Friday, August 26, 2022

Zuckerberg and All the Other Fascists are Out of Control

 It will come as no surprise to many of my readers that I am, again, banned from Facebook for 29 days.  This is due to a comment I made on another post wherein I stated the punishment for treason is execution.  (Don't take my word for it.  Ask the Rosenbergs.)  I neither said Donald Trump should be executed (but oh what a lovely end to this nightmare that would be), nor did I even intimate that this was an acceptable solution to the problem a fascist like Trump poses.  But a fascist like Zuckerberg is watching his tax haven status crumble around him, so he thinks by banning someone like me, other people won't be "infected" by my "radical left" philosophies.  Zuckerberg thinks he's now Big Brother.  So here's some "Newspeak" for you, Mark.

We won't be deterred by being banned from any platform.  I am now closing my Facebook account because I do not want to support a fascist platform.  I will not be back on Facebook.  Ever.  I've opened up an account on Tribel.  Find me there.  Join me there.   

The millionaires and billionaires are spending their millions and billions to control appointments to the Supreme Court.  They spend this money to insure fascist public office candidates get the best shot at winning an election, simply because they have big money behind. them.  They do this all in the name of the hopeless greed infection they suffer.  There is never enough for these people.  If they don't have us working class heroes to look down on, then they really have no validation for their behavior.  We're supposed to admire their estates, their country houses, their mansions, their penthouses.  Maybe some of us do, but we wouldn't trade our integrity nor our sense of justice for all to be you.

Their everlasting free ride, they can see it fading fast,

so they grab a piece of something that they think is going to last.

(Apologies to Steely Dan)

That is what's happening here.  The United States is not faltering.  The oligarchs are.  And their desperation fills the air with the incredible stink they created to become uber-rich. Karma is not a bitch.  It's a cup of IRS tea.

We're taking our country back.   And here's the ultimate insult.  You bastards are going to have to pay your fair share of taxes for programs and policies you don't believe in.  Don't like it?  

Move.  I hear Russia loves its Oligarchs.

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