Thursday, November 29, 2018

The Three Ring White House

It's fairly obvious Donald Trump is having a little trouble with his underwear, i.e., he's losing anal control over the Mueller investigation.  And still, this stupid, stupid man continues to obstruct justice.  This is ring number one..... Donald Trump backed into a corner and must now jump through rings of fire in order to stay out of prison.  And we all know what a brave hero Donald Trump is.  He won't be jumping anytime soon.  All that orange tanning solution was unnecessary.  His prison clothes will suffice.  Conspiring with Paul Manafort's lawyer before submitting his answers to Mueller is just the tip of the iceberg.  The thing about white collar criminals is that they are so greedy and so self-confident that they are clever enough to never get caught is going to be the very thing that unravels this fascist regimen.  There are so many lies involved in this administration that someone as utterly incompetent as Donald Trump will not be able to keep track of them.

The second part of this circus is Ivanka Trump and her utterly stupid use of a private e-mail server.  The rotten apple does not fall far from the tree.  Ivanka and her husband are wormy apples.  It's just a shame that these Trumps all reproduced at such ugly rates.  What will happen to their children when they are all serving time?  Perhaps we should snatch them up and put them in the same detention camps that we send immigrant children to.  After all, these people have been trying to convince us that this practice is completely fair and humane.

The third ring is Melania Trump, or as she is known in liberal circles, Melanoma Trump - a dangerous cancer that threatens all serious women.  From her Be Best campaign (which went nowhere and is basically as meaningless as it's grammatically stupid name) to her decorating the White House with blood red Christmas Trees, this person is an utter joke.  It's almost like her staff is helping her look ignorant and ridiculous.  Anyone who would stay with a sleaze ball like Donald Trump is obviously a prostitute.  A very well-paid prostitute, but a prostitute, nevertheless.  I don't feel sorry for Melania at all.  She sold herself out a long time ago, and no matter what she does, she just looks like a ridiculously kept woman at every turn.  That she despises Donald Trump is obvious, but she despises him less than she covets her own financial well-being.

I hate pigs.  And the Trump Family is composed of the fattest pigs on Earth.  The Pig Circus has come to town.

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