Thursday, October 10, 2019

Oh Donny Boy ---- The Jig is Up

Donald Trump needs to understand that his legacy, his presidency, his tomfoolery and his buffoonery  is at an end.

This is the trouble with narcissists.  They never get how over they are for years and years after their demises.  The delusional world they live in never intrudes on reality, and reality never intrudes on their delusion.

I guess I'll be happy to see the FBI drag him out of the White House in handcuffs.  But he'll even spin that and make himself a martyr.  These are the things Donald J. Trump  can be counted on.  His complete mockery of the presidential seal.  His complete disdain and intolerance for the branches of government that would keep him in check.  His cozy relations with dictators and despots.  His utter betrayal and treason of the United States of America.  And his very fat a$$ along with his worse than ugly, piss-colored hair. 

Donald's head has been in the toilet, at full flush, for awhile now.  Put the man at rest in his 5th Avenue apartment for a few months.  Then, just when he's got comfortable with the disgusting pile of Shit he turned America into and got away with, just when he thinks he can get a book deal and make millions,  just when his King Feces touch can find nothing else to ruin,

lock his stupid a$$ in a prison cell.

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