Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Fly the Pig

I'm sure that the 1/3 of the people in this nation who supported Trump and voted for him think, as he does, that this is a big win situation.

It is not.

Our country is demoralized by the lies, fraud, nepotism, racism, sexism and terrorism Trump has promoted since day 1.

At least 2/3 of the people who support Donald Trump are working poor, who will never understand how much Trump actually hates them. 

At least 1/3 of the Trump supporters are so lacking in anything that even remotely resembles moral integrity, they will step all over the poor supporters and never, ever,  have a twinge of remorse in doing so.  These are the greed factory people.  Easy to spot.  Drive big cars they don't need - live in large houses that are sterile and cold, generally are at least forty pounds overweight and wear clothes that are hideously expensive, but which can't improve their overall piggish demeanor.

But, I digress.

The point is - we've lost here.  America has lost whatever dignity and self preservation it once rightfully owned. 

America is lost because it's run by a pig, elected by pigs and the under-educated, and cannot recover from the brutal truth that it is filled with  disgustingly awful people.

Take down the eagle.  Fly the pig.  That's your America today.

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