Thursday, December 13, 2018

A Tale of Two Jews

The Sunday New York Times carried two stories about Jewish people.

The first was regarding Selma Engel, one of the only survivors of the Sobiber Nazi Death Camp in Eastern Poland.  She was one of the few who gave witness to this place of horror and death, as the Nazi's destroyed it as the allies approached.  It is being painstakingly uncovered today by archaeologists.  Sobiber was strictly a death camp and Engel was only saved because she, and another clothes sorter, managed to escape.  Her story is one of courage and betrayal by the Dutch people of her homeland.  Mrs. Engel relocated to the United States, where she died at 96 years of age.  Queen Beatrix knighted her and the Dutch minister of health care issued a formal apology.  Mrs. Engel was honored to receive the knighthood, but she refused to accept the apology.  No apology should ever be accepted by any survivor of the horrors of the Nazi regime.

This story was on Page 26 of Section 1 of the New York Times.

On Page 1 of the Times, there is a story about Jared Kushner and his endearing (?) friendship with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman or MBS, or My Bone Saw?

Trump's son-in-law in a bromance with MBS under the pretext of forging a Middle East Peace Agreement.  When you're played, you're played.  Kushner is an epic failure as a statesman and as a Jew.

First of all, the Saudis begin indoctrinating hatred for Jews and the West in their children almost as soon as those toddlers can speak.  There is nothing honorable about the Saudi Arabian regime, the royal family or Mohammed bin Salman.  These are murderous criminals who don't eat pork because they are pigs themselves and can't afford to be seen as cannibals, as they're already seen as every other type of base human being.

The Kushner and the Trump families are totally owned by this regime because of money.  All this posturing about being friends and forging peace is a smoke screen to cover how indebted the two big New York real estate families are to the Saudis.

My biggest question would have to be, why would ANYONE IN THEIR RIGHT F*CKING MIND run for president with all these bones (and saws) in the closet?   The answer to my own question is that Donald Trump truly believes he could flummox the entire world, based on his success ripping off contractors on his projects and stealing money from investors.

What a small and inept f*cking mind Donald Trump possesses.  And in the Kushner family tradition, little Jared will be doing some jail time, just like Daddy.

These people have basically screwed the world up one side and down the other.  It's time for America to stand up, take back its country and punish those who aided and abetted this public rape of democracy.  The Mitch McConnells.  The Paul Ryans.  The Leslie Grahams.  The John Kennedys.  These people all need to crawl back into the disgusting holes they crawled out from.  We know who they are.  The question is, what are we, as a nation, going to do about them?

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