Wednesday, August 21, 2019


That Donald Trump is complete unhinged is not really news to any of us whom understood that well before the 2016 election.

That anyone still supports this pile of hair-sprayed, ignorant crap means they, too, are unhinged.

If you support Donald Trump's inability to act in any manner except the self-aggrandizement and personal enrichment he constantly engages in, you are even more stupid than he is.  You are even more narcissistic than he is, because you cannot, for the f*cking LIFE OF YOU, admit you are wrong about this megalomaniac.

Donald Trump is unhinged.

He is snorting way too much Adderall, and the only way this country can possibly be saved is if he just shorts out his brains with one crushed tablet over the line. 

Trump is delusional.  He called himself a stable genius.  Nothing can be further from the truth.  He is a very sick man, with a verifiable mental illness.  He flaunts his insanity in front of the world on a daily basis.  The whole world knows Donald Trump is insane.  Except his base.  Which can mean only one thing. 

You, alas, are also insane.

Putin is getting his way because of certain blackmail material he holds over Trump.
Prince MBS (my bone saw?) murders a U.S. citizen and Trump does nothing.
The glaciers are melting.
The Amazon jungle is burning.
The air isn't fit to breathe.
The water isn't fit to drink.
Corporations pay no taxes.
America is falling into a hole from which it cannot ever pull itself out of.

And you agree with all of this.  You are quite possibly a worse example of a piece of crap calling themselves a human being than Donald Trump is.

And because of your stupidity, the entire world has to pay a substantial price for hundreds of years. 

We won't forget, and we won't forgive you for this stinking pile of human excrement you have built.

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