Monday, March 7, 2011

The Befuddled Governor Walker

I guess all I can do is report current insanities Governor Walker promotes.  Let's look at two of the latest moronic "fixes" for Wisconsin's budget.

Number 1.  Reduce a tax credit program for many of the working poor by $41.3 million over two years.

Of course, this violates his pledge not to raise taxes.  Coming alongside a budget that would roll back taxes on corporations and give new tax breaks on capital gains, this is just another example of the class war Emperor Walker is engaging in.  Bullies like Walker always go after the most vulnerable members of society, the poor, the mentally ill, anyone downtrodden. 

Simply put, Walker's budget is about priorities, and the governor has prioritized tax relief for multi state corporations and the wealthy, while cutting programs that help a broad range of Wisconsinites, particularly, the working poor.

Obviously, there is no point in looking elsewhere for tax relief when the working poor can be offered up as fiscal sacrificial lambs. 

Do mirrors crack and shatter when Walker looks in them?  The ugliness of this man's actions are characterized in his face, particularly, in his lying mouth and vacant eyes.  He seems to be a blood sucking vampire, only satiated by the taste of poor in his mouth. 

Certainly the most wealthy families of Wisconsin hate the poor, but I don't think it has anything to do with tax breaks.  These people actually believe that the poor are poor because they are lazy, stupid, irresponsible and dependent on government handouts.  However, close examination reveals that the rich are the lazy, stupid, irresponsible ones and are deeply entrenched in receiving government handouts.  It's like I've always said, when you hate something rabidly enough, you become it.  Does this mean ultimately the wealthy will become poor?  They are poor already.  Poor in spirit.  Poor in intelligence.  Poor in compassion.  Empty souls with large bank accounts.

Number 2.  A tax credit to people buying prefab homes.  Wausau Homes in Rothschild, Wisconsin is the latest recipient of a Walker handout.  This tax credit exempts certain prefabricated homes made in Wisconsin from the sales tax if they are to be shipped to and located in another state.  Why this tax credit?  The co-owners and the co-founder's wife of Wausau Homes donated a total of $25,000 to Walker's campaign fund.

Let me caution anyone seriously considering the purchase of a Wausau Home.  I have friends who own one, not far from the manufacturing facility.  They have spent upwards of $60,000 this year having roof trusses and most of the structural components of the house replaced.  Prefabricated homes cannot stand the test of time, especially in northern climates.  Prefabricated homes are, in short, structurally defective.  Whatever tax break you might get for buying one and shipping it to Kentucky, will cost you ten times as much in repairs down the road.  Planned shoddiness.  It's how the rich get richer.

Boycott Wausau Homes and the greedy pig owners.  Let's get after these rich corporations and their owners and hit them hard.

Walker hands out tax breaks to all of his major contributors.  No big news there. But that these handouts are so transparent is disheartening, and that we experience outrage over it, but nothing changes, is the real story here.  We have to organize, we have to polarize and we have to neutralize these aberrations perpetuated against us.

That the governor can get up in the morning and look himself in the mirror is beyond belief to any thoughtful person.  And he lives in a mansion that we pay for, while we struggle to pay taxes on our little city homes.  I'm sick of the large pig on my back.

This nation seems to have slipped so far into chaos and discord that it seems to be hopeless for the common man to have any kind of dream, American or otherwise.  We need some hope.  We need some intelligence.  We need some light at the end of this tunnel of blackness the tea baggers have put us in.  We need Wisconsin back.  Let's figure out a way to take it.

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