Friday, March 15, 2019


The President of the United States outright threatening the citizens he is supposed to be leading is yet another example of the twisted, unsettled, horrific mind of Donald J. Trump.

That he warned of military, police and motorcycle gangs being at the ready to deal with his detractors is possibly the most unprofessional, disgusting words to pour forth from his ever ready verbal font of idiocy.  This would be hard to assess, since every single time he opens his pig mouth, some form of emotionally retarded verbal diarrhea creeps out.

Putin's bitch is a moron.  Even Putin must get that much.  He's a pretty smart guy.  But what better pawn to have in the White House than an absolute mental mess like Donald J. Trump.

You can see the president is starting to unravel.  Lots of investigations determined to uncover the truth about this terrible man and his wretched life, including the moronic children he's fathered, will certainly make him sleepless in the District.  And as any cornered wild animal, he's becoming more vicious and more dangerous.

It's time for Donald J. Trump to go.  The strategy is simple.  The Donald J. Trump supporters are simple.  Work it.

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