Friday, January 8, 2016

Bully Pulpit

I watched Donald Trump try to invade Vermont (a wonderfully deep blue state, probably home to some of the smartest people in America) and could not believe his ridiculous behavior.  We all expect Donald Trump to be a horse's a$$, it is what exposes the GOP's slate of candidates for exactly what it is ---- a useless grab at power by a bunch of clowns.

That being said, I think the thing that really reminded me of The Trumperator's true nature was how he demanded Security remove protestors immediately from the venue.  Trump kept calling for Security to throw the bums out, taking their coats first.  He chastised Security for not moving quickly enough.  The Trumperator truly did not understand that talking to security staff this way does not endear him to anyone.  The Trumperator hurls insults and commands, without ever realizing people stuck in the thankless job of working beneath him (as he certainly views the common man) are not there because they want to be there, that they are not there because they support Donald Trump.  These people in particular are acting in a security guard capacity to supplement their income, which was devastated and stolen by millionaires just like Donald Trump.

Bully pulpits have come and gone.  Hitler.  Stalin.  Pol Pot.  Idi Amin.  Kim Jong Whatever in North Korea.  Frankly, all bully pulpits are successful because they mistakenly believe they have the backing of the people.  People are terrified of bully pulpits.  Those North Korean military guys are terrified of Kim Jong Whatever because of the way he makes them march.  Face it, no war could be won by North Korea because the military would all die of heart attacks or Plantar fasciitis on the way to the front.    Chris Christie (who is a high on the hog, pizza slurping butthole in his own RIGHT) said it best.  Donald Trump has been spoon fed any success he's ever had.  This is so true.  Someone who has filed bankruptcy as many times as The Trumperator can hardly be considered a successful businessman.  The Trumperator has a very exaggerated opinion of himself, and he appeals to a certain mind-set of people, whose opinions of themselves are also highly exaggerated and completely erroneous.

And by the way, if you're a woman supporting Donald Trump - shove an onion in it, honey!  You are a despicable affront to women everywhere.  Don't open your trap except to say "charge it" to another pair of Ivanka Trump overpriced, ugly shoes.

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