday, May 3, 2019

Don McGahn - The Whole World is Watching

Here's hoping that Don McGahn realizes he has the power, the integrity, and the moment in time to save the United States from the atrocities being committed by Donald J. Trump and his deplorable band of mindless followers.
If it all fell onto one person to tell the truth, would that person be brave enough to do so.
I'm not a religious person, but I'm on my knees pleading to the universe for one decent man to damn the torpedoes and full speed ahead. Get rid of this feckless moron in the oval office immediately.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Civics for Dummies (i.e., Republicans)

The system of democracy is predicated on checks and balances between the three branches of government ---- and I'll lay odds only 1 out of 20 Republicans could actually name those branches.

An Attorney General is the lawyer for United States Citizens ---- he is not the President's personal puppet master to keep said president out of trouble, or to aid and abet said president's crimes.  An attorney general who does not put the interests of the American people above the rantings of an obviously deranged president is as much of a menace as said president.

America is over as a democracy and most Americans really don't understand that.  Without firing a single shot, Russia has won a war against us ---- and they did it with the complicity and capriciousness of American voters.

So kiss your a$$es goodbye ---- Trump supporters wanted a change and they have received it.  When they actually pull their heads out of the sand and take a look around, they still won't recognize this country is over.  They are just too ignorant.  Sort of like Trump, who can't differentiate between a chief executive and a rabid king, a Trump supporter can't see the destruction they have wrought.  But I and every other thoughtful American will make sure they feel the pain for years to come.  Republicans are over.  Kiss your tax dollars goodbye because we're coming for them.

Friday, April 12, 2019



This diminutive, educated, well-informed young woman has taken on the status quo of rich old white men in Congress, and she's winning the popularity game.  She is pulling out factual information that the old guard has been sweeping under the rug for decades with their finely honed sleight of hand skills.

Part of the reason men have always tried to control women through oppression and intimidation is they fear the power we hold over them.  That biggest power is to understand these men lie, expose their lies, and always investigate the facts and expose the truth.  Women lift the rugs when cleaning house. 

Although I fear for her, as I would have feared for the Kennedy's had I been old enough to understand politics back in the early 60's, you know you are powerful by the enemies you create.  Her enemies are formidable, deeply entrenched members of congress whose ability to think outside their personal enrichment schemes is severely limited.  They are after her because she is after them.  She represents a new kind of generational thinking, and she's extremely appealing in the same way her foes are extremely distasteful. 

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the new face of American politics.  We need more like her  We need to protect her, promote her and make sure she is not damaged by the sniveling men who are so afraid of her, they might actually harm her.  You're UPPITY Alexandria - AND WE LOVE YOU FOR IT.


Tuesday, April 9, 2019

The Problem with Obama

You know, it is very very obvious that every time Donald J. Trump wants to rant and rave, he blames Barack Obama for something.

Every failure this miserable asshat causes gets blamed on Obama.

Every chance the fat f*ck in the oval office gets to take a slap at Obama, he comes out swinging.

Every time Obama (an actual Nobel Peace Prize winner and Time Magazine Cover) gets good press, the MF'ing stupid idiot in the White House lays a jealous egg and pecks it to death.

So what's with this obsession over who Barack Obama is, What Barack Obama Does, and Where Barack Obama led this Country?

The simple Truth.

Barack Obama's intelligence is in direct proportion to Donald J. Trump's ignorance, and the fat F*ck cannot stand that a Black Man is at least one hundred times better, smarter, kinder, and more moral than he could ever dream of being.

He doesn't fit the ghetto Negro mold that Donald J. Trump would have you believe is the truth about all black people.

Barack Obama stands True against all the lies F*ck Face would have you believe.  Obama stands the test of time, and time seems to be running out for the Orangutan behind the curtain, pulling the levers, sending out smoke that blows right up the asses of his dwindling base.

Trump is a street punk with no smarts for staying alive.  His college degree was bought and paid for by his Daddy.   All Trump ever learned to do is steal.  Millions of people hate his ugly face, uglier personality, and enjoy laughing at his useless attempts to win favor with any group other than his equally ugly base

Obama is a Harvard educated man whose life made a wonderful and huge difference to millions of people.

There is no contest here.

And that is what Donald J. Trump cannot abide.  A Black Man with Class continually exposes him for the totally useless pile of feces he actually is.  Boy, does Trump hate the truth.  And he especially hates it from a black man.

Donald J. Trump lives the illusion and tries to make us all believe his delusion.  But face it folks, without a whole lot of LSD being dumped into the water supply, we're all just too smart for that particular bit of bull$hit.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Donald J. Trump @realfuckedupDonaldJTrump

Someone take the Adderall away.

This idiot is going to snort himself into a cerebral hemorrhage on national news.

None of us want to see that.

Well, wait, I guess some of us would love to see that.

But not me.

I want to see him in prison.

I want him off Adderall so he can fully enjoy the prison experience.

DonaldJTrump @ realfuckedupDonaldJTrump is going to give himself a stroke if he keeps snorting the Adderall.  In fact, based on his speech today, I'd say Donald J. Trump is giving himself plenty of mini-strokes every day, right before his televised word salad episodes.

We don't have to do anything to Donald J. Trump@realfuckedupDonaldJTrump.  He's doing it all for us.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Fly the Pig

I'm sure that the 1/3 of the people in this nation who supported Trump and voted for him think, as he does, that this is a big win situation.

It is not.

Our country is demoralized by the lies, fraud, nepotism, racism, sexism and terrorism Trump has promoted since day 1.

At least 2/3 of the people who support Donald Trump are working poor, who will never understand how much Trump actually hates them. 

At least 1/3 of the Trump supporters are so lacking in anything that even remotely resembles moral integrity, they will step all over the poor supporters and never, ever,  have a twinge of remorse in doing so.  These are the greed factory people.  Easy to spot.  Drive big cars they don't need - live in large houses that are sterile and cold, generally are at least forty pounds overweight and wear clothes that are hideously expensive, but which can't improve their overall piggish demeanor.

But, I digress.

The point is - we've lost here.  America has lost whatever dignity and self preservation it once rightfully owned. 

America is lost because it's run by a pig, elected by pigs and the under-educated, and cannot recover from the brutal truth that it is filled with  disgustingly awful people.

Take down the eagle.  Fly the pig.  That's your America today.

Friday, March 15, 2019


The President of the United States outright threatening the citizens he is supposed to be leading is yet another example of the twisted, unsettled, horrific mind of Donald J. Trump.

That he warned of military, police and motorcycle gangs being at the ready to deal with his detractors is possibly the most unprofessional, disgusting words to pour forth from his ever ready verbal font of idiocy.  This would be hard to assess, since every single time he opens his pig mouth, some form of emotionally retarded verbal diarrhea creeps out.

Putin's bitch is a moron.  Even Putin must get that much.  He's a pretty smart guy.  But what better pawn to have in the White House than an absolute mental mess like Donald J. Trump.

You can see the president is starting to unravel.  Lots of investigations determined to uncover the truth about this terrible man and his wretched life, including the moronic children he's fathered, will certainly make him sleepless in the District.  And as any cornered wild animal, he's becoming more vicious and more dangerous.

It's time for Donald J. Trump to go.  The strategy is simple.  The Donald J. Trump supporters are simple.  Work it.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

The Trouble With Privilege

The Trump Family is the poster child for what happens to people's brains when they are privileged.

While most humans on the planet suffer from the effects of being underprivileged, the Trumps, and likely many of their supporters, plow through life like a hibernating bear whom just woke up and is ready to eat.

For these people, the question comes down to "what's enough" and the answer is, "nothing is ever enough". 

Some chemical response must go off in their brain that says "I must get more" at every instant.  For them, greed is like heroin.  Nothing is ever enough.  No amount of "stuff" can satisfy, and perhaps the idea of taking something away from the truly needy becomes the one motivator that grants them some level of accomplishment and well-being.

Whatever it is, I am very glad my brain is a functioning unit, I haven't got any desire to make people miserable or unhappy, and if I can share some part of what I have every single day with someone less fortunate than I am, then I enjoy a level of satisfaction the privileged seem to miss.  Granted, it is small, what I can give.  By comparison, it is so large what people with Privileged Brain Dysfunction can take that there will always be a monumental gap in living conditions for all of us.

I honestly laugh at the New York Time's advertisements hawking $30,000 necklaces and $10,000 handbags.  I don't laugh because the items themselves are ludicrous (although they are), but because someone will actually buy them as a way to express and expose their privilege.  The thirty-five million dollar apartment (all cash deal) will store all these items quite nicely.

I'll never be rich.  It's okay with me.  The wealth I do possess is a wealth I don't think I'll ever lose, mainly because I'm not possessed by it, nor does it have much value to anyone else.  But to me, it is everything.  It is knowing I can survive in a world stacked against people like me.  Not only survive, but thrive as a human being with full knowledge of the qualities most important to the human experience.  And you can't buy that.  The vermin in the White House are absolute proof.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Michael Cohen Instructing Republican Representatives Made My Day

Such a simple thing, but my biggest take away from the Cohen hearing today was Michael Cohen admonishing the Republican Representatives that he, too, once stood loyally behind a lying, cheating, con man, before he was  president, and now he is going to jail.

I hope these idiots take note.  I also hope many, many of them are linked back to Russian rubles.  I particularly wish most of them go to jail.  Let me name the worst of the worst:

Paul Ryan (R) Wisconsin
Mitch McConnell (R) Kentucky
Lindsay Graham (R) South Carolina
John Kennedy (R) Louisiana
Ted Cruz (R) Texas

I'm sure there are others, but these five traitorous sonsofbitches need to have their ugly, greedy white asses thrown into prison, right along with Donald J. Trump and his disgusting family members.

That John Kennedy goes on television to disparage Michael Cohen for being a liar, when the president he is supporting has been continually lying to all Americans since day one of taking office makes me want to throw this swamp sucking piece of $hit so far into the Atchafalaya, the alligators won't be able to find him.  The alligators wouldn't eat him anyway, because another big takeaway for me is the foul stench of desperation that is emanating from these Not So Wise Guys.  But then, alligators do have a taste for rotting, decaying corpses, which is what these pukes basically are.

It takes courage to stand up to a Congressional Committee, and Michael Cohen exhibited that courage.

It takes more courage to admit your president is a fucking lunatic and you need to rid the vermin from the White House.  That is more courage than any Republican possesses.  These eunuchs don't have any balls.  But boy, do they stink up a locker room.

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Mueller's Got A Squeezebox, Trump is Never Going To Sleep

It's true. 

Robert Mueller might be the sanest, savviest, smartest person on the face of the planet to trap and ensnare a horrific, society-killing predator like Donald J. Trump. 

This was no mean feat.  Trump had enough money to pay lawyers to give him the air of legitimacy.  But Trump is an illegitimate con man who now finds himself in a room with the wall's closing in.  The air around him has a tainted, foul order.  What a great little torture chamber Robert Mueller has made for him - and his family.

I find it interesting how all of the news is unfolding.

Epstein in Florida given a sweetheart deal after raping underage girls at alcohol and drug fueled Manhattan sex parties.  (Guess who was a guest)!  Sweetheart deal is going away.  Acosta, the prosecutor in this case and a Trump "friend", is in deep judicial trouble over the plea arrangement and the country club prison sentence given to Epstein.  And though it is rumored that Trump threatened and intimidated an underage girl and her family into submission - there are other victims out there and they're knocking at the door.

Walls move in a foot in a 9x9' room. 

All of the investigations happening now, at the state level, are surely what will do Trump in - so kudos for absolute strategic genius on Mueller's part.  His report may well get buried by the clown Attorney General, but all of this information will come out, and come out very shortly.

Mueller, and most of Thinking America, knows that Donald J. Trump is a traitor and poses a huge security threat to this Country. 

I can't wait to uncork that premier bottle of Napa Valley Red and drink a toast to the man who saved America, Robert Mueller.

And as my religion always and only has been Poetic Justice --- I wait, not with joy or exaltation for Trump's demise, but with a deep sense of Justice Being Served.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

But Look What He's Done!!!!

This is the most laughable argument Trump supporters come up with when discussing the current clown in the White House.

Let's look what he's done:

1.  Destroyed trade with ridiculous tariffs and allowed the nation's farmers to fail while promising them some welfare aid because of their farm failures.  These are the same yokels who voted for Trump for being anti-welfare.  F*ck You.

2.  Tax Cuts for the Richest 1%.  These tax cuts ultimately meant people would take home $40 more in their paycheck, but now owe $10,000 on their IRS 1040 filing.  (They used to get a refund.)  Many of these astronomically inept arithmetic wiz's voted for him.  F*ck You. 

3.  Regulatory Cuts.  This means the forests, water and arable land is now subject to poisoning in the interests of big business.  This means the air you breathe can be tainted for bottom line profit.  This means a large percentage of people voted to destroy the planet for their children's future in exchange for a quick buck now.  F*ck You.

4.  Emoluments Clause.  He continues to defy American law by running (and profiting from) his businesses although this is specifically forbidden if you are the president of the United States.  The take away here is that his kids will probably go to prison for it, because they are as inept as their father.  The stinking core doesn't rot far from the tree.  The point being - Head Clown Trump continually jerks off in your face and you say "Look What he's Done"!  F*ck You.

5.  Judicial Appointments.  Two Words.  Brett Kavanaugh.  F*ck You.

6.  The Economy.  Doing about the same as it did under Barack Obama, which means the presidency has little to do with it.   But it's doing better for some sectors ---- the ones that rob and pillage natural resources and don't pay taxes.  F*ck You.

So when you tell me "Look What He's Done for America", here's my resounding, screeching answer.  F*CK YOU!

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Excuse Me. I'm Physically Unable to be Politically Correct

I have made some very good friends here in Southern Louisiana; good friends with deep Southern roots.

I have lost a few friends, too.

The thing is - I just can't keep my mouth shut when it comes to this state and its elected officials.  It's like I'm an alien circling the Atchafalaya Swamp in my bubble saucer completely able to see clearly how wrong everything is here, and the wrong thinking that got it this way.  But when I speak - I'm met with icy cold resistance and banished to a goddamn Yankee outsider indifference

To many folks, I am more than a little annoying.  Like showing up at a Halloween Party with my husband, dressed like Melania and Donald ---- well let's just say some did not appreciate it.  We used to play Trivia, where my Donald Trump jokes were met with frank we quit going.  The people were very nice; they were just Trump supporters and I will never be able to understand that, anymore than I can understand why every election day here, the people in this state (oh, excuse me, let me clarify, the white people in this state who don't have to put up with voter suppression) take out their adored guns and shoot themselves in the foot by voting Republican.

So, my dear friend told me that she avoids political and religious conversations in order to keep peace with people who might have opposing views, who are her friends.  I love her for being so diplomatic, so sweet and so considerate.

But it ain't me babe.  I just do not have the chemical make-up to pull that off.

If I believe your way of thinking and speaking is full of crap, I have to say so.  This is a relatively dangerous approach in a state where 46% of the people carry a loaded gun with them all of the time and the biggest swamp in the nation probably hides many more human remains than anyone would care to imagine.   But I stand my ground because I have to.  I will try to remain calm when someone starts talking what I deem to be absolute trash, but I will have my comeback.

I do not have it in me to be politically correct, but I do try to limit my sarcasm (very hard) and express myself without demeaning my debater (extraordinarily difficult) and get my point across without nailing someone to the floor (so unsatisfying).  I'm learning the art of communication, which I'm told, the better part of is listening.  I will listen without rolling my eyes (painful), but I will also speak.  Sometimes I will swear.  Most times I will at least get one carpet tack in your foot.  But I will not be able to be on the fence about anything I feel very strongly about.  I wish I could do that and just not engage in fruitless arguments.  But I can't.

So I'll try to be polite but I won't be able to be nice if your views offend me or oppress anyone else.  I wish I could be like my friend.  My life wouldn't be so frustrating. 

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

America --- Losing Everywhere!

Holding a gun to someone's head has always been an American way to get what we want.  It's not a nice way to govern, but it has a certain effectiveness.

Watching Donald Trump destroy the country using the same tactic is kind of interesting.

Now don't get me wrong - I have about as much respect for Donald Trump as I do for Hitler, Stalin and Pol Pot.  Even less for Trump supporters.

But I do think we need to reevaluate what America has become and what America should strive to be, i.e., a return to constitutional edicts.  Perhaps a country engaged in its citizens well-being first. 

What it has been for a long while now is not something I feel particularly good about.  And I do believe greed, Wall Street and the 1% is largely responsible for the deep pile of $hit we're all in now.

How do we solve any of this?  Let's start throwing monkey wrenches.  Let's all go tax exempt and stop filing income tax returns.  (Nobody home to review them anyhow.)  A country divided against itself cannot survive ---- but a country starved of its cash flow will, indeed, have to reevaluate how things are going to get done, what things are going to get done, and when things are going to get done.  And they will be forced to listen to those of us withholding the money.

Friday, January 18, 2019

The Federal Government Shut Down

The sitting blob of a president destroying American lives is what all decent Americans have come to expect from the utter incompetence wholly embodied in Donald Trump.

So, Russia, if you're listening -----

You've got yourself a pawn, a puppet, a Putin Pud Sucker.

But what's coming in your future is definitely the wrath of all decent Americans ---- and we're a force you might not want to experience. 

There are always consequences to evil.  You would do well to remember that.

And you should have picked a better agent.  Trump met all of your stupidity markers ---- but you didn't count on the intelligence of the masses.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Blog Statistics

Find it very interesting that this week, the top viewers of this blog come from the Middle East and Russia.

Here's what I have to say to the leadership of the United Arab Emirates and Russia.

Go F*CK yourselves.

If I'm insulting your ridiculous, intolerable and disgusting  regimes - GREAT!!!! 

If I'm pissing you off because I'm verbally attacking the A$$hole in the Oval Office you've set up as your ignorant PAWN - GO PISS YOURSELVES.

In short - you've no business in this country's leadership and The United States of America will ultimately prevail in winning that point.

May your oil wells all catch fire.  May your oligarchs all catch syphilis.  May you all rot in the hellacious conditions you've created for your people.

In short ----


At your earliest convenience.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

The Government Shut Down and Trump's Amazing Ability to Paint His Ass (And He's All Ass) Into A Corner

Shutting down the government to look like a tough guy to get his wall built is just another backfiring proposition put forth by The Trump Lack of Administration.

Why doesn't this man just resign and go home?  He's absolutely ineffectual at business or at politics.  Is he the only one who doesn't get it?  Is his ego that enormous?  Is his intelligence really that limited?

Never in the history of the United States has such a feckless moron driven us to the brink of viability. 

The entrenched base he's pandering to is almost as ridiculous as he is. 

Here'a a sad, but very true fact.

Your guy is an idiot.  And you're not far behind.