Monday, June 17, 2019

2020 Election

I tend to believe the Republican Party is pretty much over in the United States.

After Donald Trump, Mitch McConnell, and all the other yokels who have obstructed not only justice but the task of running this country, most moderately educated people (8th grade or more) understand that these clowns are seriously impaired and incapable of running anything.

So it made me laugh to see Donald Trump threatening a stock market crash if he fails to win in 2020.

Most economists believe we are on a crash course to a major recession right now.  The debt train this country is riding on is traveling at  maximum velocity on rickety rails.  My question is, will Donald Trump own the financial disaster that's looming on the horizon?  How will he blame this money nightmare on Obama or Clinton?

Wagging the dog to start a war with Iran (which is nothing more than a deflective tactic King Trump will employ to take the focus off his incompetence) is another concern.  His toadies are going along with this ---- Bolton the Hawk and Pompeo the arse kisser.  Sure, let's have a war.  War is always good for the economy, right?  And it is the solution of choice most Republican presidents have preferred in the past when things are not going so well with their administrations.

Although I fully understand Nancy Pelosi's care in considering impeachment for the utter moron in the White House, I think the time to impeach is now.  Besmirch King Trump's name and legacy.  This is the one way to surely get under his thinly orange skin.  Get his disgusting family out of Washington D.C. and lock the door behind them.  These Trump people are perfect examples of everything that is wrong in America.  Let's hold them up for the world to ridicule.  (As if that's not already happening!)

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