Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Michael Cohen Instructing Republican Representatives Made My Day

Such a simple thing, but my biggest take away from the Cohen hearing today was Michael Cohen admonishing the Republican Representatives that he, too, once stood loyally behind a lying, cheating, con man, before he was  president, and now he is going to jail.

I hope these idiots take note.  I also hope many, many of them are linked back to Russian rubles.  I particularly wish most of them go to jail.  Let me name the worst of the worst:

Paul Ryan (R) Wisconsin
Mitch McConnell (R) Kentucky
Lindsay Graham (R) South Carolina
John Kennedy (R) Louisiana
Ted Cruz (R) Texas

I'm sure there are others, but these five traitorous sonsofbitches need to have their ugly, greedy white asses thrown into prison, right along with Donald J. Trump and his disgusting family members.

That John Kennedy goes on television to disparage Michael Cohen for being a liar, when the president he is supporting has been continually lying to all Americans since day one of taking office makes me want to throw this swamp sucking piece of $hit so far into the Atchafalaya, the alligators won't be able to find him.  The alligators wouldn't eat him anyway, because another big takeaway for me is the foul stench of desperation that is emanating from these Not So Wise Guys.  But then, alligators do have a taste for rotting, decaying corpses, which is what these pukes basically are.

It takes courage to stand up to a Congressional Committee, and Michael Cohen exhibited that courage.

It takes more courage to admit your president is a fucking lunatic and you need to rid the vermin from the White House.  That is more courage than any Republican possesses.  These eunuchs don't have any balls.  But boy, do they stink up a locker room.

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Mueller's Got A Squeezebox, Trump is Never Going To Sleep

It's true. 

Robert Mueller might be the sanest, savviest, smartest person on the face of the planet to trap and ensnare a horrific, society-killing predator like Donald J. Trump. 

This was no mean feat.  Trump had enough money to pay lawyers to give him the air of legitimacy.  But Trump is an illegitimate con man who now finds himself in a room with the wall's closing in.  The air around him has a tainted, foul order.  What a great little torture chamber Robert Mueller has made for him - and his family.

I find it interesting how all of the news is unfolding.

Epstein in Florida given a sweetheart deal after raping underage girls at alcohol and drug fueled Manhattan sex parties.  (Guess who was a guest)!  Sweetheart deal is going away.  Acosta, the prosecutor in this case and a Trump "friend", is in deep judicial trouble over the plea arrangement and the country club prison sentence given to Epstein.  And though it is rumored that Trump threatened and intimidated an underage girl and her family into submission - there are other victims out there and they're knocking at the door.

Walls move in a foot in a 9x9' room. 

All of the investigations happening now, at the state level, are surely what will do Trump in - so kudos for absolute strategic genius on Mueller's part.  His report may well get buried by the clown Attorney General, but all of this information will come out, and come out very shortly.

Mueller, and most of Thinking America, knows that Donald J. Trump is a traitor and poses a huge security threat to this Country. 

I can't wait to uncork that premier bottle of Napa Valley Red and drink a toast to the man who saved America, Robert Mueller.

And as my religion always and only has been Poetic Justice --- I wait, not with joy or exaltation for Trump's demise, but with a deep sense of Justice Being Served.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

But Look What He's Done!!!!

This is the most laughable argument Trump supporters come up with when discussing the current clown in the White House.

Let's look what he's done:

1.  Destroyed trade with ridiculous tariffs and allowed the nation's farmers to fail while promising them some welfare aid because of their farm failures.  These are the same yokels who voted for Trump for being anti-welfare.  F*ck You.

2.  Tax Cuts for the Richest 1%.  These tax cuts ultimately meant people would take home $40 more in their paycheck, but now owe $10,000 on their IRS 1040 filing.  (They used to get a refund.)  Many of these astronomically inept arithmetic wiz's voted for him.  F*ck You. 

3.  Regulatory Cuts.  This means the forests, water and arable land is now subject to poisoning in the interests of big business.  This means the air you breathe can be tainted for bottom line profit.  This means a large percentage of people voted to destroy the planet for their children's future in exchange for a quick buck now.  F*ck You.

4.  Emoluments Clause.  He continues to defy American law by running (and profiting from) his businesses although this is specifically forbidden if you are the president of the United States.  The take away here is that his kids will probably go to prison for it, because they are as inept as their father.  The stinking core doesn't rot far from the tree.  The point being - Head Clown Trump continually jerks off in your face and you say "Look What he's Done"!  F*ck You.

5.  Judicial Appointments.  Two Words.  Brett Kavanaugh.  F*ck You.

6.  The Economy.  Doing about the same as it did under Barack Obama, which means the presidency has little to do with it.   But it's doing better for some sectors ---- the ones that rob and pillage natural resources and don't pay taxes.  F*ck You.

So when you tell me "Look What He's Done for America", here's my resounding, screeching answer.  F*CK YOU!

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Excuse Me. I'm Physically Unable to be Politically Correct

I have made some very good friends here in Southern Louisiana; good friends with deep Southern roots.

I have lost a few friends, too.

The thing is - I just can't keep my mouth shut when it comes to this state and its elected officials.  It's like I'm an alien circling the Atchafalaya Swamp in my bubble saucer completely able to see clearly how wrong everything is here, and the wrong thinking that got it this way.  But when I speak - I'm met with icy cold resistance and banished to a goddamn Yankee outsider indifference

To many folks, I am more than a little annoying.  Like showing up at a Halloween Party with my husband, dressed like Melania and Donald ---- well let's just say some did not appreciate it.  We used to play Trivia, where my Donald Trump jokes were met with frank we quit going.  The people were very nice; they were just Trump supporters and I will never be able to understand that, anymore than I can understand why every election day here, the people in this state (oh, excuse me, let me clarify, the white people in this state who don't have to put up with voter suppression) take out their adored guns and shoot themselves in the foot by voting Republican.

So, my dear friend told me that she avoids political and religious conversations in order to keep peace with people who might have opposing views, who are her friends.  I love her for being so diplomatic, so sweet and so considerate.

But it ain't me babe.  I just do not have the chemical make-up to pull that off.

If I believe your way of thinking and speaking is full of crap, I have to say so.  This is a relatively dangerous approach in a state where 46% of the people carry a loaded gun with them all of the time and the biggest swamp in the nation probably hides many more human remains than anyone would care to imagine.   But I stand my ground because I have to.  I will try to remain calm when someone starts talking what I deem to be absolute trash, but I will have my comeback.

I do not have it in me to be politically correct, but I do try to limit my sarcasm (very hard) and express myself without demeaning my debater (extraordinarily difficult) and get my point across without nailing someone to the floor (so unsatisfying).  I'm learning the art of communication, which I'm told, the better part of is listening.  I will listen without rolling my eyes (painful), but I will also speak.  Sometimes I will swear.  Most times I will at least get one carpet tack in your foot.  But I will not be able to be on the fence about anything I feel very strongly about.  I wish I could do that and just not engage in fruitless arguments.  But I can't.

So I'll try to be polite but I won't be able to be nice if your views offend me or oppress anyone else.  I wish I could be like my friend.  My life wouldn't be so frustrating.