Friday, May 18, 2012

Scott Walker and the Wondrous Lie Machine

 I keep seeing the insipid little creep otherwise known as Scott Walker tell one lie after another.  This guy is the master of spin, which could explain his jumbled brain.

Scott Walker has put us at the very bottom of the nationwide list in jobs lost.  Yet, there he is, touting his great jobs record in an ad that runs constantly, to the point it nauseates me.

What really nauseates me is the dumb f*cks who live in this state who actually are taken in by the lies this little Hitler continuously spoon feeds them.  I'm at the point where I'm ready to leave Wisconsin to the stupid cows who live here, chewing the cud of their misguided ideology.
Here's an ad Tom Barrett should do.  Hire an illustrator who can draw a cartoon Walker climbing up on top of Devil's Mountain, pulling out his shriveled dick and pi$$ing all over the the state.  This is an apt description of a Scott Walker accomplishment. 


Anonymous said...

I really enjoy reading your blog! It really disgusts me that Oil Can Scotty's ads have overtaken YouTube. I can not watch a single video on YouTube in peace without having Oil Can Scotty telling me how great he is. What disgusts me more is that he won't let me skip his ads. My god, does he own YouTube too? Ooooh, I can't stand that egomaniac's smug mug!

Citizen X said...

Well, you're not alone! None of the people with an ounce of sanity can stand Scott Walker and his smug propaganda methods. But as the Nazi's proved back in the 30's and 40's, tell a lie often enough, it becomes someone's truth. Fortunately, my lie radar is excellent and I don't fall victim to such distortions of reality! Hope plenty of people like me get out and vote!

Anonymous said...

Can I use some of the content from your site on mine? I will make sure to link back to it :)

Citizen X said...

Hmmmm. I guess I'd need to know what your site is all about. I'd hate to be associated with anything GOP.

Citizen X said...

Hmmmm. I guess I'd need to know what your site is all about. I'd hate to be associated with anything GOP.

Anonymous said...

It is what I want,Great information.
