Monday, June 29, 2020

F*ckerberg Kicks Me Off Facebook again - for stating the obvious

Have you actually looked at the people at a Trump Rally ---- or read the message on their clothing.

Let me give you an example:

Some beauty queen wore a shirt that said "Donald Trump can grab my pussy anytime".  And when I say beauty queen, I'm saying she could have won for Poppy Princess.  (That's a South Milwaukee insider joke.  Ask me about it.)

Regardless --- the people who attend Trump rallies are, for the most part, die-hard, swallowed the Kool-Aid, no political intelligence, pawns of a much larger and more well-organized scheme to turn this country into a Russian-like Oligarchy.  But we don't see the rich people behind the scenes.  We only see the, oh, what shall we call them?  Dumb F*cking Crackers?  Dentist-phobes?  Fat a$$ freaks?

So I said core Trump supporters are White Trash Assholes on Facebook, and I stand by that.  And the rich backers of this movement to destroy American Democracy are White Trash Assholes, too.

So Mr. Zuckerberg, you are a white trash asshole.  You are just like Donald Trump, and probably just as hated by almost as many people.

Kick me off Facebook.  It can't change who you are.  Cracker.