Thursday, August 27, 2020

Let's All Take a Knee ---- and Tip Our Hats to Colin Kaepernick

When Colin Kaepernick first took a knee at a San Francisco Giants game, I was astounded by the absolute beauty and bravery of that  simple act.  When other players started taking a knee at games, I was convinced that this non-violent act of social awareness was going to actually lead to positive changes.  Then the owners started grumbling and threatening (which didn't stop the true believers in trying to affect the change that needed to happen).  Billionaires don't like politics mixing with their profits, unless, of course, it's to their advantage.  Then came the fan base......die hard Packer fans, to name one group.  These folks would sit through a game at twenty-two degrees below zero, but couldn't tolerate the discomfort of the fact Colin Kaepernick was calling attention to the institutional racism that exists throughout this nation.  Colin Kaepernick was let go by the San Francisco 49'ers.  

But here we are, Black Lives Matter, and all that social injustice awareness that comes with it, and we can all thank Colin Kaepernick.  His kneel seen 'round the world was the same year that some big brute linebacker decided to stomp Aaron Rodgers collar bone and take him out for the season.  Smilingly, I said, shame about Aaron, but now the Packers can hire Colin Kaepernick and possibly salvage the season.  (They didn't).  Gees, what a hopeless moron I am for not recognizing the cold-hearted nature of the NFL.  Colin Kaepernick, and all of his talented potential, was tossed aside by the power elite.  The Packers had a bad year.  So did Colin, I imagine.

Fast forward to today.  We all owe Colin Kaepernick a huge apology and the absolute recognition that automatically is bestowed upon men of honor......because he is an honorable man.  In the remarkable order of the universe, Colin Kaepernick might have been an exemplary, incredible quarterback.  But what he did will shine brightly and forever in the universe and is much much more worthy than a Super Bowl ring.

Kudos to you, Colin Kaepernick.  Your life matters more than you'll ever know.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Lie To Me

 The RNC, with its message of divisiveness, fear and anger, is sad to watch.

From Don, Jr.'s and girlfriend Kimberly's obviously coked up, vehement performances, to the racist, gun pointing couple from Ohio, laughably commenting on Biden's nepotism while slated to speak in between Trump family members, this convention portrays the circus atmosphere that has always been a Trump Trademark.  All it needed was some clown shoes.  The noses were already there.

And let us not forget Melania's memorable speech, memorable only in that she got paid a BIGLY amount of money to stand there and tout her husband's (imaginary) accomplishments.  I suppose if you've prostituted yourself your entire life, it's hard to quit, if the price is right.

Let's talk about the audience in the damaged and devastated rose garden; social distancing not observed, masks not worn.  Nice message to America as the death toll from COVID19 approaches 200,000.  Perhaps the most blatant observation one could take away from the RNC is that these people don't give one damn f*ck about you.  

But America will speak, and the message will be loud and clear.  We don't give one damn f*ck about Donald J. Trump and his money-grubbing spawn, either.  Oh wait, check that.  We do care about them all serving the prison terms they so richly deserve.  

Right now, it would be very foolhardy for Donald J. Trump and his minions to break any more laws.  The Southern District of New York, and Congress is scrutinizing them closely.  But because the Donald J. Trump Crime Family is incapable of NOT breaking any laws......stay tuned.  The Circus of the Crooks continues.

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Why I Will Always Keep Trumpists Out of My Life

 If, after all the madness of the past four years, someone is still supporting Donald J. Trump, that person will be kept on the peripheral of my life.  

I don't want people in my life who agree with separating babies and toddlers from their families and locking them in cages.  Don't give me your fecal diatribe about not coming here legally.  None of us are here legally.  The blood on our hands for what we did (and still do) to Native Americans is thick with hatred and injustice.  So keep your rationalization out of my life.

I don't want people in my life who willingly support a known sexual predator.  Donald J. Trump has been ordered by the courts to give a DNA sample in a criminal case of rape brought by a victim who was thirteen years old when Trump allegedly raped her, at Jeffrey Epstein's apartment.  This is not a conspiracy theory.  This is a fact, easily proven by researching the court case.  

I would rather not know anyone who supports a liar and a grifter.  That, to me, means that you believe lying and stealing are acceptable behaviors and you probably engage in them, yourself.  Thank you, but no thank you to your presence.  I've already lost far too much to you.

I will not accept racists nor fascists in my life.  The appalling way Donald Trump and his associates, (many being convicted felons) have trampled democracy and shat over the United States Constitution is the last straw in my tolerance of you.  

In short, people who support Donald Trump are not welcome in my life.  I try, and have always tried, to stand on the side of fairness and justice ---- for EVERYONE, not for the select few.  I may be civil to your face, but understand that beneath my civility lies a contempt for you you'll never be able to fathom, because you are a soulless Trump supporter.  And that is your karma.

Saturday, August 15, 2020

The Appalling Stupidity of Fox News Republicans

 I have to take issue with the fact that a relative of mine recently posted on my granddaughter's Facebook page that wearing a mask is useless and protects us from nothing during COVID19.

CDC guidelines aside - let me just address this horrendous misinformation she is spreading right here.

Wearing a mask is the only thing we have right now to slow the spread of the virus.  Wearing a mask protects you and your community from the disease, and greatly reduces the likelihood of contagion from one person to another.

Wearing a mask is a statement that says, I care about my fellow citizens and my own family.

Said relative owns a funeral home and is generally disgustingly greedy, so there is a method behind her madness.  What's good for her business is all that matters to her.  More dead people might mean a bigger boat next year.  

These republican fools who buy into conspiracy theories and watch Fox Fantasy Network News should be rounded up and hidden from view.  They are an embarrassment to every living person who tries to educate themselves and care about their community.  They are also traitors to democracy and should be treated as such.

If she shows up again on any of my relatives Facebook pages spouting her wretched ignorance about masks, I'm going to have to actually talk to her for the first time in over fifteen years and let her know just where she can put her asinine comments.

I don't want to do that.  I've kept her at bay this long, and I really don't want to be in close proximity to  her particular brand of venomous greed and ignorance.

But I'll go there.  


Friday, August 7, 2020

The Absolute Idiocy of Fox News

 I watched a few excerpts from Fox News programming today.

Jesus Mary and Joseph.  People who watch this drivel must be sitting in front of their television sets masturbating.  They are totally blind to the audacious lies this network spreads.  It is true.  You will go blind if you do it too much.  That is, watching Fox news, not masturbating.

I heard, in a lousy 3 minute experience, Fox newscasters say children are immune to COVID19 and sending them to school is absolutely safe.  In my opinion, (which I share with a majority of health professionals)  there is no evidence that supports the claim that your child won't get sick and die if sent to school.  So if you want to play dice with your children's health and well-being, then do it.  But understand that most of us consider your judgment to be non-existent.  


Next lie --- hydroxychloroquine is a cure.  This has been proven wrong numerous times, but apparently, if the president and his disgusting brood of simpering grifters hold shares in the drug company that manufactures hydroxychloroquine, then it is going to be touted as a cure.  Never mind that many patients have died after taking this drug and every legitimate doctor treating patients during this pandemic has warned against it's use.  

The truth is, Donald Trump is over as a president.  His next gig will be as a defendant in multiple criminal and civil cases being brought against him.  God willing, he'll f*ck that gig up so badly he will spend the rest of his disgusting life in a cell block.  Because that what Donald J. Trump does.  He f*cks everything up beyond reasonable recognition and then blames someone else.  Meanwhile, his kids are shoveling taxpayer money out the back door.

The country is broke.  The population is dying really quite preventable deaths.  And there the idiots sit, in front of Fox News, masturbating their minds into some bizarre mental ejaculation because they just cannot admit what a mistake they made.  There they sit, because they just want to believe in their orange messiah with the bad hair plugs.  And Fox News give them the legitimacy to do so.

The rest of the world does not.  We hold you responsible and we will make you pay.

Monday, August 3, 2020


Today, after my bike ride through Audubon Park, a load of laundry, a front porch sweeping and a bathroom cleaning, I sat down to eat my lunch and, as I usually do, turned on CNN to catch the latest headlines.

I am trying to lose weight, so already I'm ahead of the game, because there, in all his unappetizing, nauseating lack of glory stands Donald J. Trump spewing word salad from his anus shaped, puckered mouth. 

We already know hydrochloroquine is ineffective against COVID19, but he's spouting it's "wonderful treatment" usage.  We already know the pandemic is out of control in the country, but there he is dissing his own pandemic team leader, Dr. Birks, and saying she is wrong and he is right.  America is healthy and well!  The virus is firmly in control in his mind.....and his mind alone.  The cheese stands alone, the cheese stands alone, hi-ho the dairy-o, the BIG STUPID STINKING cheese stands alone.

The great orange pumpkin of Ozlandia speaking in nonsensical, incomplete sentences and talking about what "we have coming is going to be so great".  (He has never delivered on anything he's promised that was "coming", so we already KNOW (A) Nothing is going to happen or (B) Whatever does happen will be yet another Trumpian-sized disaster.

This knucklehead still has believers......still has followers......still will get a percentage of votes in the next election.

And that astounds me.

Donald Trump is a joke.  So is his family.  From dumb Eric, to plastic Ivanka, they provide a source of comedy that is endless and rampant.  Don, Jr., might want to legally change his name after this fiasco of an administration gets flushed down the annals of history.

So, I propose, when Joe Biden walks away easily with the next election in his pocket, we send out engraved invitations to the Knucklehead Bawl.......where rubbery chicken and humble pie will no doubt be served at the only property still solvent in the Trump portfolio .... Mar-A-Laughable.  (It will only be solvent because of Russian contributions.)  It will be the event to end all events - all the class of a WWE  wrestling bout, and a send-off for those knuckleheads still believing in their Clueless Messiah....who was pinned under the weight of his own ego.

The road to hell is paved with lousy politicians, thieves, rapists, murderers and con-men.  And hell is awaiting these fools --- making special arrangements so that every single thing is just so.......hellaciously DIVINE for each and every one of them.

I swallowed my sandwich, with dignity,  remembering, ever so fondly, that the attorneys of the Southern District Of New York are working hard today.  Harder than this piece of human excrement sitting in the Oval Office ever worked.