Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Time to Impeach

It is time to impeach Donald Trump.

He is a cowardly, inept man who can accomplish nothing. 

He did not legally win the election.

He cannot work with others in his own country much less foreign interests.

He has no diplomacy skills.

He has surrounded himself with toadies and corrupt contemporaries, many of whom are as guilty as he is of various treasonous and financial crimes.

He is indebted to Putin and Russia for billions of dollars (all in the Mueller report and tax returns, friends, which he refuses to reveal). 

He has destroyed his credibility with constant attacks on this nation's institutions, such as the FBI, CIA and the Judicial system.

It is time for this subhuman, sickening pile of stinking human excrement to be removed from office. 


Let him have yet another bullet point to add to his long list of a dubious and dishonorable legacy.

And while we're  at it ---- get rid of that blob of a piece of stinking $hit Sarah Sanders.  She's on the payroll?  She's too big of a fat, ugly, chicken to take a press conference.  Why are taxpayers paying her salary?  She is worthless. 

The whole lot of stinking, ridiculous, inept, ignorant and incompetent a$$holes must be gotten rid of, post haste.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Out of My Uterus, A$$hole

All of the extreme abortion laws being passed by state legislatures is simply a ploy to force litigation which will end up in the Supreme Court as an attempt to overturn Roe v. Wade. As usual, the South is drumming the beat. They couldn't beat the Yankees, but goddamnit, they're going to beat their women. Southern men. Please. Ain't no such thing.

This is the last hurrah for the Republican party - a party comprised mainly of cowardly rich white men (and their obedient wives) who want to hang on to a way of life that has been basically dead for over a century. These are not men at all. Not sure what they are - but they're not men. And their wives CERTAINLY aren't women, because real women build each other up and demand equality.

Vote them out. Do not let these sexually repressed, vaginally incoherent hypocrites rule your body. It is your body. They cannot force you to give blood ---- they cannot stop you from making your own health care decisions and reproductive choices. Vote them out.

Roe v. Wade is law that has been on the books for fifty years.

Women unite - we can knock these fucking assholes into the next century if we must.

And I think we must.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Inside Donald Trump's Spectacular, Very Very Big Brain

There is nothing.

The man is a cheat, a fraud, a con, and such a goddamn fool he couldn't make money owning a casino.

Listen, folks, the reason The Orange Buffoon won't let you see the Mueller report, or his tax returns is solely based on the fact he had to go to Russia to borrow money --- no bank in America would touch him because unsavory and not-so-savvy do not begin to describe his business acumen, although unscrupulous, unsanitary, unkind, unintelligent  - those words, give you a better picture.  Putin's got Trump's tiny little balls right where he wants them.  And Putin is no bitch, not like the Donald.  He'll squeeze when its most inopportune for the Donald.  Putin has all of us right where he wants us.  You are some kind of fool not to understand the global political game being played here - Putin plays chess and Trump plays Candyland with his Adderall.  The more he snorts, the more cocksure he is.  I use the pun intentionally.  He seems to be thinking with the little brain these days.

Deutsche Bank has long been suspected of laundering Russian oligarch money.

What a bunch of hapless halfwits  you Trump supporters are - and now all of us, including and especially your children - will have to suffer for your idiotic vote.

Know why I didn't vote for Donald Trump?


Here is the Real Art of the Deal:

Donald Trump is going down.  His nasty family, ignorant wife and all his little grandchildren (God, these barely literate people breed like rabbits, don't they) are going down with him.

So he can play the court game, but it's coming to an end for this blowhard and his ass kissing team of Repulsive Republicans.   The GOP is over.  Everyone cheer!

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Little Guy Wins

Recently a millage tax was proposed to help fund the parks.

The redistribution of the millage tax was to assist City Park, along with Audubon Park - which received all of the funding previously.  The tax was not new, just a redistribution between the two parks.

OMG.  I've never seen such a frenzy of people voting NO.  If you've ever walked through Audubon Park, you know you're on somewhat hallowed ground (i.e., old money), but those living near City Park breathe less rarefied air.

Needless to say, the millage tax redistribution passed, which is no surprise, because there are more peasants in the city than there are land barons.

Happy for City Park.  It's a lovely place, as is Audubon, it just is more centrally located for most people who go to the park to enjoy what it has to offer (which is much more than Audubon Park has to offer).  Audubon Park has an outdoor pool and a golf course.  Speaking from personal experience, most of the houses surrounding Audubon Park have their own pools, and the golf course is a huge waste of valuable green space.  I swim at Audubon Park and walk through it regularly, along with the nannies and thousand dollar strollers.

I also go to City Park to enjoy the sculpture garden (free), the botanical gardens (reasonable), and to rent a canoe once in awhile and just make my way through the canals that run through it  (still afraid of a big alligator popping up).  I used to love Morning Cup, but now it's going to be Cafe du Monde, if they EVER finish construction.  As is typical here in New Orleans, nothing gets done quickly, including their reconstruction of the pavilion.

My point here is that the people (not the land barons) really made their vote count - and since it's your only voice in any city, state or federal matter, please exercise your right to vote, at every opportunity.

Friday, May 3, 2019

Don McGahn - The Whole World is Watching

Here's hoping that Don McGahn realizes he has the power, the integrity, and the moment in time to save the United States from the atrocities being committed by Donald J. Trump and his deplorable band of mindless followers.
If it all fell onto one person to tell the truth, would that person be brave enough to do so.
I'm not a religious person, but I'm on my knees pleading to the universe for one decent man to damn the torpedoes and full speed ahead. Get rid of this feckless moron in the oval office immediately.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Civics for Dummies (i.e., Republicans)

The system of democracy is predicated on checks and balances between the three branches of government ---- and I'll lay odds only 1 out of 20 Republicans could actually name those branches.

An Attorney General is the lawyer for United States Citizens ---- he is not the President's personal puppet master to keep said president out of trouble, or to aid and abet said president's crimes.  An attorney general who does not put the interests of the American people above the rantings of an obviously deranged president is as much of a menace as said president.

America is over as a democracy and most Americans really don't understand that.  Without firing a single shot, Russia has won a war against us ---- and they did it with the complicity and capriciousness of American voters.

So kiss your a$$es goodbye ---- Trump supporters wanted a change and they have received it.  When they actually pull their heads out of the sand and take a look around, they still won't recognize this country is over.  They are just too ignorant.  Sort of like Trump, who can't differentiate between a chief executive and a rabid king, a Trump supporter can't see the destruction they have wrought.  But I and every other thoughtful American will make sure they feel the pain for years to come.  Republicans are over.  Kiss your tax dollars goodbye because we're coming for them.