Sunday, October 17, 2021

The Land of Eight

 Once upon a time, in The Land of Eight, there stood a castle, tall and great, and 8 flags flew in the air, cuz the Kind of Eight had put them there.

In my somewhat rich fantasy life, I am Princess Number Nine in the Land of Eight.  My Eight King Daddy already has eight lovely daughters.  I was obviously an ooops baby, doomed to a life of proving my worth.

Until I made peace with being Number Nine in the Land of Eight.

Making peace with being somewhat of an afterthought, shadowland person is not easy.  Rejection by parents, sane or cray cray, is always a dismal landscape to navigate.  Then of course, comes the scapegoatism that is inherent with being an "embarrassment" person.  Everything that goes wrong from the day you're born to the day you die will somehow be linked to your very existence.  It's six degrees of separation gone horribly wrong.

So I made peace.  I rejected the rejectors, and sought my own place outside the Land of Eight.  Maybe it's not the 9th plane of utopia, but it is a comfortable place, filled with people unaware of my lowly  status.  I sell them short.  Even if they were aware of my lowly status, they wouldn't care.

I have a lovely life, undeterred by those who never wanted anything more than to relegate me to an obscure closet where dreams go to die.

So In the Land of Eight ---- BE A NINE.

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