Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The Angry Man Strategy of the GOP

The strategic game plan for the GOP seems to be emphasizing shock, outrage and anger whenever Donald Trump is linked to criminal activity.

What fools.  If they are so outraged and if the testimony of Robert Mueller invoked such passionate displays of shocking anger, why are they not equally appalled by the state of this union?  Why are they not raving mad over the fact that the president lies, commits crimes, associates openly with known dictators and is generally considered a very accomplished con artist whom is robbing our country blind?

This is the GOP's end game.  They have nothing to offer except their fake and transparent outrage that decent Americans want to know the truth about their president.  Not that most decent Americans haven't already figured it out.  We have.  They legitimately are angry because most of us have figured out their game plan, and we are going to beat them at it.  Unfortunately, we have to do it legally, through congress and the Justice Department.  Those wheels move at a glacial pace, but they do move toward a poetic justice that will expose all of these criminals and land them in the prisons they so richly deserve.

So I don't buy into their outrage, their anger, or their passionate defense of the sitting president (and it appears that's all this president is capable of - sitting and growing into an even larger bully). 

They are all going to lose their jobs and the flow of money that has been funneled into their pockets by the criminal activity this president engages in.  That would spark legitimate outrage by the GOP thieves and liars.  They will go to extreme lengths to hide their own criminal behavior, and they do so pretending this president has any honor and is a victim himself.  To them I say ---- polish up your resumes - the American people will speak with their vote and they will not be able to represent decent and hardworking citizens any longer.  (As if they ever did).

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Calling All Trump Supporters

For all of you Trump fans who think this president is anything more than a useless pile of shite......

Please pay careful attention to the Jeffrey Epstein predatory pedophile rape case.

Monday, July 8, 2019

Child Predators

There is no more vile a human being than one who would recruit a child for sexual activity.

That being said,

Thank you, Universe, that Jeffrey Epstein is behind bars awaiting trial for sex trafficking.

Thank you, Universe, that the search warrant executed at Jeffrey Epstein's New York City mansion will probably reveal other well-known rich men who enjoy raping children.

Thank you, Universe, for exposing these disgusting animals masquerading as brilliant business men for the rapists and child molesters they are. 

Thank you, Universe, for exposing Acosta and the sweetheart deal he gave Epstein in Florida for raping children.  We learn yet another appalling truth about Donald Trump and the people he surrounds himself with.  Acosta will claim innocence, but he let this serial child rapist out of a cell every single day.  Gave him work-release privileges.  Acosta will go down right along with Epstein.

Thank you, Universe, for going after these despicable men and their despicable acts.  Everyone of them should have their fucking testicles cut off.  No anesthesia, please.