Friday, August 7, 2020

The Absolute Idiocy of Fox News

 I watched a few excerpts from Fox News programming today.

Jesus Mary and Joseph.  People who watch this drivel must be sitting in front of their television sets masturbating.  They are totally blind to the audacious lies this network spreads.  It is true.  You will go blind if you do it too much.  That is, watching Fox news, not masturbating.

I heard, in a lousy 3 minute experience, Fox newscasters say children are immune to COVID19 and sending them to school is absolutely safe.  In my opinion, (which I share with a majority of health professionals)  there is no evidence that supports the claim that your child won't get sick and die if sent to school.  So if you want to play dice with your children's health and well-being, then do it.  But understand that most of us consider your judgment to be non-existent.  


Next lie --- hydroxychloroquine is a cure.  This has been proven wrong numerous times, but apparently, if the president and his disgusting brood of simpering grifters hold shares in the drug company that manufactures hydroxychloroquine, then it is going to be touted as a cure.  Never mind that many patients have died after taking this drug and every legitimate doctor treating patients during this pandemic has warned against it's use.  

The truth is, Donald Trump is over as a president.  His next gig will be as a defendant in multiple criminal and civil cases being brought against him.  God willing, he'll f*ck that gig up so badly he will spend the rest of his disgusting life in a cell block.  Because that what Donald J. Trump does.  He f*cks everything up beyond reasonable recognition and then blames someone else.  Meanwhile, his kids are shoveling taxpayer money out the back door.

The country is broke.  The population is dying really quite preventable deaths.  And there the idiots sit, in front of Fox News, masturbating their minds into some bizarre mental ejaculation because they just cannot admit what a mistake they made.  There they sit, because they just want to believe in their orange messiah with the bad hair plugs.  And Fox News give them the legitimacy to do so.

The rest of the world does not.  We hold you responsible and we will make you pay.

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