Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Steve Scalise Syndrome Invades GOP

As I watched the GOP hand picked whiner society complain about process and policy ---- never once defending or denying the treasonous misdeeds of the horse's ass known as Donald J. Trump, it occurred to me that they must certainly have a more heinous agenda than even Trump was able to incorporate.

The New Order they seem to be proposing will leave most Americans seriously hurt and the democracy mostly dead.

These are evil men.

We don't know exactly what evil they are building to, but we do understand the magnificent obsession they have with tearing down our democracy.

They are hopelessly cheer leading a douche bag who will be impeached (at least) if not actually removed. 

These cowards are all suffering the same fate Steve Scalise suffered with his love affair of the NRA --- no balls syndrome.  That, in a (empty) nutshell, is the gist of it.

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