Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Can't Get a Loan?

Tonight, MSNBC was forced to redact their reporting on Trump's loans with Deutsche Bank.  This doesn't mean that MSNBC lied.  This just means Trump's lawyers are waging war with Deutsche Bank over privacy issues.  I believe all of this will prove to be true after the lawyers have collected their fees. 

Okay, so Donald Trump exhausted his ability to borrow money after declaring bankruptcy numerous times and defaulting on loans.

American banks had his number, (BIG ZERO) and the money pool dried up for him in the United States.

Enter Deutsche Bank, a German institution long suspected of various banking irregularities, such as laundering.  Donald Trump went to them for money for yet another (soon to be disastrous) Trump development.  Deutsche, not wanting to outright loan Trump money based on his dismal record of repayment of any loans, said, "Okay - but bring me some legitimate co-signers".  Donald Trump brought them Russian oligarchs with close ties to criminality and Putin, which probably are interchangeable words and exactly the same.

(Side Note) ---- A former wife of Vlad Putin, Lyudmila Putina, was photographed wearing a trinket reportedly stolen during one of two jewelry heists (in excess of millions of dollars) perpetuated on the Harry Winston store in Paris.  Said trinket was given to her by Vlad, himself.

MSNBC reported the news of Trump's loan co-signers yesterday and, from what I'm gathering, Trump is going into full mental meltdown mode (what's new?).

My point is this.

The United States and Russia are being led around by their door knocker nose rings by a couple of exceedingly skilled criminals, namely Putin and Trump.  Putin is cunning.  Trump is just a blowhard that stumbles into every conceivable con he can create out of thin air.  This is effective because never in history have we had to deal with such an utter chaotic mess rolled into one gigantic liar of a  person.  Because of this, our response is generally tied up in courts and legal proceedings......when there is nothing in the law books that tells us what to do when an insane imposter gets elected to the presidency.  Putin has a trained chimpanzee in Trump, and doesn't he know it.

Apparently, divide and conquer is Putin's game for destroying the United States, and he has, thus far, been succeeding.  Trump, being a malignant narcissist, can only see personal enrichment ---- and never you mind the cost, goddamnit, he's Trump, the Chosen One, God Almighty King of the Jews.  (This is malignant narcissism, if you didn't know.)

At any rate........

my country is on its last legs with this President and a large part of the world is being run by criminals.  Its so discouraging I don't even feel like writing about it, but then, I don't feel like rolling over and dying either.  What to do?

Screw Impeachment.  This president should be tried and hung for treason.  If that happens, I'll feel better.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019


That Donald Trump is complete unhinged is not really news to any of us whom understood that well before the 2016 election.

That anyone still supports this pile of hair-sprayed, ignorant crap means they, too, are unhinged.

If you support Donald Trump's inability to act in any manner except the self-aggrandizement and personal enrichment he constantly engages in, you are even more stupid than he is.  You are even more narcissistic than he is, because you cannot, for the f*cking LIFE OF YOU, admit you are wrong about this megalomaniac.

Donald Trump is unhinged.

He is snorting way too much Adderall, and the only way this country can possibly be saved is if he just shorts out his brains with one crushed tablet over the line. 

Trump is delusional.  He called himself a stable genius.  Nothing can be further from the truth.  He is a very sick man, with a verifiable mental illness.  He flaunts his insanity in front of the world on a daily basis.  The whole world knows Donald Trump is insane.  Except his base.  Which can mean only one thing. 

You, alas, are also insane.

Putin is getting his way because of certain blackmail material he holds over Trump.
Prince MBS (my bone saw?) murders a U.S. citizen and Trump does nothing.
The glaciers are melting.
The Amazon jungle is burning.
The air isn't fit to breathe.
The water isn't fit to drink.
Corporations pay no taxes.
America is falling into a hole from which it cannot ever pull itself out of.

And you agree with all of this.  You are quite possibly a worse example of a piece of crap calling themselves a human being than Donald Trump is.

And because of your stupidity, the entire world has to pay a substantial price for hundreds of years. 

We won't forget, and we won't forgive you for this stinking pile of human excrement you have built.