Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Michael Cohen Instructing Republican Representatives Made My Day

Such a simple thing, but my biggest take away from the Cohen hearing today was Michael Cohen admonishing the Republican Representatives that he, too, once stood loyally behind a lying, cheating, con man, before he was  president, and now he is going to jail.

I hope these idiots take note.  I also hope many, many of them are linked back to Russian rubles.  I particularly wish most of them go to jail.  Let me name the worst of the worst:

Paul Ryan (R) Wisconsin
Mitch McConnell (R) Kentucky
Lindsay Graham (R) South Carolina
John Kennedy (R) Louisiana
Ted Cruz (R) Texas

I'm sure there are others, but these five traitorous sonsofbitches need to have their ugly, greedy white asses thrown into prison, right along with Donald J. Trump and his disgusting family members.

That John Kennedy goes on television to disparage Michael Cohen for being a liar, when the president he is supporting has been continually lying to all Americans since day one of taking office makes me want to throw this swamp sucking piece of $hit so far into the Atchafalaya, the alligators won't be able to find him.  The alligators wouldn't eat him anyway, because another big takeaway for me is the foul stench of desperation that is emanating from these Not So Wise Guys.  But then, alligators do have a taste for rotting, decaying corpses, which is what these pukes basically are.

It takes courage to stand up to a Congressional Committee, and Michael Cohen exhibited that courage.

It takes more courage to admit your president is a fucking lunatic and you need to rid the vermin from the White House.  That is more courage than any Republican possesses.  These eunuchs don't have any balls.  But boy, do they stink up a locker room.

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