Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Apparently, Recall Walker signs are showing up in Wauwatosa neighborhoods, home to our unillustrious Governor.  This is rather amusing.  No home-town support for Oil Can Scotty, obviously.

There is some controversy about whether the signs can be legally displayed, since Scott Walker's recall election won't become a reality until January, 2012.  Apparently, political signs can't be displayed until there is an actual election on the ballot.  However, the City of Wauwatosa will have a fight on their hands if they try to remove the signs on that basis.  This is, after all, America, and Americans have never been shy about expressing their opinions, or dissuaded from doing so.  This may seem like a non-issue to many people, but I find it very interesting that Tosan's have taken a stand against their homie. 

I've seen many bumper stickers with Recall Walker on them, and have to go get myself one.  I think the Sheriff's Department probably has better things to do than stop cars on the freeway displaying this sign, pre-ballot.  In short shrift, every other car will probably be sporting one. 

I believe the recall of Scott Walker is inevitable.  I hope the recall of Alberta Darling is a slam dunk for challenger Sandy Paasch. 

I am watching, intently, Wisconsin's move toward a more sane governing body, and hoping that the average joe citizen of this state (i.e., me) actually can win an ideological argument against the ruling class. 

In short, let's take back our power.  Our power is our vote.  Our vote cannot be discounted.  On Wisconsin!

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